
Ball III.

I fell back a step, leading him, us, into the dance and he went with me. He was not graceful like prince Charles, he did not instinctively move to each beat as she did.

His eyes did not, would not leave my face. At first, I thought there was something on my face. Maybe I left a piece of food before my lips.

But that was not the case. His eyes stared into mine and I looked down to avoid them. For some reason, they burned me like fire even though I did not get hurt.

Our steps quickened and he found his rhythm which was a bit late. I expected him to get it when we just started. I was doing perfectly well. Anyone in his shoes would do well.

Maybe he was not a fine dancer. Unlike us who were forced to take dance classes since childhood, his parents might have had a choice. And then, he chose the fields over dance.

His palm was not soft. I knew it weighed a sword as soon as he could walk. He held my waist a bit tightly this sending different signals to my body.

I thought I was going to faint. It felt good to behold my crush in that manner. However, I did show it out. I tried my best to keep still. Everyone was now looking at us. Ember did not come again.

She was holding two glasses and I guess, she was going to give one of them to her.

She was angry even though I did not forcefully take her friend. He came to me of his free will.

"Are you sure you don't want to stop this dance?" I was looking in the direction Ember stood. He noticed that I was distracted so he looked behind him and saw her. His response was a bit surprising.

"No, my Lady" He replied taking more steps to their right. My eyes left ember and I concentrated on his neck. A thought came to me and I felt like putting my lips on his neck. It would be wrong. A woman and man were not supposed to be physically closed in public. If you were not married, then it was worse.

I was thinking of the punishment father would give to him when he spun me and I whipped I spun around, his arms waiting to catch me.

His hand on her waist tightened his only warning as he launched them futile, faster into the music. He smiled at me and the world faded.

I could barely get a hold of myself. Everything…everyone around me became dead except for him. I wished to dance with him for as long as he wishes.

I got my senses back when I heard the guests clapping. Some joined us and we continued to dance.

Now, I was tempted to ask him so many questions. What was his name? His kingdom? Why was he so handsome? He was different from the other men in the room. Why?

But the only word that came out of my mouth was "Are…" I stopped and looked up. There was no way any woman would look in those green eyes and not stammer.

"Go ahead, princess," he said politely. I was a bit humiliated. Father would curse me if he found out that I behaved so poorly and foolishly with a man.

"Do you dance often?" I managed to ask. It was not the best question time to ask at the moment. What if he let go of me?

"No, I don't dance," the gentleman told me. He glared at me when he spoke and I wondered how he did. I would freeze if I dare something like that. "But, I dance when necessary. Dancing is not my thing, princess."

I nodded. It was true. From his steps, I could tell that he danced only a little in his life. It was fortunate that my feet did not get eaten by his. I would have ended up with a swollen foot.

"Are you saying I'm a bad dancer?" He asked all of a sudden and I smiled. I thought he was going to be sad or get angry like prince Charles but he did not.

He chuckled and I knew at once that it was over for him.

"I don't know your name," I said when the music stopped. He let go of me gently and held my wrist. I moved to the left a bit. We walked to a corner to continue with her chats.

A maid walked by and offered us a drink. I was glad because my throat was burning. I needed it to quench the unknown fire burning through my body.

Each time I looked at him, my breath paused. I wanted to stop it but could not.

"Call me Azriel" The young man flashed me a smile. I was surprised. I have never seen anyone with that day except for the stories in the books.

I thought he was going to say it was a joke. His name was prince Arthur or Henry….anyone at all but he did not.

"That's good, Lord Azriel" I said. It sounded odd to me. "What is your last name?"

"Let us leave it for another time, my Lady" Azriel told me. He made much attention to Ember now. She was furiously looking in his direction. "You know her well?"

"Yes of course. We grew up together" I replied.

"Good," He turned to me and asked "Is there anything you wished to know me?*

I swallowed subconsciously as his green eyes taunted me "Where are you from? I mean your kingdom."

Azriel was going to answer when he noticed that prince Charles was looking at us. I did not like the look on his face. Was he jealous because I was spending time with another man? We were engaged and I expected him to understand that I can be with any man I choose to.

"Everyone is staring at us," He told me.

"They are wondering what I'm doing with a Baron" The words left my mouth and I regretted it. Why should I mention his status to him?

Azriel's brows furrowed in confusion. He brought his face closed to me and asked "What do you mean?"

"You are a Baron…" My eyes moved to his shirt and he saw the rank identity. "We… being together surprised everyone."


Shock spread on his face and I noticed his lips parted but no words came out. He looked at me and left immediately. I wondered if what I said made him leave.

The guests noticed that he left me there hanging. I went after him to apologize. Many questions ran through my mind. Was he always this angry? Did I say something that bad? Did he just realise that he was from the lowest rank?