
The Darkness Takes Me

When the only thing that can save you is the darkness that wants to consume you would you let it take you? Raven is one of the few humans left in the world who survived the war between the creatures. The war is over now, and Marcus Vanguard is the ruler now, but secretly Raven and a few of her combat buddies have taken up shelter at an old compound and have been fitting back the demons from the shadows that the demons love to rely on. Marcus catches word of creatures being slaughtered in Skull Valley and when the assigned leader of the territory is killed, he decides to go down there himself and figure out the situation himself. He wasn't prepared for the red-haired kitten he finds stirring up chaos or the deep burning desire that stirs within him in her presence.

IrishBabe28 · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

Chapter Eleven

After Dustin left me to fend for myself, I was taken hostage by Marcus. I say that because, usually, when someone refuses to go with you, you decide to ignore them, throw them over your shoulder and run away with them at blinding speed. That is usually categorized as kidnapping.

It didn't take long for us to get to Marcus' home. It was a large, extravagant mansion. One of the only structures standing around here that seemed like it had been left completely untouched by the last several years of war.

Marcus yanked on my arm to follow him after finally letting me walk on my own. I rolled my eyes, getting tired of being treated like a doll. In the past, I never would have put up with this type of treatment, but looking at the man leading me into his home, I just couldn't find it in me to fight him off. He was going to be my undoing if I didn't catch a grip.

"Alpha, you are back." To the left a tall, attractive blue-eyed man in a pair of jeans and a black shirt approached, bowing his head slightly toward Marcus. I could tell by his blue eyes that he was a werewolf. All of the Vampires seemed to have a red tint encircled with black. None of them had eyes like Marcus though.

"Yes, please have some food brought up to my room and let the others know we have plans to discuss tomorrow morning concerning the rebels." Rebels? Surely, he couldn't be talking about my people. The man nodded and then walked off down a hallway leading to the back of the mansion. Marcus pulled me along after him toward a grand staircase. It was a very lovely home. A lot nicer than any place I have seen in a very long time. Of course, when you take over the world, I am sure you can have whatever you want.

At the top of the stairs, I was led through a set of double doors. The room was massive. Across the room was a set of sliding glass doors leading out to a balcony. Just next to the doors was an entertainment setup. Over in the corner under a window with a thick black curtain covering it, I saw a small desk. On the same side of the room were two doors. I assumed one was a closet and the other a restroom. This whole time I observed the room, Marcus walked into one of the doors I had assumed was a restroom and shut the door behind him.

Once he left the room, I allowed my gaze to fall upon the king-size bed. It took up most of the room and had my stomach doing cartwheels. The sheets were still a little disheveled and an impression of his body could be made out on the sheets. I had to fight myself not to dive right into the same spot and breathe him in.

Yeah, I was really losing it. "It would look even better with you in it." Jumping, I saw Marcus walk around me with shirtless water dripping from his freshly washed hair down over his taunted hard muscles. "If you leave your mouth open like that, who knows what might find its way in there." he teased me a devilish look on his face.

I was definitely not safe here. I shut my mouth, making the only logical decision I could. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I could hear his booming laughter follow me into my shameful hiding place.

Finally feeling the need to get this blood and dirt off of my body, I stripped down and turned on his shower. Stepping in, I moaned, feeling the jets of warm water cascade down my body. Grabbing his body wash, I lathered it up over my body, being mindful of the bruised rib cage and little gashes here and there that I seemed to have gotten at some point.

Thinking about today, all that kept playing over my mind was Marcus. The way he frustrated me with his overbearing need to control everything. I didn't have time in my life for that bullshit. Not that I was thinking of allowing him into my life.

Stepping out, I grabbed a towel to dry off, only to realize I didn't have any clothes to put back on. My clothes were scattered across the floor covered in dirty and dried blood. There was no way I could put them back on. This cannot happen to me right now!

I wrapped the towel around me tighter and decided to brave this storm. I was a strong, independent woman, and I would be damned if I was going to let some man push me down into a frightening box. Head held high, I stepped out of the bathroom only to feel immense relief wash over me when I didn't see Marcus in the room. "Thank God!" I muttered.

I walked over to a white t-shirt lying out on the end of the bed. As soon as the towel hit the floor and I was reaching for the shirt, the bedroom door was pushed open to reveal Marcus walking in with a tray of food. "Fuck," he breathed. One second, he was in the doorway with a tray and the next, his hands were wrapped behind my thighs lifting me up into his arms. I screamed, my arms going around his neck as a reflex.

I couldn't even catch my bearings before he had my back pressed into the soft mattress of the bed with him between my legs pressing every inch of his body against my naked damp body. His body vibrated as he growled constantly, his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling me.

"Marcus," I wanted to protest, but even I thought my voice came off full of lust and need. I couldn't do that. He was a monster, a demon. He is nuts. Crazy. He is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen-and the scariest, and I have seen plenty of scary men. I flicked my tongue over my lips, trying to think. With the heat of his body, breathing him in with every breath, feeling his dangerous pull, it was impossible to think straight.

