
The devil's little angel {...His innocent mate....}

In the mystical realm of Astoria, Princess Ruby, the only child of Queen Elizabeth and King George, possesses the extraordinary power to create and destroy all life and matter. As a supernatural being and an angel of pure heart and beauty, Ruby's existence is a blessing to her people. Meanwhile, Xavier, the son of the devil, finds himself in a precarious situation. Cursed to survive on human blood or pain, he is cast out by his father to Earth, specifically to Astoria, as a last resort. Xavier's fate intertwines with Ruby's when he discovers she is his power source, healer, and medicine. However, their connection comes with a deadly twist: Ruby's touch may be slowly killing him. As Xavier navigates this precarious relationship, Asher, a divine angel sent by God, arrives in Astoria to protect Ruby from harm. Unbeknownst to Asher, his mission leads him to fall deeply in love with the very angel he is sworn to safeguard. A tangled love triangle ensues, threatening the fragile balance between good and evil. This fantastical tale explores the complexities of love, loyalty, and the struggle between light and darkness, as Ruby, Xavier, and Asher grapple with their destinies and the fate of Astoria. What secrets lie behind Princess Ruby's extraordinary powers? Can Xavier overcome his dark curse, or will his love for Ruby prove fatal? How far will Asher go to protect Ruby, and what will be the cost of his devotion? What ancient forces are stirring in Astoria, threatening the balance of good and evil? Will Ruby's heart be torn between her love for Xavier and her duty to her people? Can love redeem Xavier from his dark heritage, or will his past forever define him? What hidden dangers lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike at Ruby and those she loves? Grab your popcorn and dive into this bumpy ride Rated 18+

Gift_Ny · 奇幻言情
9 Chs


"I can to protect you my princess!" The figure said with the smirk still plastered on his face.

"Will you stand there or will you help me?" She asked and he quickly went behind her and snapped his finger and the chains fell of and she was instantly released.

"Who are you?" She asked as she took the nearest guards sword and pointed it directly at him.

"Woah calm down, I'm not like that I just want to protect you and also be your friend!"

"Friends, huh.....do we know other from somewhere??"

"No we don't!"

"Then how can I be your friend?"

"I think I should put you back in the execution machine!"

"You can't do that!" Ruby said as she rolled her eyes and immediately he snapped his finger and she was back in the machine"

"Are you ready to listen to me?" He asked her with seriousness lacing his tone.

"Sure please release me!"


She rolled her eyes.

"I am an angel sent from God, well I was banished from heaven for some reasons best known to me, and I need to protect you to redeem myself"

"What did you do?"

"I said the reason is best known to me, you ask a lot of questions don't you?"

"What is want to know, and fine I agree to be your friend but I don't get the fact of you being an angel"

"I'll explain better later!" He said as he jumped up and started floating In the sky, he then put his two hands together like as though he was praying and a bright light started surrounding him.

Ruby was amazed by his power but had to look away or else she wanted it blinded by the light.

As soon as the light faded Ruby woke up in her room.

"How in the world did I get here?" She asked no one in particular.

The door opened and her maiden walked in.

"Good morning my princess, let me prepare your bath"

"Oh okay" she said still in shock, they don't remember, no one remembers that she killed her mother.

She then had her bath and dressed up, she wore a lilac colored dress and braided her hair into pigtails.

She then wore her tiara and applied light makeup, before going downstairs.

"My princess you are needed in the meeting room" the guard said with a bow.

"Oh thanks for the information, I'll be there in a minute!" She said as she started searching for the man she saw earlier with her eye but didn't see him, maybe she was right it was all a dream. But was it really.

She then sighed and walked to the meeting room.

The room was filled with the Kings men and elders in the kingdom which each and everyone of them holding a great level of power in the kingdom.

She then walked to the throne and sat down, looking as elegant as ever.

"My princess, the news of the queens death has troubled us greatly, we are so sorry for your losses, both the king and queen is gone" James one of the kingdom meb said

"It okay"

"But you know the throne cannot be left empty!" Henry said with a smirk.

Ruby rolled her eyes and said

"That is why I am here!"

"But women aren't ment to rule but to sit in the side and look pretty!"

Ruby's face hardened,

"What do mean to sit and look pretty, I can rule this kingdom much more better than any of you here can!"

