
The Teacher

Before Luck could muster anymore questions the boss was lead away by a two bodyguards on ether side of her though, in light of recent events Luck was puzzled by the purpose of the guards if she was already that strong.

"You did quite well"

A familiar voice sounds behind him sure enough it's the boy once again he seems in a almost cheery mood like Christmas came early.

"Well I'm glad you found it amusing but I found the experience quite painful"

Luck gestures to his right hand with the two fingers that were still numb.

"My friend it wasn't just I who was impressed but, for now we should get you patched up time is of the essence."

The boy lead Luck to the infirmary were a medical physician looked at Luck's hand,

"Lucky for you it's just a sprain, we'll put it in a splint and it should be healed in around 2 months"

Luck sighed at least it's not broken he thought has they left the ward.

"It's the cheap shot!"

A large man excitedly hustled towards the two boys with large smile on his face. Luck is expecting a big speech about how that was a dirty trick and he should be ashamed or whatever, so he preemptively apologized.

"Sorry about that I never learned any real formal fighting it was all just stuff I picked up off the streets, it's a dog it dog world you know?"

Luck smiles hoping this would be enough to ease to burly man in front of him.

"What do you mean that was awesome! You really caught the boss of guard if you were a little faster you might have landed a solid blow!"

The man walks up and pats Luck on the back.

"My names mudaris it's nice to meet you. I can't wait to begin your training I expect great things from you!"

Luck didn't know what to say honestly he just wanted to go home, in his head he was cursing himself for being so easily bribed by a bonus that he got in a whole mess now. Luck sighed

"It's nice to meet you too I'm Luck"

Mudaris smiled apparent pleased with this.

"Chase take your new college to the armory we need to get him equipped before the training."