
Terror Of The Seas

As the Kraken rose from the depths, a hushed silence fell over the battlefield, an eerie calm before the storm. The warriors of House Thorne and their allies stared, wide-eyed and aghast, at the monstrous apparition that loomed before them. 

The Kraken was a monstrous behemoth of the deep, an aquatic titan that struck terror into the hearts of those who beheld it. Its body resembled that of a titanic crab, spanning over a hundred meters in length and easily dwarfing any ship that dared to sail the open seas.

Its colossal legs, each thick as a massive oak and covered in armored chitin, extended outward in a nightmarish display of predatory menace. 

The carapace that protected its gargantuan body was a dark, murky green, nearly black in the shadows, crisscrossed with deep grooves and scars from countless battles fought in the long past. Some say it kept those scars on purpose as a reminder of its mistakes in the past.