
The Demon Princess Works Under Royalty

Being a demon sucks. Especially if you're a female demon. And if you're the youngest demon of your House. And you have no demon abilities. Apparently. That's the situation Omega has been in her whole life. But when she finally gets the chance to prove herself to her family by infiltrating the walled city of Anmoranth, she doesn't hesitate to put herself up to the task. But who knew she'd be dealing with Demon Hunters, a suspicious maid, and a pervy Prince?

Icefallen · 奇幻
3 Chs

Authors Note

In this story I'm going for a female lead, which is out of the ordinary for most of my stories (which are centered around male characters such as Yusuke and Kaito). Both of my previous stories have had female characters, but not really the main focus of the story. I intend to change that with Omega, the youngest demon of the House of Graat. It's also different in that her character is, well... you will soon see what her character is like. With that out of the way, here are some things you should keep in mind:

Sentences in Italics stand for thoughts

This symbol {-} stands for a time skip

Some characters will tend to have little to no personality. This is intentional because either A: in this volume they aren't important and will be touched on later, of B: They have no importance in general, and never will be.

For the first week the Chapters will most likely be daily, but the chapters will slow down afterwards, most likely every week (Every Friday to be precise), So don't be alarmed after this first week of the book's debut!

Thank you for reading this brief Authors note, an I hope you enjoy The Demon Princess Works Under Royalty!!!
