Arching along with Cyra's tracing finger, her intent clear as day.
Stilling her actions by covering her wrist with his he pulled her forward.
''What are you doing here?"
"I missed you.''
''Do you know how much of a shock it was seeing you as her quard, I just barely kept it to myself.
She could have you skinned, you know that right?''
Swapping away his hand she stood, spacing as she voiced her own concerns.
''I don't know how you stand it, being that close to her. She irks me as if...the person inside just isn't what she was supposed to be.''
Passing his narrowing eyes of as concern, his quard rose, Acacius couldn't quite believe how close she was the truth. ''It's not like I have a choice, she has everything wrapped around her fingers."
Wich brings me to the next point, you---shouldn't be here.
It's dangerous.''
''I'll decide what's dangerous and what isn't, thank you very much."
"If she finds out-''
"She isn't the only one with tricks up her sleeve.''
Having just returned from his secret meeting with Cyra and a shower he went back to his new lodgings prepared by Sophie.
After the revelation to the court, she had stared making quite a few decisions, a lot that involved him. A rather annoying fact, she had him moved to her and her late husband's quarters, in what he thought of as spite.
He had showed his reluctance, a futile one as he was still forced to inhabite the room.
To be careful he had set the system up for surveillance , as such he didn't miss her entering the room just moments before he got destracted by Cyra.
She must have sniffed something out, in the past weeks she had been too busy with completely gathering the reigns, meaning she had left him alone for certain periods of time.
Outside of council meetings, wich he absolutely had to be at in her opinion, they didn't spend much time together. Must have also been the reason why he entertained Cyra for so long, altough it had just been small greetings before today, so he hadn't had the oppertunity to ask why she was there.
Not that she answered, the stubborn little...oh well. He started to like her, more than he was willing to admit, unlike Sophie who had made herself comfortable on his couch with a huge class of wine.
A second innocently sitting upon the table, waiting for him.
Letting his smile transform into a gritted one, his hands trembled at the sight of her, carefully taking everything in stride.
''Well, what are you waiting for. Sit down."
Oh, she wasn't happy. His lips shaking accordingly before sitting down with a resigned sigh.
''Can--this wait 'til tomorrow? It is rather late.''
''Where did you go?''
Straight to the point, rubbing his slightly shaking hands, he decided to start spurring some action from Asani's side. After the call everything had stilled and even June had vanished.
He must have started gathering his troops but no such news made it's way to him.
If Sophie started to get even crazier, then Asani would have no choice but to start earlier.
"How could I go anywhere? You forbid me from leaving."
She didn't answer, instead pointing to the waiting glass, gesturing for him to drink.
And he did, cautiously so, the system alerted him not a second later of the drug present within the wine.
Time for some more dramatics huh?
"After I drink this--you will leave?''
She nodded , leaving him to chug down the drink in one go, while alerting the system to filter away the worst affects.
As soon as it was empty he crashed it back down on the table, pointing for her to leave. The only thing she did was stand in slow motion, clearly waiting for the effects to wash over him, wich they did quite rapidly.
With great exaggeration he grabbed his head and let himself crash down back on the couch with a groan.
Unlike his glass, Sophie put hers down in an almost impossible gently way. Causing him to look right at her with with flushed cheeks and narrowed eyes.
How was this filtered away?
Groaning he let his fingers trail his upper body, trying and failing to get up.
An action stopped by Sophie as her hand openend his buttons one by one, making him curse as Cyra hadn't been evidentless.
"Who was it? Wich whore touched you?''
Wincing at her nails dragging her skin, digging into every bite she found.
''To lower yourself to that-'' her hand harshly snapped back to his neck. Tracing tenderly ,in what could only be descriped in a disturbing kinda way, over his veins. ''-I really can't let you out of my sight anymore.''
Incomprehension showed on his features as he pushed his face closer to her hand, nuzzling it and for a second she faltered as his honeyed eyes stared directly into her eyes.
It didn't last long as she ripped her hand away, distancing the two of them before snapping her fingers, causing his vision to go black.
He woke up, his eyes taking way too long to adjust to the darkness of the room.
