
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
220 Chs

Chapter 140: I Found You Part - 2


Happy Halloween everyone, I hope you are all having a good time.

Also I want to extend my sympathy to the families of the victims of Seoul Itaewon stampede. It was really a sad news. Extending my condolences to the families of the bereaved.

To those who will go to the cemetery keep safe and wear your masks, bring water and umbrellas. (I don't know the customs of other countries during Halloween but in the Philippines we call it All souls day and during that day we go to cemeteries and visits our departed love ones so yeah that's how we celebrate it yearly.)

So here's my Halloween treat Happy reading everyone 🤓!


Nash pretended to come home and eventually got back again and there as what the nurse told him, the man who hurt him. The very man who had caused him so much pain and grief is looking after his son while working. Ash is very happy playing with the toys his Daddy brought though he was not sure if those toys were there before. "Dad…. When yah be ahh home?" The 2 year old asked as he play, it may look innocent the way he asked but Nash can feel the weight of it. For the past two years since Ash was born Adrian has been his father. He did a wonderful job in doing so, treating Ash as his own but Nash set it aside. He was so preoccupied with his anger that he brush off every effort and love that Adrian was showing and giving.

"Son Dad…. Hhhmmm may not be, I mean I might not be coming home after this…" Adrian stopped typing as soon as he heard his son asked that innocent question. And Ash after hearing his father's response stopped playing and looked at his father like he's about to cry. When Adrian saw this he quickly hugged the baby who still can't walk properly. "No don't cry, I'll come visit you often. It will feel the same is just that I won't be there during night time. I promise Dad will do everything to spend time with you." Adrian who's also in the verge of crying said it to the kid who he treated as his son. "Dad promise you that. We will still play, you won't even notice that I was not there I promise."

It broke Nash's heart seeing what's happening inside. He didn't know because of his anger and because he can't forgive Adrian he has been putting through both his son and the man who his son see as his father. Witnessing this made Nash cry.

Nash took courage and knocked on the side of the door. Adrian looked behind him and the moment their eyes met he saw how Adrian paled at the sight of him. "I ah, I'm sorry. I was just. I was, I didn't mean to sneak in, I just, I just…. I'm sorry I'll go now." Adrian immediately took his things and was about to go but Nash held him to make him stop from leaving.

"Can we talk?" Nash said. Nash called someone to look after his son and minutes pass Clarence came.

"So where do you plan to go?" Adrian asked after they entered his car.

"Our home." Nash simply said.

"I sold it." Adrian simply answered. Silence follows after he said that. "I built that house for you two and now things between us are over and when you two officially moved out I sold it. There's really no point in keeping it specially if you don't want to live in there. Your memories lingers in every space of that house and and, I'm sorry."

"Buy it back, no matter what the cost buy that house for me." Nash looked at Adrian in his eyes.

"Ok, if that's what you want." Adrian took his phone out and talk someone then after that he looked at him again. "My agent will deal with it. You'll have it back. It will be named under your name and Ash. So where do you want to go and talk?" Adrian asked trying to get directly to the point.

"I'm not feeling comfortable talking anywhere, maybe here will do." Nash said. "Marry me again…"

"I'm sorry please don't take away from me the right to see Ash… I'm really sorry." Adrian said begging Nash as he cries.

"Marry me Adrian.."

"I'll kneel and beg so please… what? W-what did you just say?" Adrian who was shocked asked if he heard it right.

"Let's get married again and this time we will try to make it work." Nash said.

"Shouldn't I be courting you first?" Adrian absentmindedly asked.

"We have been through so much, do really think that we still have the luxury to do that? It's just a yes or a no, so what is it?" Nash asked.

"Of course I'll marry you in a heart beat but can I court you after? I-I really want to do this right." Adrian said.

What Adrian said put a smile on Nash's face. "Of course."

"Why did you change your mind? Do you love me? Is that the reason why you want to marry me again?" Adrian asked.

