
The Dangerous Girl Galgame System and The War Maniac Me

[Master, master, though late, I'm here with you, the Dangerous Beauty Girl Strategy System!] [Let's first conquer Mumoona, a legendary empress with beauty and intelligence.] Shu Yichao: "Light cavalry, swift advance, Iron Pagoda, my nomadic army, unmatched in archery and cavalry, invincible!" Mumoona is dead. [Master, just now I'll take that as an accident. We must succeed next time. Let's conquer Zampaline, the proud and glamorous witch.] Shu Yichao: "Pioneering, sweeping, rolling skeletons, my undead scourge gathers souls, unrivaled!" Zampaline is dead. [...Master, maybe you didn't hear me clearly. I said conquer, not attack. Our next target is...] Shu Yichao: "Building nests, laying eggs, exploding insect sea, my hive consciousness devours the starry sky, who dares to compete?" [...] Shu Yichao: "Oh yeah! I've taken them all out! By the way, System, haven't you talked to me in a long time?" [Tired, destroy them, quickly.]

FaustApocalypse · 游戏
41 Chs

Roman traditional javelin

System 12345 has recently been reflecting.

It carefully reviewed various previous tasks and discovered a problem.

It seems that the tasks assigned to the master are all too difficult.

Not only are the targets increasingly dangerous, but the timeframes are becoming more and more urgent.

Moreover, each time, it waits until the master is almost in contact with the target before issuing tasks, providing information, and strategies.

This undoubtedly brings great difficulties to the task of strategizing.

Moreover, the task of wooing dangerous beauties, in itself, has a low success rate.

Especially when the master is also burdened with the significant debuff of not speaking the same language.

Relying solely on the [Overwhelming Charm] bonus, it is indeed challenging to achieve the goal.

[Hmm, relax, relax...]

[Master, I admit, I was a bit impatient before.]

[From now on, I will try harder to help you.]

[Before, I always waited for you to get close to the dangerous beauty before providing information and strategies.]

[And I always issued multiple tasks within a short period - that's something I didn't do well.]

[From now on, let's take it slow.]

[Let me see... Hmm, master, the closest one to you should be the Second Empress of Mumoona.]

System 12345 pondered.

[Let's start with her.]

[Master, I've marked her location for you - although I'm a black screen, you should be able to see it.]

[It may take some time to get to her, but we have plenty of time to consider our strategy.]

[Although the Second Empress is just as ruthless as the Grand Empress, there are times when she's quite soft-hearted.]

[Like when watching plays - she easily gets emotionally involved and often cries profusely over the fate of the characters.]

System 12345 chuckled.

[So, I think you can start from this angle, Master.]

[You must have recruited some servants, right?]

[You can easily establish a drama troupe and have your servants act in it.]

[Believe me, the system servants produced by me have top-notch quality!]

[I'll exchange some classic tragedy scripts for you from other worlds.]

[With a little rehearsal with your servants, you can definitely move the Second Empress to tears and make her eyes swell.]

[When that happens, she'll inevitably want to see you.]

[Take advantage of her being heartbroken, master, and seize the opportunity...]

[Who could refuse the gentle and soothing words of a stunning beauty by their side when they are heartbroken?]

[Then, master, you can...]

[The rest of the content, I can't say, I can't say...]

As if its thoughts had already become reality, System 12345 exclaimed with enthusiasm.

[Let's go, master!]

[A whole new journey awaits us!]

"Hmm?" Shu Yichao opened his personal interface and found new messages.

This time, amidst the gibberish, he could finally make out a few words.

"New... what journey..."

"Could it be a new expedition?"

Shu Yichao pondered, "And there's a city lit up on the map?"

"It seems like that's the next target for the mission."

"What's going on?" Shu Yichao noticed that this time he also received a few books.

"What kind of gibberish is this?" Shu Yichao tossed the books aside without even trying to read them.

"Captain!" At that moment, elite archers and cavalry rushed over.

"There's trouble ahead!"


"They're coming!"

"They're back!"

As the horizon stirred up billowing dust, the soldiers of the Esman Empire atop the walls of Salonica cried out in alarm.