"I had thought you were being particularly obedient lately, it just doesn't suit you that well, now does it Acacius?"
Flinching as her cold voice sounded, he spoke, a tremor present in his own voice as he gulped. Movement drawing her attention to the bites scattered on his neck, only further souring her mood.
Just barely, barely, could she restrain herself from scraping all those bites off.
She wanted to grab that beautiful, tainted neck and show him what happens if he were to keep testing her patience.
Stepping towards him, her heels squelching as they stepped in the puddles of water, the method she used to wake him up from his forced nap. He was getting tense, backing away further from her by every step she made.
"Ah'' His bare skin against the cold wall made him immediately move back forward, muscles rippling in anticipation of whatever she was to do.
She didn't know what yet, emotions a swirl inside her, what was she to do when even putting his nerves on fire didn't work for long periods of time?
She wanted him to be hers, obeyed her and stayed with her...wether he wanted to or not. But he didn't quite fear her right, even now there was only a glimpse of being uncomfortable.
Was it because of his naked chest and the cold atmosphere or was he truly being careful and scared of what her retaliation would be?
"Had you just acted normal I wouldn't even have batted an eye, I didn't have the time to waste on a pet of mine.'' No reaction, did he find her unimpressive or just didn't want to set her off?
So many question, it was starting to annoy her. However, she still waited with more patience than she thought she had. Acacius seemed to agree of that fact, unable to stop himself from shivering.
Or was it fear?
"Are you cold?"
A hesitant nod later, she couldn't help but think if he wasn't shaking in fear she should make him.
"Let me help you then.'
Skin ever so pearly white was overly sensitive, even her late husband had berated him a millions of time for staying too much in the sun.
Mindlessly twitching her fingers, a spray of hot, burning water hit him straight on as the tap lifted without ever being touched.
The onslaught leaving him crying out, his pearly skin dissapeared, replaced wirh red spotched decorating it. Frail, shaking hands uselessly protecting as much as he could.
Calling out for her to stop, she didn't bother to listen as the shower kept going and she kept watching carefully.
It was amusing, tears seemed to brim in his eyes as he cowered in the corner. Wrapping his arms around his head as a feeble protection, eyes scrunched together while he tried to bear the continuous water crashing down upon him.
Turning it off, the relief that came from him obvious as he sacked in, no longer was his skin like before.
A burning, pained red and already starting to get swollen.
However the marks were still visible.
''Get up!''
With barely any hesitation he scrambled to get up, almost falling on the wet floor. The only reason he didn't was her own hands flying up and steadying him against the wall.
A soft groan accompanied the movement as aucacius hot back landed on the cold wall.
''Did you forget were you were standing?
Just like how you have forgotten who you belong to?''
Before she knew it, her fingers started tracing the bites, skin tensing under their smooth trail.
Lower, lower and lower.
Glad for her heels leveling their heads, she digged her nails inside his hip, trough the soft garment he was wearing. The whimper signifying he felt it, his hands in return useleslly hanging on her wrists.
Not even trying to pull them off.
''Are you going to tell me?"
Acacius knew what she wanted but he didn't answer. Not even when the nails dug deeper; his breath hitching from the pain they caused.
Seeing it was useless, she calmly unclasped her cloak, throwing it at him as she removed herself from against him, her own gown wet from the close distance they had been in previously.
Acacius had struggled to catch the sudden weight of the cloak, no matter his eyes were still bright.
Determination clouded with hesitation and unsureness swom visible in his eyes.
He thinks he stand a chance, how cute.
"I'll ask nicely once more. Who was it?"
Nothing, ofcoure nothing.
He would regret it, as he always did.
This bravodo wouldn't last, as much as one could name it bravodo as he shakingly put the cloak around him
Shivers passed him, making her smile, he must be aware of the fact that she would take him out naked if need to
His hand had frantically searched for the ends yet had given up as her ownimpatience sounded.
"Right, let's go.''
Not even bothering to address him properly, Sophie grasped his frail wrist in his hand and without being mindful of his protest she pulled him forth.
He rapidly focused on keeping up and trying not to fall as soon as they left the shower, the quards outside quickly following in their steps.
