
The day that comes

life story

Afeeda_Hameed · 青春言情
1 Chs


I closed my eyes .I opened them. I found myself in my school standing in the hall near the entrance. The school dismissed and all the students rushed to go home. Parents of young children were waiting outside the gate to pick their children.

One lady who was standing among the parents set her eyes on me. She was walking towards me. She took my hands and said, "You are very pretty, come with me". I was amazed as well as confused. She handed me a package of lehenga(bridal dress) and asked me,

"Will you marry my son?"

"Sure" , was my answer.

"Great then, wear this lehenga and meet me outside".

"Okay", said I.

I was very excited. I went inside an empty classroom and wore the lehenga that she gave me.

As I stepped outside the school, I saw a car waiting. As I reached close to that car, the lady said, "Get in, dear". She was sitting on the front seat. I occupied the back seat. The car took me to the wedding spot.

I got married. I didn't notice his face. After the wedding we moved to his house. His house was located on a beach side. The neighbor houses got full of people. The balcony of the house got a tea table surrounded with four chairs that gave the view of the sea. I occupied one of the seat with three other people. We were laughing and chilling with the sunset view.

After a while, the sun completely drowned in the sea. It was time for me to go to his room. I was little nervous. I opened the door trembling. There was no one in the room. The room was compact but luxurious. I waited for him in the room for a long time. Meantime, I examined the room and his things to know about him. I sat near the window to listen to the soothing sea waves. He didn't show up and I slept in solitude.

The next morning, I woke up with disappointment as he didn't show up. I got dressed and walked towards the kitchen. On the way, in the dining hall, I saw him having breakfast. His mom served him food. She saw me and said, "You woke up? Come, have your breakfast. And yeah, do not worry about yesterday. He was shy to meet you last night."

She chuckled. He raised his eyes and looked at me. Our eyes met. That was our glance. It was special. We both blushed. I joined him for the breakfast.

And, here it begins...!