
True value

"You killed your champion for this boy!?"

It was a shocking piece of news for everyone present.

There were not only stringent requirements for each champion but the resources alone that were needed to get them to a respectable level were mind-boggling. And to say they sacrificed an already matured champion for a newcomer, no matter how gifted the newcomer was, was nothing short of a bad joke.

But it 'had' happened and only the 'Sect of Red King' could honestly claim it to be the truth.

"Not killed, he chose to sacrifice himself because it was easier this way," Lord Cerritos clarified before adding, "And the boy...he is uniquely gifted to take advantage of such a situation."

He did need to say more because the implications were obvious. His words were vague enough to leave much room for interpretation but still clear enough to let them know that 'Max' had some sort of a special ability that aided him in the long run.