"At least you should have a companion, like a husband"

"I do not need a husband!"

"Then let my son take over the throne!"

"No one, in hell with I let that happen!!"

"I will get married, I just need sometime!" She added.

"You have 3 days to find a husband, or else my son will take over the throne he is of royal blood"

"How can I find a husband in three days?"

"Henry, that isn't possible, at least think of the princesses happiness what if she marries a man she doesn't love?"

"Well that is the price she has to pay to rule a kingdom!"

"We will gather here in three days time when the princess will show us her husband!"

Some people murmured, and some agreed with Henry while some just kept quiet on the matter.

"Meeting dismissed!" He said then everyone began to evacuate the hall, it was only Ruby, Caroline and Olivia with Mr Henry.

"Hey princess!" Caroline said and Ruby rolled her eyes.

"What is it Caroline!??!"

"Where are you gonna find a husband in three days, just forfeit the throne to me, and you'll be fine and free!"

"I'll never do that but after all the effort my father had put to make this kingdom what it is now!"

"Oh well suit yourself!" She said with a smirk and left, so did Olivia and the rest.



The woman in a black hood had just entered the lair, she was covered thoroughly so one would not be able to see her face.

"Master, I have found the girl, the last thing we need to satisfy the beasts hungry soul!"

"Does she possess the characteristics we showed you?"

"Yes she is exactly like her mother even more powerful than her!"

"We need to bring her over!"

"Not now, we need to study her for sometime, do your research in secret!"

"Yes Sire!" She said as she made her way out of the lair.


"Your condition is worsening by the day Xavier!" Viana said as she used her hands to caress his abbs.

"I'm fine, don't be worried about me!"

"I have to be worried I'm your wife!"

"You are not my wife so don't say that again"

"I'm am your betrothed bride!"

"If you don't want to help me find a cure for my illness then don't bother coming to me again!"

"I'm sorry, don't be mad!" She said as she bit her lips.

"Okay I know someone, she is the best healer in world as of current, her name is Tarina , she is in Astoria!"

"Astoria huh, I'll go there"

"Be careful though, they say some demonic powers has possessed so many people there!"

He then chuckled.

"Who am I?" He asked

"The son of the devil, but..."

"Can any demon harm me?"

"No but...."

"Why should I be afraid?" He said as he wore his shirt covering his upper body as but her lips as her eyes traced it way to his abbs down to the V-line disappearing into his trousers

She started having some sexual fantasies, she was already wet below.

They just had sex but she wanted him more.

"Would you mind we....?" She wanted to ask but was cut short when he disappeared into thin air.

She then removed the blanket which covered her naked body and put her fingers in between her thighs.

"Oh fuck!!!" She moaned as she enjoyed the experience.

She continued until she reached climax.


"Here you are, I have been looking all over for you!" Ruby said as she approached Asher.

"Oh sorry, I was lost in this gigantic palace of yours, I just found my way before I met you!"

"Oh.." she muttered as she bit her lips wondering if she should ask him the question wondering on her mind.

"Do you wanna ask me something?"

"Um.... no"

"You have been staring at me weirdly"

"Oh sorry!"

"You love apologizing don't you?"

"I don't know it's a habit"

"Are you hungry?" She asked all of a sudden.

"Yeah sure"

They then made their way to the dining table.



The day has come for the queen to select her king, it was gonna be happy and sad day for many.

"Who will you choose as your husband?" Henry's voice came loud again because this was the second time he asked her this question.

All of a sudden the room became dark, everything froze a man in a red suit came in walking slowly.

His black long hair with reached his mid back was swept to the back.

His golden eyes glimmering in the dark.

"Hello princess!"

"Who the fuck are you?" His presence was menacing, he excluded a different aura, a dangerous aura.

"I'm here to make a deal with you"

"You didn't answer my question!"

"Oh such a daring girl, I like you!"

"Who are you!"

"Will let me state my deal or leave"

"Fine say your deal"

"If you marry me...I'll give you what your heart truly desires"

"And what do you think that is"

"To get your family back, you want your parents alive"

She hesitated at first but then said

"What will you gain from this deal?"

"Your body!"

"Huh!" Her heart skipped a beat.


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