

Burak walked up from behind, running his fingers through the three giant claw marks in the dead center of the door.

"Are you ready, human?" Burak asked while his own mind wandered through the past memories.

Hao Xuan shrugged, "Ready for...what? You...didn't tell me....what was...in...here..."

He was still having Baracus translate for him in real-time so it always took a little while to respond.

The only source of light in this place were the weird looking torches the barbarians brought with them. They had some type of spotted leather covering the top which burned with a bright yellow flame that didn't get put out no matter how fast their movements were.

Burak raised his torch into the air and with his chin gestured towards the claw marks in the door.

"Can you feel it?" he asked while taking a step back.