"If I'll be honest the answer will be, no. I don't love you anymore." Nash's answered cuts deep but Adrian can understand. He still at least happy that he get to have a chance to be Nash's husband and a father to Ash.

"What happened between us had caused me too much pain and it killed the love I have for you." Adrian didn't know that Nash can be brutally honest but at some point he thought that Nash might have experienced more pain before when he was the one who's playing with his heart than what he's experiencing now.

"I know, I'll know my boundaries and will respect the lines which you have drawn. I'm…. More than happy that you and Ash are by my side." There's a bitterness in Adrian's voice.

"But we can start over again, you can try to win my heart again. I'll give you a chance to steal it from me… the heart which I have taken back from you… steal it from me, because this time I won't be willing to give it back to you." Nash said with a smile.

"Then, are you saying?" Nash nodded, Adrian quickly grabbed and hugged Nash.

"Prove me wrong and don't make me regret my decision." Nash can only feel Adrian nodding over his shoulder and the wetness of his left shoulder indicating that the man is crying.

"Since when did you become a cry baby?" Nash pulled out from the hug and wipe Adrian's tears away.

"I am just happy… more than happy to be honest." Adrian said in all honesty.


Dexter plays the food on his plate as he watches the man go out from the kitchen. He has been in the restaurant from morning and now that it is almost dinner time he still there waiting. He's no longer even interested in the food that's on the table. He just keeps ordering so that he has the reason to stay. He stayed till the restaurant closed and waited patiently for that man that is his husband to emerge from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry but we are about to close now." Dexter looked at the man who his son doesn't like. He now knows the reason why Lexter doesn't like the omega. After their encounter the other night it was Richard who took Lee away. He can clearly see the love and longing from the omega's eyes and right then and there Dexter knows that he's in love with him.

"Can I talk to the chef now?" Dexter asked without batting an eye.

The omega sighed "Is there something wrong with the food?" Richard asked.

"Are you the chef?" Richard shake his head no.

"I'll say my piece once the chef is here." Dexter insisted.

"What do you want from him? He's not the person you are looking for. And what are you to that person to even go as far as stalking someone that looks like him?" Richard couldn't contain his frustration any longer. He asked Kier if he knows the man but he said no and he doesn't know why the Alpha keeps on insisting to talking to Kier.

"Do you like him?" Dexter asked instead of answering. Richard face quickly reddened but he didn't answer.

"I bet you confessed but he just brushed it off." Dexter got up and leaned a little to whisper to Richard's ear. "Do you know why?" Dexter saw Richard swallowed.

"I'm the only person….. who he's in love with…. Lee or Kier can't love anyone but me." Richard pushed Dexter away.

"How is that possible? You are both alphas! And and you already have a child. Are you cheating with your wife?" Richard asked questions one after another.

"Technically I played the wife's role, I gave birth for him. I did everything I can to give my HUSBAND a family. I sacrificed my pride to make him happy. I protected him because I'm crazy in love with him... I won't hand him over to anyone….. not when I'm still alive…. I'll take back what is mine…." Dexter said which made Richard speechless.

"I'm not yours, because I'm not the person that you are looking for…."

"Kiss me…" Dexter cut him off.

"What will a kiss do anything if I'm not even the person you are looking for?" Kier asked.

"Lee are you really going to hurt me like this?" Dexter asked with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. The man just remained silent.

"You vowed to fix what you broken right? You even got that quote from a song. You even said you'll be with me right? So why are you doing this to me?" Dexter asked but Lee remained silent.

"Lexter is having a hard time between the two of us. He knows that you are his father that's why I'm here. You can't fool our child forever Lee." Dexter wiped his tears away, his voice is getting stern.

"I'm not…."

"Before you say you are not my husband, I want you to think your answer very carefully…. If you lie to me you'll no only will lose our baby but me. I mean it Lee, you…. Know… me…." Dexter looked at him straight to his eyes.

