
The Cursed Villain

One second he was staring at a very angry bloodied beast who was glaring at him like soon that beast was going to rip him up like clothes. And why not he was facing the fierce hybrid beast who has powers that can destroy the whole earth within a few moments.  Shin Jungho has always been known as one of the most fierce villains in the entire country but unfortunately for him, he fell in love. And now he was standing in a situation where he had to choose.  A life or life of his love! The beast standing in front of him was ready to devour his love’s life but he had a choice.  He had to choose between letting his love get devoured by the beast or dying with the beast while killing him. No. he wasn’t hesitant to die even for a second but leaving his love behind in the world wasn't a safe place for his love. Then what was he supposed to do? Let her live with her fate? But too bad, he never thought about his love’s power. Did he? When he moved closer to the beast with the remote of the time bomb in his hand, she growled loudly just like him when he used to be angry and a shiver ran through his spine. He understood she was angry with him for choosing death over her.  “I am not dead yet, my love!” She said with her greeted teeth. Her eyes were deep red and a smirk formed on her deep red lips, her hands got fisted and she bucked her head looking at the love of her life.  ~~~~ Kim Tae Seol, the innocent omega of the Mystic pride pack fell in love with the true blood alpha Shin Jung Ho knowing he hate her from bottom of his heart.  Her heart broke every time she saw his deep brown eyes and with every broken piece of her heart, she fell harder for him not knowing her love was leading her to her destruction. Shin Jung Ho a true blood werewolf definition of danger, death, and destruction…A perfect villain but was rumored to be cursed even before he was born.  HE WAS CURSED THAT HIS LOVE WILL BE THE BANE OF HIS LIFE! BUT THE CURSED VILLAIN'S WOLF STILL FELL IN LOVE! With that love, he got a weakness, that he never knew he had. His human side would have never accepted her but then it was his wolf who stood firmly against him and accepted the weakness with his whole heart. ~~~~  But with the name of love, the biggest storm started coming their way. The bane of Jung Ho's life is about to happen. What will happen when the two of them will come together to fight against the biggest storm of everyone's life?  The journey of a cursed villain where he met love. Let's see who will win in the end. A curse or Love!?

AuthorMirage · 奇幻言情
17 Chs

Destined mate

A breathtaking smile came to her gorgeous face as she eyed every moment that happened a day before in front of her eyes. She was trilled when she saw someone so daring and perfect person in the world who is not afraid of anything.

She always met with many people as her family always kept on shifting places to places, but she never met someone so brave at heart. Jung Ho's grey eyes spoke so much to her without even speaking anything.

She knew she have met correct person in her life and she wanted to meet him again and when he asked her to do the dare, she knew this is only her chance to meet him again and within seconds she decided to meet him again by accepting the dare.

She was constantly sitting on her scooter thinking about when the horn of the another car reached Tae Seol she came out of her daydreaming and she started her scooter and moved onto the road while thinking about what happened yesterday morning.

"I know who he is in truth, Aunty Park. It is just that you don't want to see the reality and this reality is not for you to know. But only for me. I am going to meet him."

She thought to herslef and then she turned to the right where the road Jung Ho mentioned was but then she heard her phone ringing in her bag. Stopping the scooter on right, she looked at the caller and took it immediately.

"Hyung, how are you?"

"Hi, Tae Tae, I am fine. How's my little sister doing? Have you met the professor yet?"

Kim Daeshim asked from the other end when Tae Seol realized she still hadn't reached university.

"Umm, well, Hyung, actually the fight broke out in our society yesterday morning as I stepped out of the house."

"Don't tell me, you meddle with them? H-Have you hurt yourself?"

She knew she should not have told him about the fight...She should have waited for him to come to her but here she was listening to her overprotective brother of hers.

"Oh no, I should have never let you go alone there in the first place. It is all my fault...No, you stay at home, I am coming there..."

"No...no...no, Hyung! You promised me, you will let me stay alone until my eighteen birthday. You promised me you will not overreact if I will speak the truth."

"Yes, yes, I promised but see what you are telling me. I brought that apartment just because people told me that it is the safest place to stay alone."

"But I am safe, Hyung! You know no one can do anything to me ever and I promise, I will not do anything that led people to suspect me. I am being careful. I went back home when I saw all that. So, I will meet professor today. Okay?"

"But those fuckers are still after us, Tae Tae! And staying there alone won't help us."

"But we know that this city is secured by Red Moon's pack. No one can touch me here and if required I will immediately take their help."

She was sure, The Red Moon's pack's name was enough to let her elder brother's worry lower a bit.

"But you need to be careful."

