
The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

A gift of overwhelming talent bestowed from the heavens. A true monster, endowed with both sword and magic. Given everything from his birth.

Zermonoid · 奇幻
53 Chs

Chapter 42: The Ice dragon

At that moment, Luke became convinced.

That "fate" definitely existed in this world.

Otherwise, there was no explanation for why Abel was here. He couldn't understand it, not at all.

Unaware of Luke's lament, Abel peered into his eyes with genuine concern. Seeing that, Luke's heart became even more melancholy. However, he suddenly thought,

When did I start accepting unpleasant realities as inevitable?

The constant stream of troubles that surpassed his expectations was ultimately beyond his control. So he unconsciously began to think that he had to compromise.

(To think this'll make me compromise…?)

"Kuku… This makes me laugh."


In an instant, the air froze.

And at the same time, everyone remembered.

The nightmare of that day. The existence of Luke.

Anger had filled Luke's heart that was full of gloom. Not just towards Abel in front of him, but towards everything that troubled him.

With Luke's heightened emotions, a tremendous amount of chilling magical power was unleashed.

Zach, who was closest to him, let out a small scream. It was the overwhelming sense of intimidation as if a vastly superior magical creature was within reach.



Once again, the adventurer named Mockel went mad and ran off somewhere. 

However, most of the people present at the scene were frozen in place by the violent magical power released by Luke, unable to move.

Mokkel, who was able to escape, was indeed a competent adventurer, so the weight of the situation can be clearly seen.

"When did you and I become equals? Tell me, Abel," Luke approached Abel.


"I'll tell you since you seem to be misunderstanding. To me, someone like you—"

"Hey, stop it!"

Without hesitation, Lily stepped between Luke and Abel and glared at him. No, her hands and feet were shaking slightly.

"We're classmates from the same school, so it's okay to come and see you, right? Abel was really looking forward to seeing you!"

Lily raised her voice a little louder than usual, trying not to succumb to fear.

"…You── Hmm, what?"

Someone who directly opposed him. When Luke felt a slightly fresh emotion towards that, the sound of a bell shook his body to the core.

[Emergency!! Confirmation of approaching disaster-designated monster 'Ice Dragon' with a difficulty rating of S for subjugation!! All knights and adventurers in this town, arm yourselves and gather at the West Gate immediately!!]

Immediately after, a slightly trembling urgent announcement echoed throughout the city.


Human magic could have an "attribute." Then what about monsters? Of course, it was also possible for monsters.

The most notable example of this was the dragon. They were called "attribute dragons" and were truly disasters. Their bodies were covered in strong scales, they had teeth and claws that could easily cut through steel, and they could also unleash powerful wide-range attacks with their breath.

As creatures, they were far superior to humans, and with their advanced intelligence, they could even handle magic. If they weren't called disasters, then what else would they be called?


However, there was no logic to this. Why would an ice dragon, a monster of disaster level, suddenly appear in this town? I had a suspicion about the cause.

"L-Luke… um, I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't say this now, but… I—"

This guy next to me, looking all timid. I think I just got involved in some kind of event related to Abel, the protagonist of this world.

If this guy had been in the capital, wouldn't some event have happened there?

But for some reason, he came to Gilbadia, and this was the result of it. I really couldn't understand why things always turned out like this.

"Good to see you, Abel. It's a bit late, but I welcome you ──Kuku."

"… Eh? Ah, thank you…?"

To be honest, this guy was nothing but a nuisance, but this time it was convenient for me too. I couldn't help but feel excited about encountering a formidable enemy like the ice dragon. I was getting tired of hunting giant lizards.

Adventurers continued to gather one after another. However, their expressions were dark, showing no signs of hope.

'Hmm, no need to worry I guess, even if it comes, I'll just hunt and kill it,' I thought to myself.

Come to think of it, what happened to those two beastmen?

Suddenly curious, I looked around, but their figures were nowhere to be seen.

I had something I wanted to ask them, but…


Just then, a voice called out.

When I turned around, there was my father, who had brought many knights with him. Alfred was also there with him.

"Father, aren't you going to evacuate?"

"Don't be foolish. I would never do such a disgraceful thing. More importantly, it's you, Luke. Quickly, with Alfred, go…"

"Are you saying I should run away?"

I interrupted my father's words.

Normally, I would never do such a thing. However, this was different. The desire to fight the ice dragon burned fiercely within me. It was too strong to resist.

Therefore, I thought about it.

I searched for a suitable justification. And…

"As someone who carries the blood of the Gilbert family, I cannot simply run away and leave the people of our territory behind. I will risk my life and fight until the end."


I found the model answer immediately.

So I spoke it out loud… but at that moment, the surroundings became unnaturally quiet.

Various emotions pierced me through the gaze, including Abel and my father.

"…As expected of my son!! I'm impressed!! I didn't know your determination was that strong… Alright. I won't tell you to run anymore."

"T-thank you very much…"

They were excessively pleased, to the point that I became a little wary.

'Actually, I only wanted to fight the Ice Dragon…', I thought.

"But, I won't allow you to die. Understood?"

"Yes, Father."

Father's expression was not much different from usual, but I could read various emotions in him.

He probably wanted me to escape. Even so, Father chose to respect my determination.

I have to express my gratitude.

"Luke… already has that much determination. You're really amazing. I want to help too!"

"Hmph, now I'm starting to see things a little differently. I'll help you out, too."


Abel and Lily also looked at me with strangely hot gazes.

…What's up with them?

"…I'm sorry. I misunderstood. That Luke-sama would think so much about us…"

It was Zach who suddenly said such a thing.

At the same time, I noticed that the people in the room were filled with a definite fighting spirit, unlike before.

"Luke-sama! I'm so impressed!"

"Hey, Zach──"

"Hey, all of you!! We can't stay quiet after being told this much by Luke-sama. We adventurers can't just sit around!!"

Saying that, Zach raised his sword high.


The explosive shout shook the earth.

"Let's definitely defeat the Ice Dragon, Luke!"


Why are these guys so fired up? How can my casually spoken words inspire so much motivation? I don't understand the thinking of foolish humans very well. But, well, it doesn't matter. The freezing magic power began to emanate. The temperature around us dropped noticeably. 

Alright, let's face it.


Finally, the Ice Dragon appeared. I couldn't help but grin. 

Let's see what you're capable of. Show me your best.

I drew my sword, and at that moment, I heard a flute playing from somewhere. The sound was beautiful, with a hint of sadness that captivated me.

"T-this flute…?"

Abel exclaimed in surprise. He seemed to know something. Of course, this must be some event that he brought into this situation, and I was caught up in it.

Well, it didn't matter anymore.

Now then, shall we take on the Ice Dragon?