
The Daily Life of a Villain and His Cat (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Midoriya Izuku was walking home when he heard a weak mew. Subsequently, he picks up a cat, tries not to get attached to said cat, ultimately fails, and ends up with a boyfriend. Izuku x Shouta

Rxel · 漫画同人
14 Chs


Shouta looked around the room, realizing that it was an unfamiliar space. He furrowed – tried to furrow his brows. Where was he? What happened last night after he passed out?

He glanced around, not moving from the spot where he had tumbled. Everything looked larger than it was supposed to be, but that could be attributed to the fact that he was currently a cat.

Shouta realized that he was in some sort of…cat bed? So someone came to his rescue yesterday night and picked him up. He took a hesitant step forward, followed by another. He made it a couple more steps out of the cat bed before he stumbled again, sending him flying onto a pillow.

He mewed in annoyance, and then mewed again in distress because his voice was a mew now. He looked up, accidentally head-butting whatever was there. He felt a little dizzy at the sudden impact, causing him to take a few stumbling steps. The small kitten heard the sound of bedsheets rustling, his hearing much sharper than usual.

"I'm going to kill whoever woke me up –" he heard a voice rough with the vestiges of sleep, causing him to freeze. He went into flight or fight mode, leaning towards flight. After all, he was a cat now. What could he do? Claw the other person to death? He wouldn't do that anyway. This person had saved him last night, and it would be courteous to show his thanks, and get some help if possible.

Shouta mewed, reaching out his hand – pardon, his paw to get the other person's attention. He kept forgetting he was a cat. He had hardly been in this form for a few hours, but he was already finding it highly annoying.

The small kitten felt the bed dip as the human sat up in the bed. He waited for the person to look at him so he could have a proper look, but before he could do that, he was sent tumbling off the bed with a sense of vertigo when the other swept the blankets off his body.

Shouta let out a meow of anger, somehow managing to land on his feet. Was this what they meant when they said cats have nine lives? It was a truly marvelous feeling. It was practically instinctual, the way he landed. Somewhat like his body moving itself to right his sense of balance to let him land on his feet. Was this how cats felt all the time?

He heard a startled laugh from above him, making him look up.

"You must be hungry, right?"

Shouta studied the other man's features before something like a dawning realization crept up on him, causing him to gawk at the man. Was that who he thought it was? Was this real life? Was he just dreaming or something? How was this his life?

Was that seriously Midoriya Izuku?

His eyes must be playing tricks on him, right? It couldn't really be him, right?

He felt a finger scratch under his chin, causing him to purr involuntarily. His inner self was screaming at him to stop and wake up, but the cat part of him that was becoming more evident just felt amazing. Nothing had ever felt this good. Being a cat was awesome.

Shouta heard a distant laugh as he dwelled in the pure pleasure that he was experiencing. He didn't even do anything as he was moved into the other's arms. When the other took away his hand, his eyes popped open at the sudden loss of pleasure, making him bat at the other's arm.

He immediately froze once he completed the action. Holy fuck, what was he doing?! Why was he getting all cozy with one of the more notorious Villains? He stared at the green-haired man warily. He wouldn't hurt a cat, would he? Oh, who was he kidding? Midoriya was rumored to be one of the more ruthless Villains. He'd just have to tread very carefully and escape.

He was placed on a table, giving him funny feelings. It felt strange that he was being carted around so easily. Hardly anyone had been able to move him when he was a human, not that they would have the chance to anyway, but it still made him feel strange.

"What do you feed cats anyway," Midoriya murmured.

Shouta tried to lower the amount of space he took up by flattening his body on the table. He thought about sneaking out now, but he didn't think he had enough time before the other noticed. It would just have to wait until later, when the man was either distracted or asleep.

A delicious scent wafted through the air, causing his stomach to grumble. Shouta swallowed. Had his sense of smell been heightened as well? He didn't ever remember something smelling this good.

By the time Midoriya turned around, Shouta had already been trying to mold himself into the table. Was he really going to eat what the enemy has prepared!? For all he knew, it could be poisoned. But would the other really go to the extent of poisoning a poor cat, of all things? Surely he had better things to do?

The resulting snort from Midoriya made him feel like wanting to bury himself into a hole and never coming back out. He had really fallen low. A Pro-Hero was being laughed at by a Villain. Oh, how low he's sunk. Not only that, his traitorous body was deigning the fish placed in front of him one of the highest delicacies. He could barely stop himself from moving forward to devour the meal placed in front of him.

Shouta heard the clicking of a camera, causing him to freeze and look at Midoriya with wide eyes. He noticed the phone held in the other's hands, Midoriya sporting a wide grin on his face. He looked like he was struggling to hold back his laughter.

Shouta groaned (mewed), deciding to throw caution to the wind. Whatever. The other didn't know that he was actually a person, anyway, and would probably just treat him like a normal cat, right?

He slowly moved up to the plate in front of him, cautiously eating the fish. Various flavors exploded on his tongue, causing him to close his eyes in bliss. Being a cat was great. His eyes popped open when he remembered Midoriya was still watching him, giving the other man a cautious look, only to be greeted by the other covering his mouth, silently laughing.

Kill me now, Shouta thought.



Izuku watched as the little black kitten flattened himself on the table, struggling not to laugh. He was just so fucking cute, holy fuck. The kitten probably thought it was being somewhat inconspicuous, but if anything that just drew more attention to it. Look at that shiny black fur out on display, and those wide eyes.

He just had to pull out his phone to record this down. It wasn't his fault. It was all the kitten's fault, okay?

And when the kitten shot him various looks while he was eating like he was afraid his food was going to be stolen, Izuku nearly exploded into laughter.

Keeping this kitten was going to be great.