
Battle Training (1)

If you want to read 20+ chapters ahead, go here: www.patre0n.com/Master4thWall

Chapter 60: Battle Training (1)


Two knocks fell in the door of the room just as a feminine voice flew in.

"Are you two done?"

Neji almost coughed in shock. That was Momo's mother, Miku's voice. But what the fuck did she mean by 'Are you two done?'. Neji gave Momo a narrowed look who looked confused.


She muttered as Neji elaborated.

"Why does your mom know you're in my room? You're supposed to hide that fact. And what does she mean with her words?"

"Oh… I told her about the blowjob before I entered your room." She said, "Mommy said it's fine."

Neji almost felt blood fleeing his brain, almost losing consciousness.

"Why would you tell your mother that!?"

Blinking, Momo shrugged. "Well, I used to hide our relationship before, but now that we're a couple, it's fine. Right?"

It was fine, but this was not fine! Neji didn't know how to explain. 

"Tell me… have you heard your parents having sex before?"

Momo tilted her head. "Yeah, a lot of times. Mom sometimes even walks naked around the mansion, why? Isn't that normal?"

This was the 'Ah!' moment for Neji. Now he understood why Momo was an exhibitionist and many more things. It was all her parents' fault.

"Mom, we are not done! It's still hard!"

And just before Neji could say something, Momo yelled to the door causing him to deadpan. 

"Ah, fufu, sure. Don't spend too much time on it, or breakfast would go cold."


The giggle trailed away as Neji sighed.



Neji… almost got a flashback of his previous mother. She was this open and perverted too, though she was more of a bitch than the cool type that Momo's mom is.

In the end, he sighed yet again. "Well, I don't think we'd need to spend more time."

Momo asked, "Why?". But as her eyes landed on his slumbering dick, she looked more confused than anything else.

Though there was no way she could know, remembering his past mother's strangely beautiful face only caused Neji to lose all his libido.


The breakfast table was a terrible place for Neji. There, he met Momo's father who had returned home after he had fallen asleep. 

Touma Yaoyorozu was a tall man with a very muscular build. He has black eyes and black hair of medium length that was messily combed backwards, making it stick outwards. Additionally, he sported a stubble moustache and beard.

'This guy…' Neji almost frowned at his face. Momo's father looked like Yami Sukehiro from Black Clover.

'First Shanks now Yami…? Are there female characters with these types of looks? Or are there only the chad mentors?' He must say, whoever created this world had a taste.

Though Neji wasn't free enough to think that right now. Mr Touma had a scary scowl on his face as he examined Neji head to toe, well, as head-to-toe as it could get while sitting at a dining table.

"Whachare you doing in my house, brat?"

"...It's Neji Hado, and I came to deliver Momo home because she passed out in school."

"Hm." He stared. "Alright, good to know, but why did you and my daughter come out of the same room?"

Neji didn't quite like the tone he was using to talk. He wanted to be civilised, but this indeed made him feel a bit annoyed.

"Your daughter was on her knees, my bad, father-in-law."

The room grew silent. Neji couldn't help himself, being stared at as if he was a clown did unnerve him. But of course…


...He wouldn't have said such a thing to his newly-made girlfriend's father without knowing he'd get away with it. He wasn't that stupid.

"See, Miku?" the man turned to his wife who was giggling too. "I told you Aiko's son wouldn't be a pussy. Bwahaha!!"

The man almost rolled on the table, as Momo deadpanned at her father while Neji shrugged. He could see his state, [Holding back a laugh, Testing you, Playing Hard]. If he had somehow ever married Momo, he was sure his parents-in-law would be fun.

Just like that, the dinner ended and a driver brought Neji and Momo to school. 


Principal Nezu was sitting on his favourite comfy chair which was highered for him to be able to reach the table. Currently, he had his eyes on the Laptop resting on the table, the game of Neji and Inasa playing on it.


He rubbed his lowered chin, the soft fur meeting his paws. 

"Is this him?"

Neji Hado, a very charming boy (for human standards) with blue eyes and silver hair. He was unnaturally strong for someone of this age. If Mirio was the next All Might, Nezu was sure Neji was the next Mirio. 

