
The devil's little angel {...His innocent mate....}

In the mystical realm of Astoria, Princess Ruby, the only child of Queen Elizabeth and King George, possesses the extraordinary power to create and destroy all life and matter. As a supernatural being and an angel of pure heart and beauty, Ruby's existence is a blessing to her people. Meanwhile, Xavier, the son of the devil, finds himself in a precarious situation. Cursed to survive on human blood or pain, he is cast out by his father to Earth, specifically to Astoria, as a last resort. Xavier's fate intertwines with Ruby's when he discovers she is his power source, healer, and medicine. However, their connection comes with a deadly twist: Ruby's touch may be slowly killing him. As Xavier navigates this precarious relationship, Asher, a divine angel sent by God, arrives in Astoria to protect Ruby from harm. Unbeknownst to Asher, his mission leads him to fall deeply in love with the very angel he is sworn to safeguard. A tangled love triangle ensues, threatening the fragile balance between good and evil. This fantastical tale explores the complexities of love, loyalty, and the struggle between light and darkness, as Ruby, Xavier, and Asher grapple with their destinies and the fate of Astoria. What secrets lie behind Princess Ruby's extraordinary powers? Can Xavier overcome his dark curse, or will his love for Ruby prove fatal? How far will Asher go to protect Ruby, and what will be the cost of his devotion? What ancient forces are stirring in Astoria, threatening the balance of good and evil? Will Ruby's heart be torn between her love for Xavier and her duty to her people? Can love redeem Xavier from his dark heritage, or will his past forever define him? What hidden dangers lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike at Ruby and those she loves? Grab your popcorn and dive into this bumpy ride Rated 18+

Gift_Ny · 奇幻言情
9 Chs

CHAPTER 13 & 14

The next morning, Karina woke up and saw her self still in the little water pond she was yesterday, her horse was asleep tiredly on the ground and she looked around and saw no one.

The incident of the previous night flashed in her mind and she remembered that she had kissed someone, who was it?? She asked herself.

She then went to her horse and woke it up and she climbed on it and it took her home.

"I hope it is just a dream!" She said to herself as she rode to the palace.

As soon as she entered the palace, her father was in the living room on the couch as he rubbed his hands together.

As soon as she entered he looked at her and he went to hug her.

"Sweetie where were you?"

"Oh sorry dad I did my usual riding yesterday and dozed off on the ground I'm sorry" she said looking apologetic, she knew how much their father loved them since the day their mother died he never wanted to let them out of his sight but thanks to Xavier he became more lenient.

"Please don't ever do than again okay, I was so worried!"

"Okay dad I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, go freshen up then come down for breakfast!"

"Okay dad!" Sh said a she made her way up the stairs to her room.

"Hey sis, where are you coming from?" Evelyn said as she stood up from her seat and went to hug her sister

"I'm sorry if got you worried!" She said as she held her ears with a pout.

"It's okay, come on go get ready for breakfast!"

"Oh okay


Xavier woke up and looked at his beautiful wife before him, her long brown hair scattered all around the white pillow, her soft pink lips and beautiful eyelids.

He couldn't deny he loved everything about this woman, as he stared at her, her eyes flustered open, and her gaze met his, she smiled.

"Good morning King!"

"Good morning my queen!" He said as he went closer to her and pecked her lips, she blushed at his gesture.

She then used the blanket to cover herself as she wanted to stand up and he drew her back and she instantly fell on the bed hitting his hard chest.

"What did you do that for??" She asked with a raised brow

"Let's just stay together today, must we go out we just got married, or we could have fun together?"

"Oh really, fun huh?"

"What do you want us to do?"

"Well...I would love to go horse riding around the beautiful forest, and playing hide and seek with the love of my life and some other private stuff that you will have to do by yourself to prove to me how much you love me!"

"How much do you think I love you?"

"A lot!" She said m with cute pout.

"I'll do anything for you, infact you know what we are going for the horse riding today I have a date planned, meet me downstairs in a couple of minutes!"

