
The cursed: Pre Mature Death.

When a 17 year old high school student, Guru finds himself caught up in a supernatural chain of events, he's plunged into a world of darkness and danger. Struggling to control his body and soul, he must fight for his life against an evil that seeks to consume him and the world around him.

isaiahLibrary002 · 科幻
16 Chs

Episode 005: Not your day to die.

Episode 005: Not your day to die.

 Lucas was already drowning in a sea of fear and all he saw was his death staring at him in his eyes. That demon took ages to bring down, he couldn't even lay a hit on him but yet he was destroyed by a single move form this demon. Whoever she was…she was definitely strong. Perhaps now would be a good time for Denzel to appear and show us what he got.

 As possessed Guru got closer…the heat that eminence from his body was hot and enough to kill him. He was seating profusely as Guru pulled in closer. It was just in a matter of seconds now and he would burn of. His cloth was starting to get hot as his sky as Guru's eyes was fixes on him. He could feel his skin burning off gently to every step and gaze. So this is it…he would die through a fire burning, honestly he could use something more-

"Huh… Guru grasped as he looked around puzzled by his weird stare movement.

"Huh…Guru? Lucas asked as he felt a slight change on his body. Having red eye, hair but the hotness ceased and all that stood was a confusion child who once was dead.

"You changed back…He stuttered in his own words as he was still reliving the moment that just ceased.

"I changed back to…

"Daddy's home…! Denzel screamed as he cracked done the door with his legs and walked in, having two shopping bags in his hand. The sight of Lucas on the floor and Guru standing still…he was supposed to be exorcised by Lucas. Maybe he over powered him again and now was trying to kill him.

"I thought he was supposed to be dead? Denzel asked as the smile on his face disappeared and he slowly turned to Guru, who was lost by his words.

"D- Denzel, I can explain…( Lucas tend to clear the whole mixtape as he realized the dirty picture appearing in Denzel's mind) "D-Denzel-

Ho! The sound of a quick breaking in the ground. Swifting air movement of Denzel as he sprinted towards him. Whoosh! The sound of a high swinging punch, toward the face of Guru.

Need to know: Not even an average human can withstand Denzel's rock solid punch. Especially at full swing and wave…it is like getting hit by an atomic bomb!

"You didn't have to…! Lucas condemned his actions as his speed was making it hard to catch him. He was one of the fastest at the bureau and had an amazing reflex. He moved quickly at hitting Guru and racing back to pick the bags, before it hit the floor.

"yes I did…Denzel said softly as he had the bags in his hand and Guru in the walls again.

"where the hell were you and what's in the bag? Lucas demanded still on the floor as he struggled to get up.

"The shopping bag? He asked in an awe look.

"Y-Yeah! He demanded again.

"I was out shopping…isn't it obvious? He said and pulling out his phone.

"Your kidding…you were actually shopping while others were out here dying…

"Nobody died…Denzel hisses and squeezed his face as he caught a glimpse of a figure crawling up to them.

 It was Guru, he was still alive and had his body part regenerated. He stuttered in his words as he made his way down the alter to them. Denzel looked in surprise a he felt even an average human can't withstand a solid gold hit from him. "impressive! Denzel remarked as he threw his phone into his pocket again.

Lucas recognized the tone of his voice and knew he was going rock hard his time. He groaned as he forced himself to move forward and talk to the readying Denzel for a punch. "Denzel…just wait a second. You don't understand-

"my mother always said…if you want to do something. (Drew his glasses down slowly and exposed his red eyes at him with a feint crippling smile) best do it yourself". With this he ran at him again in full force, rolling his hands as it was inches away from his face.

"Huh…? Guru stuttered as he felt a urge of darkness covering his body. He felt an itches of his hand springing up to unveil a illuminati symbol, red and hot as it was also closer to his face than Denzel. Denzel hesitated a little as he got a hint in something about Guru…he could tell something was different.

"He's different, changed. His domino tells of something dark and evil. I can tell…I can see a soul clouded by darkness itself. I can tell Guru hasn't been gone at all…but Instead cursed! Denzel muttered to himself as he sponged backwards…quick enough to avoid get touch by the illuminati sign that Guru had on his hand.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt…

"you said- (pauses and continued) shit! He muttered aloud as he landed back where he was before.

"Are you okay? Denzel…! Lucas asked in worried voice as he had his head bent to his knee. He tried to touch him but his stomach hurts as he moved closer. Denzel slowly pulled up his widened eyes as though he had seen a horrific sight. Exposed his red pupil which dilated, had his glasses bent down over and he had a pale face…something was obviously wrong.

