
The Store

"Are you letting him laze around Mudaris?"

Called a familiar voice, Luck turned to see it was the Boss. Today she was wearing a tank top and jean shorts, and had her red hair pulled back in a bun.

"No but I don't like the idea of having to carry him all the way to the infirmary".

The boss offered Luck a hand and pulled him up.

"I heard you didn't pick a weapon Luck?"

She asked curiously eyeing him over.

"Well weapons aren't really my thing, I used to fight with my hands if I ever had to well ... usually".

Luck thinks back to the time with the sweatpants and grimaces.

"Well fight with out a weapon puts you at a pretty big disadvantage against a opponent who has a weapon"

Luck looked at her for a second before realizing.

"Do you use a weapon Boss?"

She laughs shacking her head.

"No and that's why I know how hard of a path this is to go down, are you sure you don't wanna use a weapon"

Luck thought for a few moments before deciding.

"Nah, weapons aren't for me. I don't think I would like having to sneak around with it like Chase does".

The boss looks away it's hard for Luck to read her emotion anger, frustration, joy, glee, hunger? Girls were not Lucks strong suit.

"Ok then after your done with Mudaris I'll teach you something to help ok?"

Luck got suddenly excited.

"Like what a cool flying kick, or that cool spin move you did?"

She smiles clearly amused by Lucks child like wonder.

"You'll see"

After she says this she gets up and walks away, but not before shouting back to Luck to work hard. The whole spectacle leave Mudrais confused, he wondered why this kid was so important to the boss. They finished up there training in a couple hours and a Luck headed towards the store to get something to eat before heading home. He walks through the door slamming right into someone and they both fall down.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention"

He gets to his feet and offers the person a hand. The person is a girl blue hair down to her neck and a rock band shirt on with beat up blue jeans.

"It's cool I wasn't watching either"

Luck he'll the girl to her feet and they awkwardly look at each other for a second before Luck breaks the silence.

"Let me buy you a sandwich as an apology"

Luck says he orders two grilled cheese sandwiches and the two sit down at a table to eat.