"Okay!" She said as she stood up from his chest and went to the bathroom to bathe.

After she was done, she got dressed preparing for her dress, she didn't wear much, just a simple summer, hello coloured dress, with flower patterns all over it.

A simple butterfly necklace and some earrings and put some strands of her hair into a French braid at left the rest to fall on her back.

With a simple sandal.

She then applied some light make and made her way downstairs, as she came downstairs she looked around for Xavier but didn't see him.

"Xavier!!, Xavier!!" She called but no one replied, she then started looking around for him, she then saw a letter on the floor.


"Cute!" She said as she started walking to the Library, she then entered at on top of a table in an open book she saw another letter.


She blushed and made her way to the garden since it was where flowers where, she then saw him on the floor on top of a mat with some snacks in a picnic basket.

"Surprise!!" He said and she smiled and walked up to him.

"How did you have so much time to do all this?"

"I'm a demon what else did you expect!"

"Okay Demon"she said as she sat down.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything will do"

He then snapped his fingers and a large buffet of food appeared in front of them.

"Enjoy my queen" he said she was about to use the fork to take the turkey when he said

"No...no.....no....lemme feed you"

"But...I have hands..."

"Ahhh" he said as he opened his mouth and she obliged and opened her mouth and he put the food inside, she munched on it.

"It tastes so good, did you make this?"

"Well i don't cook but, if you want me to I'll cook for you!"

"Maybe another time, when I am craving burn or salty food!"

"Did you just insult my cooking you haven't even tasted it?"

"I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings!"

"You'll pay for that!"

"And what's my punishment?" She asked.

"You'll find out!" He said,

She ate until she was full and he said

"Are you full?"

"Yes I am thanks for the meal!"

"It's okay, come on I want to take you somewhere!" He said as he stood up and searched his hands down to her level and she put her hands in his palm as he pulled her up and then said

"You might wanna hold me tight"

She then walked to him and hugged him and he hugged her back and he then closed his eyes and jumped.

"Arghhhhhhbh!" She screamed and closed her eyes.

"You can open them now" he said as he flew across the clouds with his black wings spread behind him.

"You can fly?"

"I can do anything!" He said with a smirk.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll find out!"


A man dressed in black sat on the chair and smiled, then suddenly he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in!" He said and the old lady came in, she happened to be his mother.

"Son how is it going with your wife, has she agreed to come home?"

"Don't worry mum , I told you it takes time, and besides, I'm not gonna die anytime soon so I'll wait for her"

"I don't want you to get old before getting married, just bring her home, I can't wait to see her!" She exclaimed with joy.

"She is beautiful mum, just like you!"

"Stop teasing me son, don't let your dad hear you, he'll probably kill you"

As soon as he heard his father he scoffed.

"That selfish man has never been there for me, so why do I care what he thinks?"

"I've told you to forgive your father!"

"I will, when I'm ready!"

Then woman sighed before leaving the room.

He then closed his eyes drifting into sleep.


"Are we there yet?" Ruby asked and Xavier said

"This is the 5th time your asking me that question"

"What I'm interested!"

"We are here!"

He said as he landed on top of a mountain, the mountain was beautiful, filled with snow, although it was cold, she enjoyed the sight of the green grass fading into the pure white snow.

"This place is beautiful!"

"I know, it's one of the place you wish to see"

"How did you know that?" She asked with a raised brow.

"I just guessed!" He said as he scratched the back of his head.

She was about to question him when a beautiful white dragon with blue ice coloured eyes.

It wasn't that big but could fit two people

"So those fairy tales are true?, dragons exist!"

"Well they don't currently but did, I just brought this one back to life using his remains"

"Oh, it's so beautiful!"

"I designed her in alignment with her owner"

"Wait she is mine!"

"Yes all yours!!"

"She can shape shift into any creature you can dream of she can even be a human, but that is advanced level magic, even I haven't learned that"

"Thank you" she said

"For what?"