"I will be, Hyung. Now, let me go. I will call you once I will come back home, okay!"

"Okay but if any..."

"If anything screams danger, I will turn my head and go home just like I did yesterday morning. If I feel like helping then I will help myself and go home. If I will feel troubled I will go home."

She breathed after saying almost half of the rules of her brother. She knew she was getting better in lying everyday with her brother day by day. The guilt taken over her mind and she closed her eyes to take normal breath.

She never wanted to lie to her brother but then a cute face came to her mind and she just ignored her heart's guilt feelings.

"See, I know all the rules. Okay bye, Hyung. I will be going."

She kept her mobile inside the purse and looked into the void thinking about the certain brunette who made his way directly into her heart.

"Shin Jung Ho…Why does your name scream Danger? But Hyung said to stay away from danger. But it seems like I love danger more than anything else."


"Jung Ho… Jung Ho…"

Min Chang called Shin Jung Ho twice but when he didn't get any reply back from him, his lips curved upward forming a smile. He shook his head while laughing and clapping.

"This is incredible! If I would have not experienced this I would never have believed the most fierce and fastest true blood Alpha that is so blessed with superpowers is acting like a miserable person just because of a girl."

Min Chang thought to himself and took a bite of Kimchi, and enjoyed it fully.


Min Chang yelled softly one more time but again he saw his friend still holding his cigarette in one hand and another hand on the window seal of his office. Min Chang's gaze unhurriedly shifted to the cigarette that the brunette was holding.

"Soon…Pretty soon…"

He mumbled within himself and took another bite of his Kimchi that was as spicy as they liked. He counted the time and then a hissing sound came from the brunette making him laugh uncontrollably.

He slapped on the table and held his stomach, closing his eyes. Shin Jung Ho glanced back at him, blowing on his fingers which just got burnt by the cigarette which he never drank after lighting it.

"You are laughing?"

Jung Ho was in disbelief when he saw his best friend from junior school laughing like that. He moved near him and sat on the chair opposite his friend.

"You are still thinking about that girl! I never thought it would happen but I saw this happen. I can't believe I will see you like this ever but I guess she is your mate."

Min Chang steered the vegetables into his bowl and took another bite of his dumpling from the bowl. But then he felt the air around him getting dense.

His breathing labored and slight pain shot up in his heart. The chopsticks from his fingers fell on the table and he looked toward the distressed Alpha.

"Jung Ho…Stop it, you are suffocating me."

The air around Chang got clear as soon as Jung Ho heard Chang's voice. He came back to his senses immediately and walked near his Hyung in seconds.

"You are okay, Chang Hyung?"

At that, Chang pulled his hand up and patted the younger's shoulder while coughing lightly.

"You need to control your pheromone, Jung Ho. You need to understand the fact that mates are not our weaknesses. Even if she is human…"

"NO! She is not my mate. I told you thousands of times that I don't believe in this mate shit. I don't want to hear about it again."

Shin Jung Ho retorted while walking near his punching bag and started to punch the bag like a crazy person. Chang looked at the crazy Alpha and then signed in at loss again. But he wanted to try until he got successful.

"It's already nine thirty o'clock in the morning. If you want to reach there on time, you have to go out in the next ten minutes otherwise you will be deprived of watching the great show of suicide in front of thousands of people."

"No. She is not going to do anything like that…!"

"Are you that sure? The girl who stopped The great Jung Ho, the biggest villain and next mafia king from killing his chosen target in front of many people can do anything reckless."

"I mean she just put her hand inside the lion's mouth, No, scratch that true blood's mouth yesterday, I don't think she will rethink what you told her to do…"

"I told her to walk on the road blindfolded. I think she has the mind to think how dangerous that can be…"

The distressing pheromones were clouding the room slowly and Chang knew, he just needed to give oxygen to the fire.

"Really…? So, messing with the villain of the country is not dangerous? Even if she doesn't know you, can you think messing with a gangster who was about to shoot a teenager is not dangerous?"

Shin Jung Ho's hands froze for the first time in his whole eighteen years of life. He blinked twice before he could move his hands again and shortly enough, his face twisted in anger that had become death for many people.

"I should just let her die if she is that stupid to follow what I asked her to do. She deserves to die!"

He said those words and started to hit the punching bag more intensely.

Oh, who is Tae Seol? Any guesses? She loves danger means she loves Jung Ho but will Jung Ho feel the same?

What if he seriously doesn't give a fuck then?

Bad for Tae Seol. She will need to do a lot for him then.

Next Chapter Spoiler:

A different world.

AuthorMiragecreators' thoughts