"Kier what is he talking about?" Richard asked, the people from the kitchen starts gathering inside the dinning hall.

"What are you planing to do?" Lee asked.

"I asked someone to run a DNA test between you and my son. I still haven't opened it but if you lie I'll do as I have told you so you better be telling me the truth…. Are you my husband or not?!" Dexter asked.

"I'm, I'm, I'm not….." Lee was confident that his brother was able to intervened, Taekyun knows what was going on and informed him of what Dexter planned to do. So Lee lied.

Tears streamed down of Dexter's face. He didn't even open the envelope. "I have arranged everything Lee. Know that even in those moments that I have hated you, I have continued loving you. Even now." Dexter quietly got out of the restaurant.

Lee sit in one of the chairs, he run his fingers to his hair and rub his face with his palm. Richard shooed the people away and walk towards where Kier was sitting. "Do you really not know him? He looks desperate."

Lee shake his head no. "The envelope, do you want to see it?" Lee still shake his head no.

"I can't believe I'll be able to meet an alpha who actually given birth to a child and who's married to an alpha too….. that is really rare. He must have been missing his husband so much to be able to do such desperate things." Lee remained silent, Richard got up and took the unopened envelope and opened it.

"Kier or better I call you Lee." Lee looked at Richard. "The results matched."

"What?" Lee got up…. And snatched the result. He read it and paled after reading the content. "Was this opened?" Lee asked

"No I was the one who opened it." Richard answered.

"No that can't be right, he knew I was lying…." Lee paced back & forth. "Where did Dexter go?!"

"I don't know he went somewhere." Lee quickly run and Richard followed him. They asked where the man who is checking in. The staff doesn't know but what made Lee more worry is the fact that he saw Chester holding Lexter who's crying.

"Lee? You're alive!" Chester scream when he saw Lee.

"Dexter where is he?" He asked Chester.

"Does Dexter already know?" Chester asked.

"Let's save the pleasantries for later, answer me first… where is Dexter? Where is my husband?" Lee shouted, he's getting the bad feeling each seconds that passes by.

"I don't know, he told me earlier to fly here fast, Terrence is even angry because I'm pregnant but Dexter said we owe it to him and he's desperate with something he wouldn't want to tell us. When he gave Lexter to us he said he won't be long and then he borrowed the car which Terry rented." Chester explained.

"Where's T?" Lee asked.

"He went after Dexter, he said he forgot something…. Is there something wrong Lee?" Chester asked.

"The tracker… track where Terrence is now!" Lee shouted.

Chester told his son to get his phone from his bag and Uno immediately handed it to Lee.

"Uncle Lee, it would be best to not follow Dad, let's just wait for his call." Uno suggested.

"We brought Uno along with us, the twines are worried and Dos would only let us if we bring his brother with us." Chester explained.

"Who are they?" Richard asked.

"Oh, is he your?" Chester asked but was cut off by Lee.

"No, he saved my life… you know I would never replace Dexter." Lee said with firmness.

"So the alpha was right all along." Richard whispered.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to lie… I wasn't even expecting him to come this far nor to even look for me…" Lee tried to explain

"Why wouldn't he Lee? He is your husband. He may have hated and carried a grudge against you but in the end his love for you outweighs it all. Why would you even think he won't be looking for you? When I disappeared it was the two of you who kept on looking and believing I was still alive so why would you ever think that without your body your own HUSBAND WILL NOT EVEN TRY TO FIND YOU?!" Chester raised his voice which caused for Lexter to cry even harder.

"Mom! Control your emotions, it's not good for you to get so worked up." Uno quickly move to assist his pregnant mother when he saw him flinched. He quickly signaled one of the servants to carry the child but Lee took Lexter from the staff.

"He wanted me gone, I thought…."

"Your child is listening Lee, it's not good for him to hear all these." Lee looked at the direction where the voice came from.

"Let me take your son." Lance took Lexter for a moment and went somewhere.

