
The demon's virgin

In a world where the innocent are branded as guilty and thugs are hailed as saints, Kaki's life in Georgia is an unending nightmare. Orphaned, mistreated, and seen as a cursed child, he faces relentless suffering. But everything changes one fateful spring day when Kaki, after taking out his own life is unexpectedly reborn as a demon in the depths of hell. Now, he's faced with a new life full of enigmatic mysteries, demons and their virgins, journeys through parallel realities, and even the unexpected spark of romance with Lucifer's daughter. Join Kaki on a riveting journey as he grapples with the 'how,' 'who,' and 'why' of his reincarnation in this dark, thrilling tale of second chances and self-discovery. Update every week !

Elidson_Habakuk · 奇幻
7 Chs

Red skin and horns ?

In the bathroom of room 118 of City Hall No. 2, a razor blade with traces of blood on it was placed on the bathroom floor right next to the bathtub.

An arm was sticking out of the bathtub and hanging down to the floor covered in blood.

On his forearm, he had big red cuts made by the blade.

In the bathtub it was Kaki, a 16 and a half year old boy with curly red hair that looked much more reddish in the blood bath he was in and his brown eyes on his pale face closed for one last time .

His lips mumbled two words with difficulty


And he smiled...

Suddenly his eyes opened again as if by force, he felt that he was floating in the void, he began to inspect the place where he was and realized that above him, a white glow which came from very high and below him it was an orange glow.

"Where am I? Am I dead? Am I in hell or in heaven"

He began to realize that the place he was in was neither hell nor heaven as he fell himself starting to fall towards the orange glow.

It fell faster and faster and the glow seemed to take shape

"Is it me or are they flames?!"

he asked himself.

But his doubts began to be confirmed as a slightly warm vapor hit him hard.

His eyes widened as the temperature continued to rise incredibly fast and the flames were much more visible, growing as he approached at high speed.

He wanted to scream but by the time he opened his mouth, he was already about 3 meters from the flames.


He hit the ground at breakneck speed, sinking into the flaming ground and before he knew it, he was falling again.

But this time even faster towards a reddish glow

"Yo what the--"


He hit the ground once again but this time the ground didn't let him sink like last time.

He felt an excruciating pain that was filling his entire body and he wondered if someone had taken all of his bones out and put them back by force.

When the pain subsided, he finally became aware of the environment he was in.

It was a very large place quite similar to the planet Mars because of the color but it was even more reddish.

Right next to where Kaki was, there was a sort of residence formed by hundreds of houses that were classified in several lines.

These houses were not the same size, but most were at least 25 square meters in size and were made of clay, probably taken from this place because they had the same color as the ground.

"How am I still alive? What the hell is that place? Is it mars? Did I fulfill Elon Musk's dream before him?"

he said getting up

But suddenly, two young males about 10 years older than Kaki came to help him get up.

They all look like humans except for their red skin and the horns on their heads, otherwise they are humans.

"Little brother are you okay? Are you lost? Do you wanna get outta this awful place?"

The young people asked him constantly

"Yes !"

Kaki replied with wide eyes, literally confused and surprised by what was happening.

"So run towards that direction as fast as you can without stopping, you will eventually pass through an invisible portal that will take you to a wonderful world!

Take your chance! You are still young so the portal will open for you because it is impossible for us now!

Go away before they come!"

They said pushing him

Kaki started running before he even knew it

'An invisible portal? A wonderful world? Before they come?'

Kaki asked while running and suddenly after a few moments, he came into contact with some kind of electric field and the voltage was so strong that it repulsed him almost 30 meters behind

"Hahahaha! He's so stupid! He really thought that he could get outta here this easily!

Yeah that's so funny! I'll never get tired of doing this to newbies!"

Said the two young people, bursting out laughing.

As for Kaki, he was lying on his back, writhing in pain, still in shock.

Suddenly the laughter of the two young people stopped

"My praises, sir!"

They say in unison as they bow at someone

While waiting for that, Kaki, still lying on his back, looked up and saw an old man standing upon his head, he must be from the same people as the two young people, red skin, horns, but visibly old

"Get out of my sight!"

Said the old man

"Okay sir!"

replied the young people as they went

'Who is this guy?' Kaki said to himself with a suspicious look, still lying on his back but the old man turned his gaze towards him.

Kaki's eyes widened when he saw that the old man was now looking at him.

He opened his mouth to say something but the old man beat him to it.

"Follow me !"

Said the old man as he turned his head and started walking towards the houses

Kaki followed him with his gaze before getting up and following him.


Fun facf : The number "118" is the number of scars on my both forehands.

If you guys enjoyed it then add it to your library and don't be shy at commenting ideas about th story !

I'll drop the next chapter in 24h !

Elidson_Habakukcreators' thoughts