
The darkness Within

In every movies the protagonist are always be the one who solves the problems but have you ever thought that what if the protagonist is the one who needed help? Beatrice Finley is a girl who is everything what you wished for, but she is a mysterious one. She’s a girl who is seen to have a happy go lucky life, but oh boy… how wrong they could be, they always said that someone who is always smiling is the one who had a hurting heart… well, when you really focused closely to Beatrice you could see that all of the emotion she expressed is all fake but behind those fake emotions had something dark hidden within and behind all those things is someone screaming for help. Will someone manage to help her before it’s too late or will Beatrice fall into darkness forever…

Yoku_Manimeian · 奇幻言情
25 Chs

Chapter 23: Confrontation of the truth

Third POV

"I'll try searching from the sky, while you try on the land. Because it is my mission to guard and protect the people from evil and unfortunate to happen." Crisanto commanded, Eric rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't even know how to fly anyway. At least, I don't have a white chicken wings." Eric responded as he walked away, his hands behind his head.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Crisanto yelled, the two are really like a cat and dog when they were together.

Eric raised his hand without looking back, and waved. "I can't hear what you are saying!" He exclaimed and got farther and farther from Crisanto's view.

Crisanto sighed and massaged his temples, as he looked from left to right and spread his wings out, he then took off to the sky out of people's view.

Beatrice POV

After finishing my medicine, I decided to go to my 'grandpa's' office, the medicine only ease the pain slightly, but I can still manage.

I stood up in a formal posture, and stopped in front of a two gigantic doors. The guards beside the door bowed at me in respect, and I nod acknowledging their presence.

I later knocked and heard a voice saying 'come in' from the inside of the room, so I opened it and went in.

??? POV

I looked up from my work and saw the familiar face of my granddaughter Beatrice Finley, she was lovely like her mother.

Though, when I heard the news of the accident, I didn't hesitate to recruit Beatrice, because they have been keeping her away from me, I don't know what is their problem with me, since I haven't done anything wrong with them...

"Ah~ Beatrice, what can I do for you?" I asked as she walked towards me after securing the door, I put my elbows on my desk and lean my chin to my hands.

"Boss, is it true?" She asked to me, she was so straight to the point when she was talking to people, and if it is an emergency.

I straighten my back and narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean?" I replied with a tight smile, I know for sure that she is talking about the relationship of her mom and me, I don't want her to quit the Mafia, because she's the only one who aren't making me feel lonely in this dark organization.

Not only that, I need to make her be ready at any cost because she will be the next to my thrown in the right time, it was supposed to be my daughter but she chooses that good for nothing detective.

"I know, that you know what I was asking, Grandpa." She sternly answered me, I sighed and removed my arms from the desk.

"It seems that you had already figured it out." I said as I stood up from my chair. "I am your grandfather, and that mother of yours is my daughter, my one and only daughter, though, she feel in love with a detective and making her run away with that stupid detective... Leaving me here.

I didn't know that they had a daughter because they had keep the news away from me." I can see that Beatrice was in shock, so I stood up and hugged her making her tense, but then later relaxed.

"Hey Beatrice, why are you so hot?" I questioned to Beatrice, Beatrice winced and collapsed in my arms. "Beatrice? Beatrice wake up! BEATRICE!" I screamed, the outside guards immediately went in when they heard my scream.

"Take her to the infirmary, Doc. will take care of it all when she will arrive, it is my order." I sternly command making them nod.

Third POV

~Back at Crisanto and Eric~

"Do you find anything? Clues, phone, or anything related to her?" Crisanto asked, Eric shook his head and looked down in shame.

Crisanto pat Eric's shoulder in assurance. "Don't worry, I do find a crystal though, but since it was red, I'm assuming that it symbolizes blood, Beatrice blood." Crisanto said to Eric, Eric's brows frowned.

"I don't understand..." he said, "why would Beatrice blood became a crystal when we didn't even know if she is something like us." Eric asked, but Crisanto just shrug it off.

"At least we know that if she is a special being... but if that is the case, I have to eliminate her, which I don't like, so I must prefer us to remain quiet about it." Eric nod in understanding as he lean his hands to his chin.

"So we have to stop her death fight?" Eric asked, making Crisanto smile. "I wish, but I can't, I would be thrown here as a fallen angel, or an abandoned angel. I can't risk that."

"How can you say that?! Beatrice was a good friend! and I know for sure that you also have a crush on her!" Eric slammed his arms, Crisanto looked at Eric in the eyes.

"I won't be qualified as to be called as an angle or guardian. And who says that, she was a good- nvm- I just want to tell you that, Most of the emotions that Beatrice let out is only s fake. "

Crisanto stated, he actually noticed from the start that Beatrice didn't show her real smile, and she was also faking her personalities. He knows that she had been through a lot and he wanted to help Beatrice, though he can't do anything because, Beatrice aren't there because she went missing after almost being a victim from Eric's past friends.

Crisanto knows the emotion that people had but he kinda wish that one day, he will be powerful, just to find out Beatrice, past ,future, and present, so he could help her from her problems.

In every minute, Beatrice won't do anything except keep smiling, she will only fake it when sometimes she was in a deep depression.

"I lost my parents at a young age, so I just really needed to go and hear, I can see their eyes clearly, but there's a story behind it, but when it is an order, I won't hesitate, friend or not."