"And you, you need to calm down Chester. Terrence wouldn't be happy to see you popping up his kids earlier than expected." Aiden said, assisting Chester who looks more pregnant than Aiden.

"Is he really his husband?" Richard asked.

"Yes he is my husband." Lee answered. "And my real name is Lee. I didn't mean to lie, I thought he wanted me out of his life. I have never love anyone in my life as much as I have love him. So when the crashed happened I thought it would be better to just let it appear that I died in that crash, since I don't have the balls to agree nor ask for a divorce I choose the easiest path. But Theo kept looking and he found me, I never thought Dexter was still looking for me." Lee keep on crying while explaining.

"Dexter loves you so much Lee and you know that right? Everything he does, he does it for you. He can give up everything just to make you happy and same goes for your kids. He was traumatized beyond words but just because his anger rooted deep it doesn't mean he no longer loves you. I hated Lance too you know that, and my anger rooted with the fact that my baby died and the thought that Lance left me and my baby to die. Even Dexter was not saying anything I know it is the same for him." Aiden explained.

"Yes this is his wife, What?! Where is this again? Ok we will be there immediately." Chester received a call from an unknown number.

"Police station…. Now!" Those were the only words that Chester said without explanation.

"Ok, just sign here and here." Chester sighed as he watched his husband signed the release papers.

"Good thing your wife is here attorney." The Police said in a mocking tone. "And also his husband." The police looked at Lee.

"These two probably thought that the road is their own personal race track. Good thing they didn't get severe injuries and that they didn't hurt anyone but with the looks of it, I think all the damages will make your pockets cry." The police chief laugh.

"No problem with the cause of the repairs we can manage." Chester simply answered back.

"Woah you have a very calm wife here attorney." The chief said.

"He has all my money so who wouldn't be calm." Terrence answered back.

"It's just a penny change in my mother's pocket so don't worry chief." Uno said like he has no interest, he knows that the police is mocking his mother. He has this nasty and prejudicial look on Chester the moment he entered the station. Uno knows his father can feel it but just holding back, that his father doesn't want to worry his mother if ever he will cause commotion inside the precinct.

"My son." Terrence simply answered the unspoken question.

"You should be careful son, who would look after your pregnant wife and son if you're gone. Omega can't survive the real world without them opening their legs." The chief making a comeback.

"Uno take your mother outside will you? It wouldn't be good for your baby siblings to stay in this cramped place." Uno quickly took his mother out, he knows his father's patience just snapped into two when that man blatantly disrespected his mother.

"My wife will definitely be able to survive even if I'm not around. He's a smart person who doesn't need to open his legs to anyone to feed my children. He was able to do it without me you know…. For two years and another 4 years. All my children were fed without me and without him opening his legs to anyone. Also if I were you I'll choose my words wise about my wife. I won't let it slide if you disrespect my wife again." The people inside can feel Terrence pheromones.

"Terrence enough! They are not the only person here who gets affected by your pheromones." Lee said.

"And you chief, you should learn how to respect other people be it them an omega or not. I can't believe you people still look down on them. You should've read that attorney's name really well before making that remarks. If his family learned you disrespected his wife I doubt you will still be in your position by tomorrow."

"How can you be so calm?" Uno asked his mother the moment they stepped out.

Chester brushed his son's hair. "All my life I have been ridiculed all because I'm an omega. I thought at first it was a cursed but after meeting your father and having you I think I am pretty lucky to be born as one. Though not everyone can be as lucky as me, that's why if do your mother a favor and don't play and break other people's heart even if they are an Omega."

"No, I won't break Lander's heart or else Uncle Lance won't accept me." Chester kissed Uno's head.

"I hope he really is the one for you but if not please don't break that person's heart my son."

"You two fix your issues! Fuck I'm so frustrated that man will pay for insulting my wife!"

Chester looked to the entrance where he can hear his husband cursing. "I think I need to calm down your father or else someone will lose their job."

