

"It sure is hard to find an empty compartment," thought Jiho aloud as he tiredly sat down in an empty compartment that he had been searching for 45 minutes. After getting on the train he searched for an empty compartment not really wanting to be bothered or bother someone else, however, this search was somewhat difficult, to say the least.

"At least I found one," said Jiho as he sat down, tired, but relieved that he didn't have to go through an awkward interaction with a random person.

"Excuse me,"

'I jinxed myself didn't I' thought Jiho as he slowly looked to his side not wanting to break his peaceful reality.

"Hello, do you need anything?" Jiho said, although inwardly he was much more different, 'Please don't say you need a seat,'

"I was wondering if I could sit with you, there aren't any empty compartments,"

"Sure, take a seat," said Jiho as he resigned to his fate.

A few minutes passed as the girl took a seat and an awkward silence commenced as both just looked outside, enjoying the passing scenery.

"So, what's your name?" asked the girl breaking the silence,

"My name's Jiho, what about you?"

"My name's Cho Chang. Are you ready for the selection? What house do you want to be in? Which house do you think is the best? What about-" asked Cho as she looked at him in excitement, obviously

"How about we go one question at a time," said Jiho a little overwhelmed by the sudden barrage of questions.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just excited about the selection ceremony."

"I noticed, as for your questions, first of all, there's nothing really to prepare, and I want to be in Ravenclaw as I love books and learning new things," said Jiho with a smile as it had been a while since he had talked to someone his age.

"Oh, I want to be Ravenclaw too I hope I get in, I just hope it's not Slytherin, I heard a lot of rumors about them." Said Cho with a smile as she had found a common interest.

"Yeah, but Slytherin can't be all bad, there's always someone who doesn't fit the stereotype they're given." Said Jiho thinking about his parents and just how much love they had given him, no matter the grade he had, although, that doesn't mean he was a bad student.

"I guess, but I still hope to get into Ravenclaw," said Cho thoughtfully.

"Me too, and maybe we will."

Time continued to pass as the two continued talking about various subjects, ranging from the different houses to their favorite subjects even to different charms and potions. Soon it was time for them to get ready and leave.

"Well, it was fun talking to you," said Jiho with a wide smile as he felt that he had a friend as soon as he started his journey,

"Yeah, hopefully, we see each other in Ravenclaw," said Cho also smiling,

"Maybe we will, maybe we won't, either way, I'll see you during classes."

And with that, the two departed from the train as they both followed the crowd.

"First years this way!" bellowed a huge man carrying a lamp, "get on the boats, and remember only 4 per boat,"

'He's huge,' thought Jiho as he quickly got on a board with Cho and two other students.

"That's Hagrid, he's the Keeper of the Keys and Grounds, my mom and dad told me about him," said Cho noticing the surprise on Jiho's face.

"Everybody ready? Then let's go," said Hagrid as he quickly set off into the lake,

"So, do we row or what?" said Jiho as he saw Hagrid going off into the sunset, well it's night, so the imaginary sunset, but whatever. However, as if on cue the boats magically went forward.

"Oh, well isn't that convenient," said Jiho as he curiously looked at the boat, wondering just what charm or other magical thing they did to the boat. His question was soon answered as he saw a magical line connecting them to Hagrid's boat,

'Oh, it's connected to the main boat, that's why it took a minute for the boats to follow.'

With his question answered he looked up as he saw what he could only assume was Hogwarts come into view. Soon enough they had completed their little cruise and made their way to the doorway, the entrance to their magical education.

Hagrid quickly raised his hand and knocked three times,

"Professor McGonagall, the firs'-years," said Hagrid as the door opened and out came a stern-looking, black-haired Professor.

"Thank you Hagrid, I'll take care of them from here on out," said Professor McGonagall, opening the door fully and letting the students in as she quickly led them to a small chamber.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, this is a place where every one of you will be made into well-educated witches and wizards, but before that, you will first be sorted into your respective houses. This will be done by the sorting hat, you will be sorted into four different houses, they are-"

This was about the time Jiho stopped paying attention as he had the same explanation from his parents.

'This is so boring,' thought Jiho as he quickly started playing around with his fingers making finger puppets, and by the time the explanation had ended an entire storyline was created as Robert and Isabella were once again reunited just for Isabella to be killed by her nemesis, Karen.

"-I'll be back when the ceremony starts so behave yourselves." Said Professor McGonagall as left through the doorway.

"So, you ready for the Sorting Ceremony," asked Cho as she nervously made sure her uniform was in perfect form for the 10th time.

"Why did Isabella have to die, they were so close to a happy ending," muttered Jiho

"What?" Said Cho in absolute confusion, "Who's Isabella?"

"Don't worry about it. Yeah, I'm ready I think," said Jiho as he quickly wiped a tear, "Don't be so nervous, you'll be fine all the seniors have been in this exact position,"

"That's not what I'm worried about, I'm worried about what house I'm gonna be in,"

"Well, don't be, it doesn't really matter what house your in as long as you do well,"

"I guess your right," said Cho as she felt a little less nervous.

"Ok, it's time, follow me." Said Professor McGonagall as she fully opened the door and led the first years into the Great Hall.

"Amazing," said Cho as she looked upwards and saw the hundreds of candles floating in the air as the ceiling showed the night sky.

"Yeah, it's so cool," said Jiho in the most monotone voice, as to him, it all just looked like a bunch of particles put together.

'Awesome, even more downsides to my life,' Thought Jiho.

"Before I start the sorting ceremony, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words," says Professor McGonagall moving to the side.

"For the first years, I would like to say that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden, also Mr. Filch would like me to remind all of you that exploration after curfew is also strictly forbidden, and if caught you will have a deserving punishment. Thank you, that's all."

"Well then, let us start the Sorting Ceremony," said Professor McGonagall, unwrapping a scroll most likely containing each of their names.

Time passed as one by one the students were sorted into their respective houses.

"Cho Chang,"

"Wish me luck," said Cho as she walked up,

"Well this is quite the obvious selection," said the sorting hat, "Ravenclaw!"

With this Cho's face lit up as she happily walked to the Ravenclaw house table with a huge smile on her face.

'Isn't she quite lucky,' thought Jiho as he patiently waited for his name. A few more minutes passed until finally,

"Jiho Han,"

'Finally,' thought Jiho as he walked up, ready to get sorted into what would be his home and family for the next seven years.


That's the end of the chapter, that's right I left it at a cliffhanger, why? Because I've experienced them so much that I just have to do one too, I'm sorry.

Thanks for reading.