
A Cry


The Author's POV.

The breeze became hot to him. The once beautiful eyes of the princess annoyed him. He quickly, left her presence to find out if what she said was true. How did he miss it? A baron? No wonder the other prince looked at him differently.

He passed both Stryga and Sigurd. They were busy with the ladies but as soon as they saw him leaving, they stopped what they were doing and followed him. The princess stopped halfway. She did not pursue him anymore.

Azriel was relieved. He did not want her to see his other side. If not for her, he would have foolishly presented himself as a prince in front of everyone.

"Nonsense" he cursed as he removed his mask. The ground was covered with snow. His boots fought their way through. Many guards were walking up and down the lane he was passing.

If not for the mission, he would have kicked them all.

"Just wait for us, Azriel" He heard his sister's voice. There was no way he would not recognise her voice even without seeing her face. She has been by his side ever since he was born. He was lucky to have her.

Azriel stopped and threw the lump of snow in front of him. His anger was taking the better side of him. They got fooled by an old man.

"Calm down, man," Stryga said, moving close to where he stood. "Heather just found out from lady Ember what the problem is. She noticed it yesterday."

"I don't know how that old man did but it's not our fault, Azriel" Kielee crossed her arms in front of her chest. She did not like to see him in pain. Heather was right about killing the old man. He deserves to die.

"So, everyone knows now" He sat on the ice and buried his head in his hands. There was nothing they could do to correct the situation. It was too late.

"Sadly, yes. Even the princess knows" Sigurd added.

Heather paced back and forth for a while. Everyone thought she was looking for a solution to their problem. At last, she spoke "I was right when I killed that man. I wished I'd hang his balls up in the air."

"Seriously? Now?" Sigurd asked her. His blue-eyed which were bright as the sky narrowed at her.

"Of course. Thank goodness, he is dead" She told them. "Ember told me that the twin, Stryga is an Earl. I think that it is the reason why he is respected more than you."

"Which means the Earl fought while the Baron ran and hide" Kielee was beginning to understand the situation. They did not know much about the ranks because they were from a different world.

"Yes, but we are not really at loss here" Stryga finally spoke. "The princess showed interest in Azriel even though, he is from a low rank.

"He is right," Kielee said even though she did not want to. The princess was so beautiful that she got jealous of her when Azriel stared. "He left prince Charles just to spend time with you. The ladies are saying it."

"So you see? All hope is not lost. Get yourself together and we walk through this fire together" Heather placed a hand on his cold shoulders. He nodded and asked them to go back inside. "Are you not coming?"

"I will take the air from here. I will join later" Azriel told them. They knew he was going to be fine. They left him there.

He leaned his back against the wall and looked up. This Mission has to be successful. Both the honour of his late parents and people depended on it. Vengeance was his, to take.


"Did you see the way she took my partner away from me?" Ember asked her sister. Her cheeks were red with anger. She was going to teach the princess a lesson. She shouldn't take people's things away from them. It was disrespectful.

"Well, I think the man was going to meet her too" Hazel replied. She tossed a few grapes into her mouth and chewed carefully. She knew that people will be watching her.

"Whose side are you on?" Ember asked angrily this time. She told her sister about a serious problem she was facing and all she could do was take sides with that witch.

"I am on your side, sister" Hazel was surprised. She has always been on her sister's side. But Azriel left her for Azrael. He wanted to dance with her and ember did not want to accept the truth. "I just want to know that it was Azrael's fault. The young man is to blame too."

"You now love the princess right?" Ember asked.

"No. I will always choose you dear" Hazel replied with her eyes on the door. Ever since Azriel left, his friends followed at well. She wondered if they would come back.

"Then let's play a game," Ember said, sipping from the cup in her hand. When her sister looked at her, she smiled.

"What again?"

"I want us to teach Azrael a lesson. I can't do with your help."

"When exactly?"

"Tomorrow before the tea party," Ember said excitedly. She was going to get a response from her sister when the men with Azriel walked into the hall. He was not with them and she wondered why.

"You will tell me more about your plans later, I have to leave," Hazel said. She was going to meet the man she danced with.

Ember followed her. She wanted to ask them if Azriel has returned to the inn. If so, she was going to hold her cousin responsible. Azrael was the reason why he left the hall. But what did she say to upset him?

A cry came from outside and someone called for help. Stryga looked at the door. The voice was familiar "Azriel!"

They all ran to find out what was going on.