Uno watched his mother go to his father and in just a matter of seconds the frown on his father's face where instantly replaced with a smile. Even though he appears to have a cold indifferent expression Uno knows what kind of family he wanted for himself someday. He wanted the love that he see from both his father and mother's eyes. He wanted the understanding and difference between the two and yet they still managed to balance it out. He wanted the kind of family that they have right now.

"We are going back to the resort, the baby will be in our care and you two resolve your issues first! Let's go son."

Lee and Dexter looked at each other. "Let's go somewhere and talk." Lee was the first to break the silence. Dexter just nodded.

They didn't comeback to the resort instead they book a room in a motel. It was a small room, Dexter being the clean freak have to bought new cover sheet and pillow case, clean the room before they can settle. He took a shower, when both of them are done with their businesses Lee put ointments on Dexter's bruises and scratches. "Good thing you didn't get hurt badly." Lee whispered.

"You lied so I'm just doing my end of the bargain. You know only death can separate us. So it's either you die or I die, you choose." Dexter said coldly.

"I already made a choice months ago, I choose to kill myself with hurting anyone but you just have to find me and here we are." Lee simply said while cleaning some of his wounds.

"You know I won't believe it until I see your cold body." Dexter said back.

"Yeah you are always like that, should I just kill myself for real then?" Lee asked.

"You know that's not what I want…."

"You sleeping around was killing me, I have been long dead from the pain Dexter. Pain of losing our child, pain of losing your love and most of all pain of losing you even though you are just within my reach." Lee stopped applying medicine to his wounds.

"I-I can't take it anymore." Lee looked at his hands that are resting on the bed, little by little tiny droplets of water falls on them. "It was already too much that my guilt was eating me away but me being reminded that you no longer love me is like a knife repeatedly getting stab in my heart but what killed me is you telling me the only way you can forgive me is if I'll die."

Lee wiped his tears and breathe in deeply. "Now that it comes to this, I think we should divorce. I'll let you decide In everything. I won't make any demands."

"You know why I hated you?" Dexter finally talk after not speaking. "I hated you because you only have one job! ONE FUCKING JOB!" Dexter said in a tone that is shouting in a low voice.

"I wanted you to stay away from the fucking trouble! Lee that's all I have asked from you. You know I'll go crazy if something bad were to happen to you." Dexter tried to calm down, he tried to breathe in deeply.

"But you fucking didn't listen! You are not a fighter Lee! You're not like Terrence nor Jules! I know how to fight but I was fucking pregnant! You know it was not easy for an Alpha like me to carry a child, so why did you put yourself to danger? Why Lee? I blame you for our baby's death. I blame you because you thought of your friends first before me and our children! It is not bad to help but you should know your limit. So why didn't you thought of that? Why didn't you come to my rescue right away just how fast you always come to the rescue of your friends. You weren't there Lee, you weren't there to witness our child taking its last breath. You weren't there! But I was. I'm a mother Lee, I carried that child!"

Lee and Dexter are both crying. "I'm sorry, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm really sorry. I'll fix everything, I'll file for the divorce as fast as possible and….."

"Is that the only solution do you have in mind Lee?" Dexter asked. "Do you still love me Lee? Or perhaps do you love that Omega now?" Dexter asked.

"No! It's always you and you know that!" Lee quickly denied the accusation.

"Then why divorce me?" Dexter asked. "Have I ever asked for a divorce? Have I ever asked for your money or wealth? I never asked any of those from you. All throughout the years we have been together I only asked you of two things. Do you still remember it?" Dexter asked.

"Yeah." Lee whispered.

"Say it." Dexter commanded.

"Don't get hurt and be happy." Lee answered looking to Dexter's eyes.

"And what makes you happy?" Dexter asked.

"You loving me." Lee simply answered and Dexter answered him with a kiss.

"I love you but still I hate you and in the process of hating you I have hurt you. I broke one of my rules. I caused you so much pain. I'm sorry for cheating on you. I'm sorry for making you feel miserable. I'm sorry for cornering you that pushed you in making that decision." Dexter hugged Lee to his chest.

