
The Young Marquis Who is Blind Yet Clear-Headed (1)

編輯: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was still cold in the early spring, and the weather was chilly, but this didn't stop the plants from coming back to life. The earth was filled with green verdure, and tiny leaves, albeit still very tender leaves, were sprouting on the formerly bare, brown branches, welcoming the wind as they swayed along with it.

This canyon was already filled with the colors of spring. Many flowers were budding and blossoming, and they were very pleasing to look at. There was a small stream running through the canyon, which made the lush valley even more lively. But crossing beyond this canyon, there was a large, dense forest beyond. The trees were so tall that they seemed to reach all the way to the sky and pierce the clouds. Hence, one could hardly see the sun through the foliage.

Because of the canyon's beautiful scenery, people often came here to enjoy the spring season.

This day, in the canyon, a group of well-dressed young men on horseback arrived from afar. All the young men in this group were clad in expensive clothes. At first glance, anyone could tell that they were not from ordinary families.

The leader of the group was a young man with a thin face. There was arrogance written all over his face, and his eyebrows were set in such a way that he gave off a gloomy, cold aura.

After the group came to a stop, this young man dismounted. He turned to a young man behind him and said, "Young Marquis, let's set up camp here. The scenery here is especially pleasing. Ah, sorry. Sometimes I forget that you can't see." His apology sounded sincere, but there wasn't a touch of sincerity in his eyes at all. On the contrary, an imperctible flash of contempt had flashed in his eyes.

"No worries, we shall rest here, then." The young man who'd been addressed as the Young Marquis was named Xiao Anning, and he was the one and only grandson of the current Duke of the country. Xiao Anning smiled slightly and dismounted his horse. He sported a slender and upright figure, an uncommon bearing, and a handsome appearance. His genial disposition made him seem like the spring breeze, which made people feel warm. The only thing was that the beautiful eyes beneath his pair of long brows lacked even the slightest hint of focus.

This young man, beautiful like a piece of jade, was actually a blind man.

Back when the Duke had followed the emperor on his quest to expand his territory, he had saved the emperor's life on several occasions, and thus, the emperor held him in high regard. As the one and only grandson of the Duke, Xiao Anning was naturally much loved and doted on by the family. Just from his name, Xiao Anning, it was easy to see how the family only wanted him to live a peaceful and easy life in wealth and good health.

Naturally, most people would feel jealous of someone born into such a distinguished and illustrious family. But after learning that the Young Marquis, Xiao Anning, was actually a blind man, most people's envy and jealousy turned into pity and delight.

However, when the Young Marquis got engaged to the most talented woman of the current day, Ji Liruo, their pity and delight once again turned into envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Ji Liruo was the most talented woman of today, and she was the firstborn granddaughter of the current prime minister. Not only did she have outstanding looks, but she was also gentle and generous, kindhearted, and exceptionally talented. Even the empress had praised her for her beauty and intelligence, as well as for her generosity and modesty. Such an outstanding lady like her naturally had many admirers. When they first heard the news that the emperor had given Ji Liruo to Xiao Anning in marriage, many had voiced their discontent and felt wronged on behalf of Ji Liruo.

Although Xiao Anning was of a noble background, he was blind. Even if he married a beautiful woman, would he even be able to admire her? It'd be such a waste to marry a beautiful woman to a man who was totally not a worthy match for her. How could the emperor bear to offer such a beautiful and well-endowed lady as a gift to repay his benefactor? How could he bear to let a woman with such life and vigor wither away like that? However, these words were only spoken in private, for who would dare to question the emperor's decision?

While many people called out the injustice on Ji Liruo's behalf, she didn't voice a single complaint. She only remained in the house, quietly waiting to be married off. There were even times when she reprimanded those who cried fowl, and this won her another round of praise.

Today, the person who'd asked Xiao Anning to come out and bask in the beauty of spring with a stroll in the forest was Ji Liruo's cousin, Tan Weizhi.

Since Xiao Anning and Ji Liruo were getting married, then, as Tan Weizhi put it, they were family now. So, logically speaking, there wasn't anything wong with him asking Xiao Anning out to enjoy the spring season.

And, when Xiao Anning had gladly accepted his invitation and turned up for the occasion, the group of young men who'd been following Tan Weizhi all this time had all cheered and jumped with joy. On an ordinary day, they'd never get the chance to come into contact with someone of the Young Marquis's status with their family backgrounds.