"For fulfilling my wish list, this was among the thing I would love to do with the man I love"

"You love me?" He asked and she ignored the question and climbed on top of the dragon.

"You haven't answered me!" He said as he took climbed on the dragon.

"Just forget I said that!" She said and he put his hands around her waist his body pressing hers with no space between them.

"So how do I do this?"

"Just give it sometime it'll fly"

The dragon then moved back and immediately jumped off the mountain, she screamed then the dragon started flying, it was a Chinese dragon so it didn't have wings just a snake like body.

Moving in the air at full speed, she enjoyed every bit of it, Xavier looked at her face filled with joy and a smiled appeared on his face, he was so happy that he had fulfilled her wish but he was not done yet.

After a while, he took control of the dragon and they landed in the middle of the most beautiful forest. It had a variety of beautiful tress and wildlife, roaming freely.

"What are we doing here?" She asked,

"We came here for this!" He said as he alighted the dragon so did she, he held her waist his face just inches away from hers.

Their hands interlocked, he then snapped his other hands and music started playing, he weather suddenly changed like it was gonna rain, but the couple didn't care cause they were lost in their own world.

They then started dancing their bodies moved in sync, as their movements flowed with rhythm of the beautiful song.

The rain started to drizzle but they didn't care they still lost in each others arms, his hands on her waist and her hands on his shoulder, no one could deny they were the cutest couple they have ever seen.

Their clothes getting drenched by the rain.

He then put his lips on hers gently, she closed her eyes so immersed in the kiss. It was soft and gentle, it was filled with the love they were feeling off each other at that moment.

He then pulled away and looked into her eyes lovingly.

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" She said as she kissed him again the rain poured heavily on them.

"This is your final wish granted!" He said after he pulled away.

A tears fell from her eyes.

"Thank you cutie!"

"So now you have finally admitted you loved me!" He said with a triumphant smirk.

"Let's go home it's running late and we are so drenched for the rain"

"Okay Angel!" He said she was about to walk when he carried her bridal style and his wings appeared on his back.

"Wait your gonna fly????, what of the dragon?"

"She'll come with us!" He said as he looked at dragon and the dragon nodded it's head and flew to the direction of the palace.

He then jumped up and flew into the air as he made his way to the palace.

After a few minutes they reached the palace and went into their room, she rushed into the bathroom because she was cold and he went to the other bathroom in another room.

After they were both done, they went to the bed and he spooned her until she fell asleep and so did he.



Karina was in her room, she closed the door and went to the bathroom to prepare for her nights rest.

She she was done she came out and wore her nightgown and went to the bed.

As she closed her eyes she felt a cold hand on her left thigh, she flinched and woke up immediately and saw a dark figure in her room.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Im your husband!" He said directly.

She then rolled her eyes.

"I never got married so how do I have a husband?"

He then came into the light and she saw his face and her jaw dropped.

"Zamiel!" She yelled and he put his hands on her lips.

She then calmed down.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for you wifey did you miss me?", he asked.

She smiled and immediately placed her lips on his kissing him passionately.

After their immense make out session, she was ok the bed with him by her side.

"You know, my dad think I am crazy, when I say I won't get married"

"Oh yeah why?"

"You know you are a demon and I don't know if my dad would let me marry you"

"Don't worry sweetie I'll surprise you!" He said

"Really how?" He then pecked her lips.

"Just watch me!" He said as he vanished into thin air she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.


Asher sat in room, looking outside the window as tears fell from his eyes.

"You must be jealous huh?"

He flinched and looked back and saw Caroline.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"I just came to tell you that you can rid of Xavier if you help me!"

"Why will I help you and I'm not jealous I'm happy if Ruby is happy"

She then smirked, and turned and left, she knew she had hit a nerve and he was gonna do something crazy all she has to do is sit and watch.

As soon as the door shut, Asher's fist tightened.

"That girl should just leave me alone, I'm tired of everything!!"

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