Nezu was most concerned about his silver hair though. It matched perfectly with Nighteye's vision, that Nighteye himself had shared with Nezu, for clear reasons, as Nezu was quite a few times smarter than even the smartest human. According to Nighteye's vision, the silver-haired man had One for All, though that had changed since now the blonde Mirio held the quirk, but that's not the point.

Is Neji really the guy in the vision? For all he knew, the guy might be the Seat no 1 of class 2-A, a second year, who also had grey hair, or even someone like that kid who got admitted in Shiketsu even after UA had sent him a recommendation letter, Ito Mahi, his hair also turned white when using his quirk. There were countless more examples, and honestly, Nezu himself wasn't sure who it could be since he wasn't the one who got to see the vision with his own two eyes.  If he did then maybe…

Nezu scratched his chin. It seems he now needs to do a bit of research into Neji's personal life. The vision mentioned multiple disarmed women laying around the silver-head, so the guy either had multiple female friends or multiple lovers. It also mentioned a black cat the size of a skyscraper, though he didn't know on which side the cat belonged to. Either way, Nezu must do some research into his life, his relationship with women and if he owns pets or not. 

It'd be a hard job to do since Neji's information is very secretly protected, Nezu could tell it's that woman, Gara's fault, she was too overprotective of her children. It was justified, truthfully, and he would in fact discourage prying into students' personal lives on usual occasions, but he got no choice, this was for the whole world, this...

This was for the greater good.

"Um, Mr Principal."

A blonde head with two antennae made of hair peeked inside the room just this moment.

"Ah, All Might, come inside please."

Nezu jumped off his chair and guided himself to the couch, looking like All Might was already here as he had called. 

After they sat on either side of the table, on the couch, Nezu started, "So have you planned which student would be against which in the [Battle Exam]?"

This would be a true test of the students, not a mere football game. Nezu was looking forward to it more than any other year.


Neji and Momo were driven to school by Momo's maid driver. They headed to their class with Momo clinging to Neji, which gathered the eyes of everyone around them.

It was the same in the classroom too. When they entered the room with Momo hugging his arm, the guys present did give them a look. Ochako wasn't there yet so she didn't get the chance to see anything shocking. 

By the time Ochako had reached school, the class started immediately, and after the boring normal class, the lunch break happened. Nejire… didn't come for him today, so Neji almost wanted to go to the 3rd year campus, but he stayed because of Momo since he would get the chance to meet Nejire after school ended anyway. 

When lunch ended and the bell rang for afternoon classes, a tall muscular blonde man wearing a hero costume and cape slid inside the room with his hands grabbing the door's side.

"I am…. Coming through the door like a normal person!!"

It was anything but normal, of course, and the reaction of the students was also… anything but normal.



From above the reactions were fine, normal even, but as Neji's eyes inspected the room he found the anomaly. 

Neji's previous question: "Would All Might still teach class 1-A?" was answered, but as he observed the surroundings, more questions popped up in his head. 

Todorki still had that burning light in his usually cold eyes, which was still part of the 'normal', but the reactions that he would consider as abnormal was Izuku Midoriya and Bakugo's scowl.

Actually, maybe calling it a scowl would be too light for Izuku? While Bakugo just had a mere disappointment present in his eyes, Izuku had… burning hatred, something that vanished a mere second later, but Neji didn't miss it. 

First of all, Bakugo wasn't supposed to look disappointedly at All Might, he wanted to surpass that man, after all, who would want to surpass a disappointment? Not Bakugo. 

And Izuku was just…

'Something is wrong.' Something probably happened in the sludge villain incident, since it did happen based on the TV news, Neji could only reach this conclusion. 

However, what exactly happened remained a… mystery to Neji.

"Hero basics training!!" All Might announced patting the blackboard. "The class that'd put you through all kinds of special training to mould you into heroes!"

It apparently also gave tons of 'Credits', basically the currency inside UA. Using this, the students can buy anything present in the shops around school, mostly food.

"Today we do BATTLE TRAINING!" 

All Might gave a laugh, this caused the likes of Inasa and Bakugo to grin.

"Let's not forget the main thing, you'd get to wear your Hero Costumes!!"

This caused everyone to get excited, along with Neji. He was looking forward to it for a while now…

"So, everyone, PLUS ULTRA!!"

The class was immediately dismissed to the special locker to change to their Hero Costumes. 

UA was just starting.