A twinge of pink quickly spread across the other's face, his shame at the situation, almost hidden behind his reddish skin from the hot water.
''I want everyone in the throne room in five minutes.''
Both of the quards eyes flashed to their emperor but ultimately one left. They knew better than to ask questions.
It took another six minutes for the three of them to reach the throneroom, her quard kept quite a distance but her eyes never wavered.
The door banged open when she wished it, the clear bang resonated around, making everyone hold their breath. Anxious for what's to come as all their gazes carefully took in the scene.
From cooks, to cleaners and even the gardeners, everyone had been summoned.
And all were shocked by the scene presented to them.
Walking proudly, arrogance falling off her in waves, Sophie dragged Acacius further. Giving them plenty to look at, as a semi naked male wasn't usually on the menu.
Especially when said male was the emperor.
Shocked whispers and outraged cries came from all over the room, quite alarming as all should bend to her will only, not symphatize with the naked royal.
It was most likely because of that, and that infuriating itch burning inside her, that she undid his balance and let him crash on the floor right before his used to be throne.
He landed much smoother then she thought he would, landing with a thud, holding her robe with gracefully long fingers.
Face impassive despite the force she used in her magic, the crowd gave more of a reaction than he did. They barely muffled their whisphers as they watched in shock.
As did she, relaxed in her throne as Acacius was on his knees before her.
His back still riddled with wounds she had placed there, fading scars everywhere one could looked, lovingly left by here aswell.
Dragging her eyes away from the beauty in front of her, Sophie started carefully noting every single reaction. Confusion was the most vibrant emotion, not so strange as not all had been aware.
The council was one, directly at the front, mostly silent.
Her quards another unit that had been made aware.
"Is everyone here?"
"Yes, your highness.''
The moment it was confirmed, she snapped the door shut again, the people inside realising they were forced to remain as her quards started breathing down their neck.
No dared to question or say anything, even Acacius hadn't looked around. Eyes faithfully on her, a fact that filled her with satisfaction....if it weren't for those damn love bites.
"I will say this once, Acacius is mine.''
Gasps filled the room at the disrespect of a direct bloodline being called by just his name. She didn't care, merely watching the chaos unfold. Neither did Acacius,still just watching her.
"Yet here he is, covered with love bites that aren't mine.''
No one said anything, a few looked at Acacius, some others at his uncle yet most of them at her. Unsure of what would happen next as they searched for said love bites under the cloak and his wet silver hair.
'He didn't tell me,...even after proper encouragement.
So if the one who did this would like to come forward, then we can all go back to our previous entanglements."
No one did.
"My prince you so clearly lovingly had has already met a burning pain, it would only be fair you shared his consequences.
The tension rose as silence continued to dawn.
"Still no one?
One more chance Acacius, who was it?''
Hundreds of eyes turned to him, pressuring him to speak yet he kept silent.
"What a shame, don't blame me, brother in law.
You had your chances, so did your lover. You didn't take it, now deal with the consequences."
His fist clenched in her roben the only thing hiding his semi-nakedness.
Standing tall she demanded all the attention in the room.
"Hear my degree, every hour that passes shall be marked with ten deaths.
So long as no one comes forward this will lasts."
Silence broke as complaints and fear took over the room, the spreading of emotions filling her need for control.
"If you want someone to blame, blame your precious emperor. He should have know better than to feel around with someone else.''
Flinching at the blame being pointed to him, Acacius finally started showing some emotion that wasn't just impassive following.
''Bring them to the dungeons.''
Heels clicked as Sophie went down the stairs seperating her and the crowd, only stilling as soon as she was before her kneeling prince.
Crouching and grabbing his hair in a show of absolute power, she spoke with powerful words.
'You will stay here, until you start loosing that tongue of yours.''
A quick peck on the lips and she was gone, walking peacefully pass the screaming, unsettled crowd as they got subdued.
Ignoring it all, even the way honeyed eyes had stared up at her, blinking with emotion
He was the most beautiful if only the urge to scrape his skin off still wasn't there anymore
After all this is over and she had finally killed his lover she should bed him again.
Reclaim him, harder than before so it lingers this time!