
Chapter 23: Hmmm

"Ah, here we go again." Alex sighed when he noticed a Sephira approaching the place where Ashiya was.

Its a new sephira he didn't recognized, probably because its new to Japan. He had a talk with a landlady awhile back, and she said that she assigned Shagotte to another country.

It seems like a country can only a have a no more than three Sephiras at the same time. In Japan, there's the Da'ath which is the landlady, then there's the Binah, which is the father of Amane—the landlady's niece, and the Tiferet, which is Shagotte, who was now replaced by Malkuth, which is the one that Alex has detected.

Sephiras are the one who keeps the whole world in order, and the Gods keeps the order of a country.

Malkuth is the tenth sephira, which represents Kingship or Kingdom, its precious stone is crystal, it corresponds to the physical plane, the source of life for humans on earth below the sephirotic realm.

Its heavenly body is the land of life, which is this world, Earth. Its current incarnation is a boy with green hair, green eyes, and looks to be around ten years old.

Alex has some experience with a Sephira, and knew how they would most likely react. Except the landlady, that old woman already transcended the level of a normal Sephira and wasn't affected by her aspects.

As for this boy, Alex knew that he was similar to Gaia, someone who doesn't give a fuck to mortal lives and only cares about the planet, which is Earth.

If Ashiya somehow killed the dragon god then who knew what might happen.

He sighed, before looking at his daughter who was sitting at the shoulders of Godzilla while destroying a miniature city while laughing.

He was so proud that he almost bursts into tears.

Yeah, since no one really used the training room he built he just made it a playground for Alice. Of course, this miniature city isn't really real, just an image made through the use of Regeneration magic and Space Magic.

"I guess I'll go out for now...." He turned towards Alice, "Princess, papa is going out to deal with some problems, behave while I'm gone okay?"

"Un?" Alice stopped Godzilla's rampage as she turned towards her papa, "Papa where you going?"

"Just outside princess, I'll be back in a bit...."

Alice looked at him for a moment before nodding, "Un! Then...then please bring mama back!"

He smiled and caresses her head, "Alright, just wait for me."

He then took out Pikachu from storage space, "Here, go play with this little one, and before you know it I'm already back."

Alice looked at Pikachu and a bright smile appeared on her face, "Pikapi!"

She got off from Godzilla and leaped towards Pikachu.

Alex smiled at that before he looked at the distance with a narrowed eyes. A beat later, he appeared in the sky, with a young boy floating hundreds of meters away from him.

Alex could feel that this boy isn't as strong as that cat lady, but still stronger than anyone he knew, this boy's power completely surpass the original Satan by a whole lot.

Alex snapped his fingers and brought them to a sub-space. Bounded field won't withstand their power if the two really decided to fight.

"Can I ask you stay here for awhile?" Alex questioned. Truthfully, he doesn't want to fight, he's got more important things to take care of than fighting a Sephira.

"...so you are the guy that Da'ath nee-sama mentioned..." The boy said, before shaking his head, "I don't really care about your subordinate, I just wanted to make sure he doesn't go and kill the lizard."

Alex smiled, "Don't worry, he won't."

The boy narrowed his eyes, "and if he did? What are you gonna do huh?"

"I believe that its a King's responsibility to bear the consequences of his decision, and the actions of his underlings." Alex smiled, "I chose to believe in my general, and if it turned out that I'm wrong, then I am strong enough to handle the consequences that comes with my decision."

The boy's eyes narrowed even further, but said nothing. He just stared at a distance, even in this sub-space, he can still see what is happening everywhere on Earth, its his domain after all.


"Haha! Strong power!" Genshiro laughed, he then released his spirit power as black scales similar to a dragon covered his body.

"Oboro! Stand back! You'll just get in the way!"

Ashiya just looked at them before appearing in front of Genshiro and sent a punch on his guts.

"Guh?!" Genshiro's eyes widened, but he shook his head and grinned, "Haha! My dragon scales are the toughest defense even among the other gods. None cam break it unless you're from the Hexagram!"

Ashiya just remained stoic and grabbed his head before smashing him to the ground and sent a powerful stomp that buried his head.

A green energy gathered on his palm before releasing it.


He did not stop, and continue firing.




Thunderous noises echoed throughout the bounded field. Sagiri and the others could just stare at the continuous blast Ashiya was releasing.

Smoke covered the area where Ashiya and Genshiro are, and the explosions suddenly stop.

"Genshiro-sama!" Oboro screamed in worry, however before she could go to help, something suddenly flew out of the smoke.

It was Ashiya, who was staring at the cloud of smoke, still with a stoic expression. In his demon form, his expression is as hard as his defense, so even though he can feel emotions, he couldn't express them.

Genshiro appeared in front of him and sent a jab, but Ashiya just used Telekinesis and sent him back down to the ground.

Genshiro released a painful grunt before he slowly stood up and stared at Ashiya with a grin, "Damn, you're crazy strong, you're pretty loyal to your lord too. I guess that guy really hit the jackpot for having subordinate like you huh?"

Ashiya narrowed his eyes, "I have no time to play with you anymore. I have made my king wait due to my actions. I'm ending this now."

Genshiro grinned, "Bring it."

Ashiya said nothing and just pointed his palm at him, a beat later, countless green orbs floated behind him.

He took a glance at Sagiri and the others and used Telekinesis to bring them away, outside the area that his attack is going to affect.

Genshiro nodded at Oboro, "You go too Oboro, I can take this."

Oboro hesitated for awhile before nodding and used God Speed to leave the area.

Ashiya waved his hand, as the countless green orbs shoot towards Genshiro.