"what happened…? Lucas asked worried again.

"I…my… my bag dropped. He said and looked at Lucas for help. Lucas squeezed his face at him as he was puzzled by his statement then suddenly realized that he threw his shopping bags up and caught it on first round but this time, he couldn't catch up to it…so it fell and spilled over.

"Seriously…that's what the face is for? Lucas said and rolled his eyes at his bad joke.

"The essence of a shopping bag…is to make it convenient to carry and doesn't compromise the confidentiality of what you bought, exposing it to others". Denzel replied as he packed the lotions and everything back in.

"Yeah…what's the lotion for?

"Isn't it obvious…(touch his cheeks and hair) my sexy face.

"you know…what forget I ask…(he hissed and turned to Guru who stood watching them from a corner of the church) "Hey…you save me today. Why?

"Save you…? Guru replied confused.

"Seriously…he saved you. From what? Denzel still packing it up.

"A demon attacked…upper ranked. Had the ability of telekinesis, so my skill against his was completely useless". Lucas said and rumbled his face, in self pity.

"Indeed…no wonder, you are in the low category (he scoffed at his statement. Watching Lucas throw pieces of times at him in anger). What's your story…demon? He snapped asking Guru who was caught off guard by the question.

"You…Am not a demon! He snapped at Denzel. Even though he never believe a day in supernatural fiction and powers, he still didn't feel like a demon at all.

"Why do you creature always doubt what you are? Denzel said and rolled himself up with the shopping bags, pecked in one hand.

"Beats me but…(inhales and exhales) if what I heard was true, then this kid possess the great princess of hell, Abyzou. Lucas said and looked at Denzel in a serious face.

"Really…? He replied with all amount of disbelief rendering a shop at his face.

"Am serious. I watched him switch from her to Guru…that's why the higher demon…I think his name was Amon-

"Amon…? He came here? Denzel snapped in as he asked urgently.


"Amon….is not just an upper ranked demon but a demo god of mastery. I highly doubt that he came here, he must have sent someone to come fight instead. Denzel said as he rubbed his chin.

"Whatever…the demon said Lord Satoru wanted her. Lucas said he suddenly had Denzel full attention as he pulled his face closer to his…he felt like he was doing something, looking straight into his eyes as he rubs his chin.

"hey back off…Lucas stuttered as he shrugged him away for a second.

"Okay…I believe you. You aren't lying…Denzel snapped and smiled widely.

"wait…! You didn't believe me? Why would I lie? Lucas snapped in anger.

"I don't know…I am not in your head. Denzel said pulling out his cellphone.

"Uhm…guys, what or whose after me? Guru stuttered as he pulled himself into the conversation.

"What we gonna do about him?

"Done…! I have the perfect idea in my head. Denzel said and walked over to him…placing his two index finger on his forehead as though he was checking for a fever. The quietness of the church, curiosity of Lucas and Guru as to what he was doing. Slowly, Guru found himself feeling all drowsy and dizzy. Falling off as his pupil rolled it's way backward and he fell for a nap. Denzel caught him and smiled widely at Lucas, who was half impressed and surprised by what he did.

"What did you do to him? Lucas asked

"It's an old jujustu for sleep, the key is to focus on the mind. With the quietness of the room and curiosity of the head…you can actually force one to sleep. Denzel said and Lucas nodded his head as a lesson was learnt.

"Now…what we gonna do with him? He saved my life…I don't want him to die". Lucas snapped at him.

"The rules say demons are expected to be casted out…

"and if you do so…he does with it. The demon is the only reason he lives". Lucas countered and Denzel went into thinking…he smiled widely at him again as his face seemed like a manic with a large gun.

"Fine…my guess and logic to this theory is that he possesses the demon princess, Abyzou. She is strong f sure and his body is somehow capable of controllimg and subsiding the urge to go ballistic. But it takes 2 days before full succession in transfer is completed. So I say we train him, he joins us and be a part of the Visionaries…and fight against Lord Satoru. He would be a formidable weapon on our side as one of the chess boards". Denzel said and looked at Lucas for support.

"well…you wanna hide this from the Bureau…? He asked as he stared at his red burning eyes.

"What do you think? Denzel asked.

"I…(clears his mind and throat) if this is the only way then, do it. Make him the strongest cursed being on earth…I would keep shut, promise! Lucas roared as he got fired up from the speech…standing up at full strength, fist wrapped and crippling smile exposed as his orange dark blue aura was exposed as well.