The temptation was strong, even though I knew better. "It isn't a good idea," I was reluctant, but his mouth was already traveling down to capture my taunt-tight nipple between his lips, sucking it into his mouth with long strong pulls. My back arched, my hands fisting into the sheets. His mouth began moving lower, nipping and licking trails of pure electricity down my body. Kneeling between my leggs, gripping my thighs, fingers digging into my soft skin, his eyes made contact with mine. It left me breathless.

His eyes were glowing a deep violet, almost black. I could see the desire dripping off of him. He yanked my thighs apart, "You're mine," he hissed. Anger simmered beneath the husky, strong, alluring voice. His hand began stroking my center, and then I was lost. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop as my hips began rocking on their own to feel more of him. I thrust my head back, moans escaping me.

"Look at me kitten." He demanded. I could hear him, but I had no control over my body with this hunger roaring inside me, burning through my center until I wanted to scream. His fingers weren't doing enough. Circling my clit, never touching it. My hips thrashed, and he gripped me harder.

"You belong to me, and I belong to you." He purred. "Say it," he snapped.

At this point I would have said anything, but I didn't want to talk. At that point, I just needed to use him. Shame washed over me, but I was desperate. "I'm yours," I hissed out at him between gasps.

I was instantly rewarded when I felt his finger pushing inside me. I felt my muscles clenching down the thickness of his finger took my breath, robbing me of the ability to process. The only thought was to get him inside me and take away this terrible burn. The emptiness. The need and hunger won't go away.

"Please," I heard the need coming from me, but it was too late to take it back. I hated myself for practically begging this man I was supposed to despise to fuck me.

Instantly, the head of his cock was pressing at her entrance, but he pulled back, making me moan with need. "Please, what kitten?" He was teasing me, and my body wasn't going to have it. I thrust my hips up in an attempt to push him inside me, but he growled and pulled back.

Something in me reveled in the sound of his hard animalistic growl, his possession. His hand instantly pushed down on my stomach, holding my hips firmly in place as he led the tip of his cock back to my entrance. He pushed it slowly inside, then pulled back as my moans increased, my hips still thrashing against his hold. "Please, what kitten? Answer me." he demanded.

I knew what game he played and normally I wasn't the type to get turned on by games, but with him. I was lost to it. "Please," I hissed, not sure how to form the rest of the words.

He brought the tip of his cock back to my entrance, entering me a little deeper than before, pulling it back out, only to use it to circle my clit using the wetness of my pussy to lubricate his actions. It sent me over the edge, and I screamed his name, my back arching off the bed. It seemed to be his undoing because he thrust his cock deep inside of me instantly.

He started pounding and stretching my inner muscles with his thickness. "Yes," I screamed at him now my nails racking down his back.

"You are scorching hot." He bit out the words. "So, fucking tight I might lose my mind." I was already losing myself his words excited me. I felt my pussy clenching his rock-hard member. I came immediately, the wave taking me hard, roaring through me with terrible force and then instantly building again, coiling tighter than before, the need stronger. It built and built inside me. He pulled out and a whimper escaped me.

He grabbed my hips and flipped me over like I was nothing more than a feather, one hand pushing down between my shoulder blades and the other lifting my hip up in the air. He thrust hard and fast back inside me, and I came around him. My pussy was trying to milk his member needing him more than I needed air to breathe.

I cried out, terrified of losing myself to him. His hand smacked down hard on my ass, and he growled with pure male satisfaction. The tightness in my core was driving me crazy. I didn't know if I could take anymore, just as I felt him reach down between my legs. "Come again kitten," He growled, his finger circling my clit. "Come with me, love." He sounded needy on edge.

"Marcus," I gasped out just as the wave hit me. His cock jerked inside me, shooting jets of his warm cum inside me. At the same time, I felt his mouth on the juncture of my shoulder and neck. His teeth scrapped across the spot, making my body rock against him as warmth and wetness gushed between my legs.

I collapsed beneath him, no longer able to hold myself up with my shaky body. He used his arms to hold most of his weight off of me but didn't move. His mouth still kissing and sucking at the same spot on my neck, growls shaking his body.

"Mine," I heard him purr. I felt exhaustion hit me and sleep began to pull me under. I knew without looking into his eyes that his beast had taken over at some point. When he pulled my face to the side, and I looked up at him, I knew I had been right. There looking into my eyes was his beast. "My mate," he demanded, before devouring my mouth.

His cock, still hard inside me, jerked as I moaned against his mouth. He tasted of pure sin, and I was a sinner needing a fix. He pulled out of me, and I felt like I had lost a part of me. He turned me onto my side and settled behind me, pulling my body flush against his arm laid across my hips, his head resting on top of my head. "Sleep mate," he whispered, and though I knew this couldn't happen again, I didn't have the energy to do anything else besides let sleep take me.