
The demigod's mate: Enchanting her blood

Axella moved to Las Vegas with her mom, as she was admitted into Blue Moon high. It has some secrets that was only disclose to a few members in the school. As time goes on she met Terrick, who happened to be the most powerful half vampire, half demon and the coldest guy in Blue Moon high school. the first day of Axella's stay in the school, she found her way easily as she met a friend who happens to also be her roommate. Although, Axella never knew about the existence of vampires in the school but she believed they existed and was so much interested in them. Alnord was another powerful vampire who was interested in the new girl Axella though he pretends not to be but deep down him he was madly in love with her. However, Axella was only interested in Terrick, she don't know why she was drawn to the cold and antisocial guy, but she found herself getting closer to him. With time, the vampires found out about Axella's special blood that draws them to her. Alnord was interested in being the leader but he needs to enchant Axella's blood to achieve his aim which was evil.While Terrick who wasn't interested in her blood had a good aim cause he fell in love with her. who will enchant her blood and claim her?

Tolu_17 · 青春言情
12 Chs

Chapter three(midnight hunting 1)

They stopped at room 178, and Pearl brought out a bunch of keys from her bag pack, and inserted it into the keyhole, bringing the door open.

They both walked in and Axella took her time to scrutinize the room. The girl was amazed at her view. "You have a beautiful room," she complimented. The room was decorated colour pink.

" I guess you really love pink," Axella assumed, still looking around the whole room, and Pearl agreed.

"I'm a lover of red, I love anything in red," she said and Pearl gave her a secret side glance and immediately looked away.

"But why is this room so cold?" Axella felt the odd coldness of the room and asked.

"Oh, sorry I usually turn on the AC all the time," Pearl smiled and took the AC remote turning it off.

"I guess I will have to adapt to the fact that I no longer stay alone in this room," Pearl mentioned.

"I need to arrange my stuffs and get something to eat," Axella said and unzipped her box bringing out her clothes and arranging them neatly on the wardrobe, while Pearl helped her arrange her cosmetics and her textbooks.

Pearl brought out all the textbooks and took a glance at them. When she saw vampire-related stuff.

She opened the book and saw different research about vampires inside.

"Do you believe vampires really do exist?" Pearl asked arranging all the textbooks on the shelf which were mostly about vampires.

"Yeah I believe they exist and I met one while growing up, but everyone says I'm a crazy girl who is totally obsessed with vampires so I stopped my research about them," Axella explained, still arranging her clothes.

Pearl took a look at the book and then back at Axella who didn't even know if someone was looking at her, before shrugging.

"Are you okay Pearl? You seem quiet" Axella asked turning to Pearl who immediately forced a smile.

"Do you also think I'm a crazy girl?" Axella asked with a frown plastered on her face and Pearl shook her head.

" I don't believe vampires exist, but I believe you," Pearl said, causing Axella to smile.

"This is the first time someone believed me and I'm glad," Axella said and continue arranging her clothes.

" I once saw a vampire when I was eight years I guess, he saved me from wolves who were ready to devour me" Axella said and stopped to read the expression on Pearl's face, but she has no expression on, as she stared at her blankly.

" Everyone says am a crazy little girl, who was imagining things, but after a long time I had to agree that it was truely my imaginations" Axella said and pursed her lips in a thin line and took a deep sigh.

" I wished it was a real incident, I would love to meet my saviour once again, to thank him for saving my dear life from those hungry wolves" said Axella.

All this while Pearl just listened to what Axella said without saying a word...

Within few more minutes they were done arranging Axella's stuffs, and Axella lay on the bed holding her stomach," damn!! am so farmished"Axella muttered rubbing her stomach which kept growling non stop.

" Let me make some omelette and garnished noodles for both of us"Pearl said and axella spranged up immediatly with a wide smile plastered on her lips.

" Really!! you will make omelette and garnished noodles?"she asked again and Pearl nodded.

" Thank you Pearl I love you"axella said tossing Pearl around.

" Am feeling dizzy Axella drop me down"Pearl giggled as Axella kept tossing her around.

It was night already, Pearl and Axella read their books before retiring to bed to have a good night sleep.

Immediatly Axella lay on the bed her phone ranged and she picked it up with a smile when she saw the caller's ID.

" Hey mom"Axella said and Mrs Donald smiled as if axella was right there in the house with her.

" How are you Ella"her mom voiced said from the phone .

" Am good mom"she said staring at the ceiling.

" Hope you didn't cause a scene at your new school and you behaved like a good girl" mrs Donald asked and Axella nodded.

" Yes mom and I made a friend today, she's really beautiful"Axella said and her mom laughed.

" You've already made friend so fast"her mom asked and she nodded

" Yes mom, good night I need to sleep we have class in the morning"Axella's said .

" I love you"her mom said and she smiled

" I love you too mom"she said and hanged up before placing her phone under her pillow.

She dragged the duvet and covered her body before facing the wall to sleep.

It was twelve midnight, every where

was as silent as a grave, cause everyone slept off already.

Pearl became thirsty for blood as her eyes kept turning into red and returning back to normal, she took her suppressants but it wasn't working on her body, cause her nails came out at once and so as her fangs.

Her eyes turned fully red, and she immediately stood up from her bed like a robot being controlled. She glanced at Axella before running out like a flash.

She wasn't in control of her body again, and her throat was inching for blood badly.

The whole lights in the girls hostel went off and darkness took over the whole dorm.

No one noticed cause everyone was fast asleep, while the vampires started their hunts.