The Dragon God grimaced, he may be a bit dumb he admit, but he wasn't stupid enough to take those attacks head on even with his scales.

Draconic wings appeared on his back as he flew away, he may not be as fast as Oboro, but his speed wouldn't lose to anyone in the clan.

Boom! Boom! Thunderous explosions rang as Ashiya keep destroying buildings after buildings without caring about property damage.

They are in a bounded field anyway, so it doesn't matter.

'Damn, this man, isn't he a bit too strong?' Genshiro wondered as he gritted his teeth and increased his speed just to avoid getting hit.

"I-Its like the apocalypse..." Chisaki took a steo back. She looked around, collapsed buildings, fires, rubbles, explosions. Its really the apocalypse isn't it?!

'This guy...' Sagiri grimaced, it was a good thing they are inside the bounded field right now. Or else....

"A-A-Ashiya-san?!" Yuuna squeaked. She remembered that Alex drop a meteor just to gain the attention of East-West Youkai army, and now Ashiya was destroying buildings after buildings just to catch a single man.

Oboro on the other side was looking at Genshiro in worry.

As if he wasn't satisfied, Ashiya used Telekinesis to carry the rubbles of the buildings he destroyed and threw them at Genshiro.

However, he frowned and turned beside him, where Genshiro can be seen flying towards him in great speed while preparing a punch.

Using telekinesis, he stopped Genshiro from moving just two meters away from him. Ashiya then pointed a finger at him.

A green orb appeared at the tip of his finger before it shoots towards Genshiro.


"Guh?!" Genshiro's eyes rolled at the top of his head as he lost his consciousness for an instant and began to fall down.

Ashiya, however, still wasn't satisfied and fired a large green beam at him.


He fell down like a meteorite, as the blast from Ashiya's attack caused a large crater to form.

"Genshiro-sama!" Oboro screamed and used god speed to go towards the dragon god.

She lifts him up, as Genshiro released a painful grunt. Oboro quickly took out a healing talisman and used it, slowly Genshiro's spirit power began to recover.

Ashiya was staring at them, now back to his human form, "Genshiro am I right? Hm, I can take insults, curses, or whatever, but insulting my king, that I cannot allow. This is my warning to you. What I showed you is far from my full power, if you do it again, I won't hold back."

Genshiro was still conscious and he heard Ashiya's words, but he just released a chuckle, he sat up with the help of Oboro and stared at Ashiya.

"....Hey, your boss, Alexander...." Genshiro paused for a bit as he looked towards Yuuna and the others who are now approaching, before turning his attention back to Ashiya, "...your boss, is he stronger than you?"

"Very much so. To the point that the thought of challenging him didn't cross my mind...and not because I am very loyal to him, but because he is so strong that challenging him is not something I can imagine."

Genshiro thought over his words before he chuckled. He then look at Yuuna, who was looking at them in worry.

He couldn't help but smile, despite him wanting to take Yuuna away from her "lover" she was still worried about him.

"Yuuna-chan..." He called, as Yuuna and the others stared at him, "...tell me, that Alexander guy, is he treating you well?"

Yuuna blinked before she smiled and answered. "Yes. No one has treated me even better than him."

Genshiro remained silent looked at her smile, a minute later he sighed and lied down on the ground.

"Goddamnit! I completely lost huh," he stared at the sky with a smile, "I completely lost in strength, and lost in the battle for Yuuna-chan's heart too...what a Dragon God I am."

After awhile, he stood up, his body was already starting to heal as his Spirit Power recovered, he then sent them a grin.

"Well, I guess I can be rest assured that he's treating you better and is strong enough to protect you. So I shall unwillingly accept defeat."

He then looked at Ashiya, "and you, you aren't a member of Hexagram am I right? Those black substance covering your body, those things are quite similar to the one of the Black Scorpion Youkai, though your tail is a bit different, and they should be proficient on Earth Element Spells, but you are quite different.....a mutation perhaps? But it doesn't matter, you're not a member of hexagram right?"

"....no." Ashiya answered after thinking for a moment.

Genshiro grinned, "That's good, that's good, the black scorpion tribe are one of the weakest youkai, but they are very dangerous due to their poisons and can move underground like a fish in a water....but you didn't do anything like that, you beat me in pure power. That means, my dream...is reachable."

Genshiro dreamed for his clan to surpass the Hexagram, many people laughed at him due to this. After all, for them, the Hexagram is an insurmountable existence.

They held absolute power that none dared to oppose them, even the gods don't want to mess with them.

Their power has crushed the dreams of people from ever being on the same level as them, much less surpass them. So for them, Genshiro's dream is laughable.

But he doesn't care, that's his dream. If he gave up on that because of people's sneers, then what will be the left of him?

Now, he witnessed it. A person from one of the weakest tribe, has power that caused this much destruction. He broke the limits of his clan, and finally obtain this power.

One day, he will too.

He grinned at Ashiya, "Count this as your win for now! Next time, I will beat you! Hahaha! Let's go Oboro!"

Oboro nodded and created a portal back towards their clan. Genshiro gave Yuuna one last smile before walking towards the portal with a serious face.

Before, his retainers always forbid him from going to that place because it will put his life in danger, no, he will surely die.

And he cannot die yet before having an heir to succeed him. But now, he doesn't care about the others, if he wanted to make his dream come true...he will have to risk his life.

He will go that place and obtain the Legacy of the Ancient Dragon God.

In the Super Dragon Cave.


AN: I just realized that Genshiro is still a child. I mean, Oboro is 19, and she was introduced to a newborn Genshiro when she was only 15-16, so Genshiro should be only around 3-4 years old right now.