After devising a plan to assassinate Shu Yichao, Karaga wasted no time in implementing it.

The Morya Legion was an elite force and couldn't be used as bait.

The local garrison consisted of many influential figures' relatives and friends, so sacrificing them was out of the question.

Thus, this honorable yet daunting task fell upon the retreating soldiers.

Naturally, they were unwilling to comply.

Having barely escaped from the clutches of that devil, now they were being sent to their deaths voluntarily?

But they had no choice in the matter.

After brutally dealing with a few troublemakers and holding their families hostage, these Esman soldiers could only curse Karaga while shedding tears as they left the city.

Then they prayed to return alive.

"I knew it." Karaga stood on the city wall, gazing at the blood-red double-headed eagle flag pursuing relentlessly in the distance, sighing.

"That Khitan Caesar only sees slaughter in his eyes."

Seeing that the first step of the plan seemed to be going smoothly, he had the leisure to joke with the Second Empress for a few moments.

"It reminds me of those starving stray dogs, grabbing onto a piece of meat. Even if you beat them to death, they won't let go."

"Hmm?" As the retreating soldiers led Shu Yichao's troops closer to the city, Karaga counted the numbers slightly and felt a chilling sense of horror.

"There are only over five hundred left?"

He had sent a whole three thousand to act as bait!

He could understand being defeated by the Khitans, as they were indeed fierce opponents. But damn it, in just half a day, they were reduced to this?

"Don't let anyone escape!"

"They all must die!"

Shu Yichao roared, his curved blade coldly gleaming, occasionally catching up to a terrified deserter and swiftly dispatching them beneath his horse's hooves.

Lately, the number of monsters he could encounter was decreasing, and their congregations were rapidly dwindling as well.

Today, he finally stumbled upon a sizable force.

So, without hesitation, he immediately pursued them.

There were about two to three thousand on the opposite side, but they showed no intention of fighting.

As soon as they saw him, they howled and turned to flee—

Could he tolerate this?

They all must die!

After dispatching the last deserter, Shu Yichao halted and suddenly noticed a group of wild creatures not far away!

There were about five to six thousand of them.

All clad in iron armor, wielding spears.

They formed tight formations, gathering into several squares, shimmering bright spots in the sunlight.

"Wow!" Shu Yichao exclaimed in delight.

"Finally, another big battle to fight."

"I've been tearing down small castles all this time, getting a bit bored."

"Now, I can have a change of taste."

Moreover, these several thousand armored warriors did not shout insults and provoke like the people he had encountered before—

Instead, there was silence.


They were definitely elite!

In fact, not only was there no sound from the spear formations of the Esmann Empire, but even the city walls were eerily quiet.

Ruthless, truly ruthless.

Although he knew those retreating soldiers were meant to be bait.

But when these bait, in front of him, were all killed off amidst crying and wailing, the impact was truly terrifying.

Karaga swallowed a mouthful of saliva, gritted his teeth, and waved his hand, saying, "Proceed with the plan as scheduled!"

The cannon fodder dying didn't matter.

After all, it should have also consumed a certain amount of the opponent's strength.

Next, it relied on the elite pikemen to firmly hold the line, slowly retreat, lure the enemy troops to the pitfall traps targeted by the cannons, and then open fire abruptly.

He wasn't worried that Shu Yichao would directly break through the pike formation - those densely packed pikeheads were the best weapon against cavalry!

With an absolute numerical advantage, the elite pikemen couldn't be defeated by a cavalry charge.

Then, Karaga saw Shu Yichao motioning to the elite archer cavalry beside him, waving his hand and taking up a spear.

"What's he up to?"

Karaga furrowed his brow.

He raised the spear, aimed, twisted his waist, and threw it!

"Swoosh!" The jet-black spear descended from the sky like a hawk, accompanied by intense winds, ghostly speed, all transforming into a greeting from the grim reaper.


Flesh pierced, armor shattered, almost in an instant, the formidable pike formation seemed as if it had been bombarded by a catapult -

An entire row of men was skewered together like meat skewers, wailing, screaming, and then collapsing with a thunderous roar.


A deathly silence enveloped the battlefield.


After a while, Karaga let out a puzzled cry.