

The looks that Hao Xuan got were nothing short of horror and confusion.

Hao Xuan watched as Jarek's back vanished behind the yurts. He couldn't help but feel a tad bit uneasy letting him go alone like that but it was for the beast. He needed to learn and there was no better teacher than experience.

Princess Helena was the first one to come forward, breaking the silence that had fallen over the group after watching Hao Xuan's actions for the last minute or so.

Armed with the most mesmerizing smile in her arsenal, she gave a courteous bow reserved for the royalty in her clan.

"I apologize for introducing myself so late. My name is Helena, this is my sister Inara. Would it be possible to ask for the gentleman's title?"

Thinking that since he was able to talk to Burak so casually, he must come from a powerful background princess Helena asked for his title since that was the more polite way of asking for his name.