"Can you forgive me? For everything that I have done can you forgive me? And start with me again?" Dexter asked.

"I love you Dexter, I'm so sorry." Dexter can feel the wetness of his shirt from the tears that's coming from the man that he loves.

"There, there…. We will start over again and this time please think of yourself and think about us your family. We are not like them, remember that. The help we can offer are limited and if we don't know the boundaries and limitations of that help it can result in jeopardizing our family."

Dexter pulled Lee's face and kiss it again but Lee pulled back. "What?" Dexter asked.

"I'm, I'm it has been years since we have done it… I…. I…"

"Lee honey, you're not the one who's going to be pounced over I am. So why are you talking like I'm the one who's going to take you?" Dexter laughed then he leaned over to whisper. "It has been years since you last entered me and no one has able to do that since, so be gentle with me Honey."

"You didn't let….." Lee was surprised to learn it.

"When I was sleeping around I always made sure to not let anyone in…. Lee that place is only for you. I'm sorry if I have been playing around. I stopped doing that and will never do that again. I won't hurt you anymore."

Lee cut him off by kissing him. It was a hot passionate kiss. "I don't have a condom." Lee whispered.

"Since when did we need one?" Dexter asked.

"I thought maybe you're not ready yet." Lee said while feasting on Dexter's neck leaving his marks all over.

"Lexter wanted a sibling we should give him one and make our baby happy too. I'm still young I think I can still give you another one aaahhhh pants." Dexter moan while talking.

"You're pretty wet, I can't believe I can still make you wet like an omega in heat." Lee said after pulling his fingers that's scissoring Dexter's behind.

"Fuck! You are my alpha of course I react to your phenomenons. The Doctor even told me that we probably starting to form a link aaahhh please put it in now hhhmmmm Honey put it in now."

"Hhhhmmmm what do you mean by link aahhhhhh fuck you're so deliciously tight... this feels like the first time hhhhaaaa so good ouch! Why did you hit me." Dexter hit him on his shoulder.

"Why? Am I lose before?" Dexter asked.

"No Honey of course not hhhmmm maybe a little but you just gave birth so it was understandable but I still enjoy it I mean it becomes tighter again as months passes by that's why I got you pregnant again because I really love that delicious tight hole of yours ouch!"

"Shut your mouth, get up!" Dexter pushed Lee put which made the man pulled out from him.

"Dexy, I didn't mean wait what are you doing?"

"Shut up and sit." Dexter got on top and straddled his legs before descending. He bounced up and down which drove Lee crazy. Dexter is really sexy that it makes Lee think that he is indeed one lucky alpha to find a very hot husband.

"Like it?" Dexter asked

"Aaahhhh yeah, I like it so much hhhhmmmm aaahhg" Lee said catching his breath. He keeps on moaning and moaning.

"Call me Dexy again." Dexter said after their make up sex, as they cuddle together.

"Yes commander." Dexter just laughed. After three rounds of making love Dexter can't even lift his fingers.

"I think it is safe to get pregnant now, now that everything is quiet and settled." Dexter whispered.

"Are we ready for that?" Lee asked. "I don't want us to make a baby as a replacement to the one which we have loss."

"We won't, it won't be a replacement. We will start again. I won't hurt you anymore so please do my requests to you." Dexter said.

"I will, this time I will." Lee answered kissing Dexter's top.

"I have a third rule, add it to the other two. Don't stop loving me. Promise me Lee." Dexter commanded.

"Yes I promise." Lee promised.

"Also cut your hair and shave your beard. I almost didn't notice you." Lee just laughed at his husband.

"It is part of my disguise but I think it didn't work. Many recognized me."

"Yeah you're too handsome not to be recognized." The two laughed together as the night drifts away together the pain and anger in their hearts, hoping when the sun rises only their love, hope and new start will remain in the morning to come.