

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · 奇幻
60 Chs

Chapter 31: becoming the human race imperial general.

Suddenly a black ancient book appear in Tian hand, the princess was surprise to see a book appear out of nowhere, but then she remembered that this is Tian world, he can control everything with just his thought.

" This book contained the techniques, skills and everything you need to know about your physique, but you will have to disperse your current cultivation and start all over again, so now the question is that do you have all it takes to disperse your work of hard work?" Tian asked gently while he was still hugging the princess from behind.

silences reign in their vicinity, Tian patiently waited for the princess to make up her mind, cause he knows this is a hard choice to make, moreover, Princess was already a king realm expert.

this silence continued for ten minutes, and within these ten minutes, different expressions appear on the princess's face, but suddenly she turned to face Tian, wrapped her arm around his neck, and look into his eye with a determined look.

" I will do it, as long as i'm walking the correct path". She said with a firmed tone.

seeing this Tian nodded his head and a smile appear on his face, he was happy about her decision cause he doesn't want cowards who won't dare to take risks beside him.

" Well then since you've decide i shall help you and you dont have to worry it will only take few days before you reach your current cultivation base back". Tian said with a teasing smile.

the princess was speechless, and curious about what he mean.

" Maria". Tian called out gently and she appear like a ghost behind Tian before she kneeled down.

" What order does the lord has for me". She asked.

the princess was surprised to see the woman appear out of nowhere, and the aura the girl in front her was emitting was vast, heavy, endless and peaceful.

" This is maria one of my shadow, there are more of them but you will get to know them in time", Tian introduce maria to the princess while he introduce the princess as his maid to Maria as well.

"Maria i need you to make a top grade tier four Qi returning pills and prepare the heavenly spiritual pond that is enough for her to return back to her peak cultivation base". Tian order Maria.

"Yes my lord, it will be done soon", she replied before vanishing again.

"We shall wait till she is done before we begin the process, but for now lets go deal with our situation outside". Tian said to the princess before they both disappeared from the soul world and appear back in the room.

Immediately they appeared in the room, the princess received a spiritual message.

" father summoned us to the imperial meeting". She informed Tian.

"ohh, so fast, well then you shall lead the way". He raised his eyerbrow before he asked the princess to lead the way.


Tian entered the grand hall of the imperial palace with a measured stride, while the princess walked behind him as loyal servant, Tian eyes fixed straight ahead. The hall was was crowded today with five Song clan elders, three generals of the human race and ten ministers, from the different top clans of the human race, all gathered to discuss the state of the whole human race.

Tian started studying each individual in the room, he notice that the Song clan elders were a formidable group, each one already advanced in years but still sharp as razors, their darted around the room, taking in every detail and weighing every actions of others in the room, they were a cautious bunch, skeptical of any idea that might upset the delicate balance of power they had worked so hard to achieve.

With this Tian realized that he must have interrupt their conversation, and considering the caution gaze of the Song elders, the King must have discussed things about him with them privately, before they call for the meeting.

The three generals were a different breed altogether, they stood tall and proud, their battle intent was strong and vast, while their aura was heavy and wild. There realized that they were men of action, used to making quick decisions and taking bold risks. They were more interested in winning battles than playing politics, and some of the ministers resented them for their blunt manner and disregard for protocal.

As for the ministers themselves, Tian notice that they were a mixed bag. Some were truly righteous men, committed to serving the human race and willing to do their best to make sure the human stay alive in this world. While others were more devious, always looking for ways to gain their own interests. But most were simply trying to survive in a cut-throat world.

As Tian walked forward into the room, his expressionless face and aura of confidence immediately caught the attention of those present. Some of the ministers looked up at him with a wary eyes, while others remained neutral waiting to kmow the purpose of this meeting.

Tian walked to an empty seat close to the king throne, he sat down and the princess move to serve him tea before she walk to stood behind Tian.

All the minister were surprise while some were curious as to what is going on, why is there kingdom princess acting like a maid to an outsider who just drop into this world out of nowhere.

" Everyone," the king spoke, his voice strong, firmed and clear despite the weight of his concerns. " As you were all aware of the danger and struggles we are facing in this world, and you know that the human race is on the verge of exterminatin. recently the attack of the beasts and devil have increase tremendously and we cant hold on much longer, before they breach the formation protecting us and started there massacre".

Everyone in the hall murmured in agreement, their expressions grave.

"Your majesty", spoke up one of the general, a middle man with a lined face and sharp eyes. " What can we do to defend ourselves? what strategies can we employ to keep our people safe?"

The king shook his head sadly. " we have tried everything we know, but these creatures are dead set to annihillate us, and this where young master Tian comes in the picture."

suddenly Tian felt all gaze from all sides, but he wasn't bothered, and he keep cool.

" your majesty what makes you think this young man can help us in our current situation, and if so who is he? where did he comes frome?." a minister who is an old man with hunchback asked.

the king look around, and he saw the curious and questioning gaze everyone directed at him. " Dont you all feel that young master is different from normal people?" he throw a question back to back to everyone around instead of answering there question and a mischievious smile appear on the king face, like a man waiting to see a nice show.

Suddenly everyone directed their spiritual sense to Tian; they started assesing him, trying to look through him without giving him any face since all of them are in the emperor realm, just difference in level, and even though they couldn't see through Tian's cultivation base, they knew he was weaker than them considering the weak aura they felt from him.

Tian became angry at the disrespectful act, and their action made his bloodline pride explode. "Impudent", suddenly his eye shone brightly and his aura exploded. Everyone in the hall grew in pain; they felt some sort of pain from their souls, while some that are in the early stages of the Emperor realm vomited blood from their mouths.

Their expressions became horrified, like they'd seen the embodiment of death, except for the king, princess, and elders, to whom he did not directed his aura on, since they did not access him. Every other person in the hall was shivering, and their backs bent a little.

" young master i apologies on behalf of everyone rudeness i hope you can can forgive them". the king quickly apologies to Tian since he felt like Tian might go on a killing spree soon.

Hearing the king's apology, Tian withdrew his aura and went back to that of an ordinary man, then he snorted out loud before closing his eyes and acting like nothing here concerned him.

The king sighs in relief before he turns to his subjects and says, "Started today, young master Tian shall become our imperial general; he will lead us to glory, and everyone will listen to his order. Any objection?" He dropped a bomb that left everyone speechless, because it's like the king was putting everyone's life in the devil's hands, but how can they object to this since doing so is like going against this devil sitting in front of them, and after feeling the aura and killing intent that came from him, no one wants to offend him at all?