
The Destiny of the Blind Swordman: A Tale of Magic

The Destiny of the Blind Swordsman: A Tale of Magic and Blades follows the story of a boy born blind, rejected by his family, and sold into slavery. He must navigate a world of clandestine combat, wielding both magic and swords, as he fights for survival and searches for his true destiny. Will his blindness be a hindrance or a hidden strength in his journey?

ErickVazquez17 · 奇幻
53 Chs

Shadows in the Snow

The forest had settled into an unnerving calm after the initial attack, but the peace was deceptive. Kenshin's group continued forward, hearts pounding from the lingering fear of the Hoarfrost Spiders. The air was thick with tension, and the silence pressed down on them like a weight. The only sounds were the crunch of their boots in the snow and the occasional whisper of wind through the branches.

Just when they thought the worst was behind them, Kenshin sensed something was wrong. He couldn't see, but his heightened awareness picked up on the subtle shifts in the environment. The forest felt alive again, but not in a way that was comforting. It was as if they were being watched.

Then, from the back of the group, someone gasped. "Eyes!" a voice whispered in terror. Kenshin turned in the direction of the voice, his heart skipping a beat. The others followed his lead, and there, in the distance, glowing pairs of eyes began to appear. First, there were only a few, but soon, dozens of them emerged from the darkness, reflecting the pale light of the moon. The realization hit them like a wave—there were more spiders, many more.

Panic set in. The group, already shaken from the earlier encounter, was now on the verge of breaking. The spiders had them surrounded, their icy blue eyes glaring from the shadows, ready to strike. The forest echoed with the sound of crunching snow as the children ran, adrenaline fueling their desperate escape.

Kenshin struggled to keep his group together, but in the chaos, they began to split off, each child running in a different direction. Some tried to fight back, brandishing their weapons with trembling hands, but the spiders were too fast. With a single bite, the venomous creatures could freeze a limb or worse. Screams pierced the air as one by one, those who fought back were overpowered.

In the midst of the chaos, Kenshin's mind raced, trying to think of a way to regroup. But it wasn't just his group that was in danger—Evelyn's group, which had been traveling nearby, was also under attack. They had been moving parallel to Kenshin's group, and when the spiders struck, they were forced to separate. The forest was now a labyrinth of danger, with both groups scattered and vulnerable.

Amid the chaos, Kenshin's instincts screamed at him to keep moving. He couldn't see the danger, but he could feel it—an overwhelming presence of death closing in. He pushed forward, urging the others to stay with him, but it was no use. They were scattered, each of them fighting their own battle to survive.

Suddenly, just as quickly as the attack had begun, the spiders halted their pursuit. The children who had managed to keep running found themselves alone, surrounded by the quiet of the forest once more. Kenshin, breathless and disoriented, couldn't understand why the creatures had stopped. It made no sense—they were predators, and their prey was within reach. Yet, they had pulled back.

As Kenshin's group cautiously regrouped, they noticed something else. Lurking at a distance, just beyond the reach of their senses, was another presence. It was more massive, more dangerous, and yet strangely reassuring. The spiders seemed to retreat as if they were avoiding something more powerful than themselves.

From the shadows of the forest, a pair of piercing icy blue eyes emerged. The figure was larger than the spiders, moving with a fluid grace that was both mesmerizing and terrifying. The creature stepped into the moonlight, revealing a sleek, silver-blue coat that blended seamlessly with the snowy surroundings. It was a lynx, but unlike any they had seen before. This was no ordinary animal—it was the Frostfang Lynx.

The lynx moved with calculated precision, its gaze fixed on the Hoarfrost Spiders that had dared to challenge its territory. The children watched in awe as the lynx stalked toward the spiders, its fur shifting shades to blend with the environment, making it nearly invisible. It was clear that this creature was the true apex predator of the forest.

Without a sound, the lynx pounced. Its frostbite claws slashed through the air, meeting the steel-strong silk of the spiders' webs. But the lynx was unfazed, tearing through the barriers with ease. The spiders, sensing their impending doom, scattered, but the lynx was relentless. It moved with lightning speed, freezing its prey with a single strike before ripping through their fragile, crystalline bodies.

Kenshin and the others could only watch as the lynx decimated the Hoarfrost Spiders, one after another, until the forest floor was littered with shattered, frozen remains. The lynx paused, its icy blue eyes scanning the area as if ensuring no more threats remained.

For a moment, it seemed as if the lynx would turn on them next, but it simply observed them with a cold, calculating gaze before retreating back into the shadows, disappearing as silently as it had appeared.

The children were left in stunned silence, the weight of their survival settling heavily on their shoulders. The forest was still dangerous, As the group caught their breath, Kenshin's thoughts drifted to Evelyn and the others. They had been separated during the attack, and he feared the worst. Gathering his remaining strength, he signaled to those who were still with him to move cautiously forward. They needed to find the others, and quickly, before the forest claimed more of their number. The journey was far from over, and the true dangers of the forest were only beginning to reveal themselves.