
The dark knight of the twin daggers

In a world where magic and demons are real. Humanity and demons are in an endless war. Our protagonist, Alef will end up entangled in said war by pure coincidence, and he would learn that the world it's not as it seems to be. What will he choose to do? What adventures are waiting for him? Will the past of his father as a knight hinder his adventure or will it help him?

GhastingGhost · 奇幻
31 Chs


Next day, I woke up earlier than usual. And, the first thing that I saw was Danny sleeping peacefully which, was an enjoyable sight. She really is a heavy sleeper.

I sat up and stretched a little bit. Then, I looked towards my desk and saw master there. She was sitting on the chair with a peaceful smile while watching me.

"Good morning my cute little apprentice"(master)

"G-good morning master. Fancy meeting you here."(Alef)

I replied with a very care free tone trying to play dumb. But in the inside, I was sweating buckets and hoping that she forgives me for ditching her yesterday. However, she didn't replied to me, she just stayed there smiling at me.

"Um, what can I do for you?"(Alef)

"Oh well, you see, yesterday some asshole ditched me and I'm looking for him. Did you happen to see him around?"(master)

I'm dead, what's the only thing left to do?... Do as my dad taught me to. I stood up in a pretty collected way, then I walked towards master. Afterwards, I kneeled and begged her to forgive me.

"Hahahahaha, this is why I love messing with you, my cute little apprentice"(master)

She ruffled my hair while laughing. I really wanted to retort but, she could still punish me for ditching her yesterday. So, I just pouted to myself.

"Aww, did I anger my cute little apprentice. Don't be mad, I'll give you a cookie if you forgive me"(master)

She said while laughing and pinching my cheeks.

"I'm not a baby!!!!"(Alef)

"Yeah, I know you're a big boy now"(master)

I was about to say something when...

"Fufufu. Not here Alef, someone might see us"(Danny)

We just looked at her shocked.

"She didn't woke up even after our bickering? Well, that's something"(master)

"Yeah, I think she wouldn't wake up even if the world crumbles."(Alef)

"Anyhow, I just came to tell you that today we won't have training. I know you need some time to solve this mess. Oh, and good luck with your sleeping beauty"(master)

"Thanks master"(Alef)

She nodded, then she left my room using the window. Why the fuck she refuses to use the damn door!?

After master left, I changed and grabbed my twin daggers. Then, I went to the kitchen to help with breakfast. But, before I could arrived to the kitchen, I met with big sis and my grandparents in the living room.

"Sweet pea, you arrived just in time. Come and sit with me"(Big sis)

She patted the spot of the sofa next to to her. I greeted them and sat down next to big sis.

"We were talking about the plan that the two of you came up with. I have to say, that it's really well thought. I'm sure it will work. I would just change one thing, you'll need to stay in Aetos' state the month prior to the banquet for the announcement of your engagement"(MayMay Vera)

"I guess that's because you need to teach me about our allies and enemies"(Alef)

"Precisely, but we should talk about this after breakfast with Danny present"(MayMay Vera)

"Alright, then I'll go help with breakfast"(Alef)

Danny walked into the living room just before breakfast was ready. She greeted me with an awkward attitude.

For some reason, Danny kept stealing glances at me while we were having breakfast. Naturally, Rosa was glaring daggers at her.

I thought she felt awkward because she didn't know what attitude she should take. She loves me but her love is unrequited. And, to make things more complicated we are engaged, but just friends at the same time.

To reassure her a little, I grabbed her hand and whispered her in the ear.

"Treat me as you wish to, I won't get mad nor I'll reject you. Just put kisses off the limits for now"(Alef)

She nodded happily and remain with a smile the rest of the breakfast. Rosa on the other hand was on the verge of tears.

After breakfast, Rosa asked me to talk privately. I agree and we headed to my room.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"(Alef)

"Alef, I love you, please don't marry her"(Rosa)

She said while grabbing my hands and looking at me with pleading eyes. I removed my hands from hers and sighed.

"You know if you have told me that three days ago. I would have been overjoyed and I would have proposed to you immediately. But now, I don't want to have a relationship with you anymore. I'm sorry Rosa, but I'll be marrying Danny"(Alef)

She ran away while crying.

I didn't think it would be this painful to reject her, but I had to do it.

"You can come out now... or come in, I guess"(Alef)

Danny walked into my room and sat next to me. Déjà vu.

"I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I dreaded that you would break our engagement for being with her. You love her after all"(Danny)

"Don't be silly, I wouldn't break our engagement unless you wouldn't want to marry me anymore"(Alef)

"Are you an idiot? I won't let you go"(Danny)

She hugged me and buried her face in my chest.

"By the way, we should go to the living room. Big sis and my grandparents are waiting for us"(Alef)

"You have to ruin the mood"(Danny)

she rolled her eyes at me and pouted.