
The Demon Lords Unknown Mate

Laurina Blaston, heiress to the Northern Holy Territory is dating Tristen Weston, Prince of the West. Soon she’ll find herself in the midst of a forced passion with the cold demon Lord of the Western lands, Tristen's older brother. She finds out not only is she mated to the Lord but pregnant as well. She tells no one who the father of her child is. Yet the answer is obvious once the baby is born. She will have to face him soon as well as defend herself from demoness’ challenging her right to be the lords mate and an avoid assassination attempts.

Armanda_Hax · 奇幻言情
83 Chs

Chapter Thirty Five

Rina snapped from her thoughts and shivered as his fingers brushed down her arms. She faced him and frowned.

"Are you not happy with the arrangement?" Damien asked.

"What? No- I mean I love it. The rooms are beautiful. It's just that…" she trailed off and looked down.

The demon Lord pulled her towards him and gripped her waist. His nose dived into her hair then brushed a kiss on the crown of her head. He sighed as he inhaled her scent, it mixed with his as he slid his hands up her petite back then back down to her hips.

Rina's eyes slid shut at the soothing sensation.

"I never told my family who Nathaniel's father was." she admitted.

Damien's hands froze for a brief moment before they continued their path up and down her back.

"Why did you feel the need to hide this from them."

Rina shook her head.

"It's my business, I kept it to myself. Save for my grandfather, mom and brother. My uncle and cousin didn't even know I was pregnant. They still don't know, I made my grandfather give me his word not to say anything."

Damien marveled at how well she was able to keep their pup hidden until he was revealed to him. His inner beast growled at the thought of no one knowing the pup was his yet Damien could understand her reasoning behind it.

"My uncle is too busy as an acting regent to visit and his daughter, I'm not really too close with her. So it was easy ro hide from them. It was much harder with the doctors than them, thankfully doctor patient confidentiality stops them from spreading the information."

She sighed again.

"Damien they don't know about you and my mom is not happy with the way things played out. She tried to hide how she really felt but I'm not sure how she'll react to knowing it was you."

Damien trailed his hand to the base of her neck and pressed his fingers against her scalp. The pressure sent a jolt of release down her back. He continued to massage her back.

"Why not invite them over."

Rina's eyes shot open, her body went from limp to rigid in a second.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"I will invite them to my home. Therefore it will be a formal invitation to the Western Lords palace. They will accept to save face and will not know of your presence until they get here."

"Won't that just cause more problems?"

"Your mother might stew in her anger until she gets here. This way all will come calm and must remain calm since they are in a Lord's home."

"I still feel like it could end badly."

"It may or may not, that is up to them. But you cannot hide this forever and it is nothing to be ashamed of."

Rina's face flushed at the last sentence.

"I claimed you as many have done in the past, my beast chose you. You may not have known it at the time but you were meant for me not my brother."

A sour note took the air at the mention of his brother, then her face paled.

"Will Tristen be here?"

"No, I have arranged for his things to be moved out. He already has his own apartment in the city. Now that I have a mate and child he is not needed here."

Her shoulders sagged in relief. "Good," she mumbled.

Gold irises narrowed, he traced Rina's lower lip as he tilted her head up.

"I shall protect you, he will not touch you again." Damien's words brushed against her lips.

The demon Lord smoothed his lips over hers. The action sent a flaring jolt to her core. Damien dominated the kiss and Rina did not care. She stretched up and stood on her tippy toes to deepen the kiss.

A purr passed through his chest, the hand at the base of her neck tightened and held her in place. She moaned and spread her fingers over his wide chest before digging them into his shirt. The sudden rake of nails sent a low growl into her mouth. His muscles flexed under her fingers.

He pulled her tight against her body and trailed his hands down to her backside and lifted her up. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. Rina slanted her mouth over his and dipped her tongue into his mouth.

The heat building in her core ignited.

Damien pressed against her, his clothed rod rubbed her hidden jewel. Rina pulled back and moaned as his lips trailed down her neck. Light scraps of fangs sent shudders down her body.

Her back pressed into the soft covers of the bed. She hadn't even noticed Damien moving them. The demon Lord's long silver hair fanned around her like a thick curtain. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.

Her hips tilted up meeting his dry thrust, the fabrics of their pants sent pinches of pleasure through them. Damien's lips went down her neck dragging his tongue down her collar bone. Rina's breath hitched at the sensation and arched into him again.

Her fingers threaded into his hair as his tongue lapped at the center of her breasts. His large hands came forth and tightened around her mounds. Damien lightly bit her right mound startling Rina.

"Aah, Damien…" she moaned.

The demon Lord played with the edge of her long sleeve. Suddenly the sound of fabric ripping echoed.

"Damien?!-" her words stuck in her throat.

He pulled her bra down revealing pert pink tips. Damien dragged his tongue over the sensitive nub and pinched its twin between his fingers. Rina half yelled and moaned at the sudden pleasure. She pulled at his hair as she felt a shock of pain from the pinches to heated pleasure on the other by his tongue.

Damien pulled back and roughly grabbed her breast, Rina hissed. She tugged him down by his shirt and sunk her hands back into his hair. Her legs tightened around him, they locked lips as Rina continuously rubbed her clothes core against his obvious shaft.

The demon Lord growled, and pressed her into the soft bed. A light knock halted any further action.

"What?" Damien snapped.

"My Lord, the young master has awoken." the servants muffled voice came through.


"Oh my god."

Rina pushed him away and rolled off the bed.

"You ripped my shirt!" she harshly whispered.

Damien's eyes darkened at the sight. Rina's rapid breathing as well as her crossed arms pushed her breasts even higher.

"I'll be right out." he answered.

He backed Rina to the wall, he sealed her lips before she could squeal as her skin touched the cool surface. The kiss they shared stole her breath away. Once he pulled back she panted as he stared at her then backed away.

Soon he reached the door then finally turned away from her.