
The Curse of Fate

What happens when two lost souls from two different worlds are united by something entirely impossible? After Nathaniel's latest stunt of bullying leaves both him and Francesca in a different world they must work together to find a way to make it out in one piece. Can a bully and a outcast really defeat the Curse of Fate or will they back down from the challenge?

Rainingcats_dogs · 青春言情
39 Chs

Engaged Affairs

As he pulls me into his his arms I felt something I've never felt before, wanted and safe. With his warm arms holding me as my tears trace down my face and l finally feel safe. Something I haven't felt in so long and in that moment I realize it's been what I've feared forever but what I so desperately needed, someone's embrace.

"Tell me more" he ask as I pull away and finally collect myself as I wipe away my teardrops from my face.

"What?" I ask him as I really don't know if I'm imagining what he asked or if he really just did.

"Tell me more, about your birthday. I want to know how it was supposed to be" he says as I nod and walk to the tree as he follows and I sit down as I lean against the tree as he sits beside me and I start.

"I was supposed to spend it with my mother. It was supposed to be great, not with the extravagant balloons and cakes and the endless arrays of people filling up a room. I rather not spend my birthday with people that say they know me but barely scrape the surface of who I really am, no. I was on my way to spend it with my backbone, to read to her. To read to her and bake a cake with her and have a movie marathon, one of those where you make fun of the characters, saying you would do the exact opposite if you were in their situation." I say as I look at him and can't help but feel the guilt in his eyes. "But I need you to know I don't blame you for this" I say to him as his eyes flick to my face.

"Why? Why don't you blame me? I did this, I did all of this. We're here because of me, so why don't you blame me?" He ask as I smile.

"I don't blame you because there's a saying that I hold dear, 'what people speak in anger is the most truth they'll speak in their entire life.' But because of you I know that's not true, at least in this case. Because I don't blame you, It's mine as well. Things happen for a reason, I used to not believe this but I have to now, I have to believe that there's a reason this is happening" I say as he pulls me closer to him and cups my face, but it doesn't feel right, "Please don't" I beg him as he pulls away and stands up.

"Why? Give me one reasons why I shouldn't kiss you?" He ask as I can hear the frustration in his voice.

"Don't kiss me if I don't mean anything to you. If your going to kiss me, kiss me when I mean something to you. Not out of pity, nor desperation and neither of scarcity, do it because you truly care for me. Not by looks or your overwhelmed emotions, do it because I'm more to your than a ally. Please, spare my heart from your clutches? I know how heartbreak is described, spare me the pain, please Nathaniel?" I beg as he scoffs and I can't help but feel fear. Deep down a part of me wanted to let him kiss me, for his lips to softly caress mine, but I knew I had to protect my heart at all cost.

"Oh come on! You can't seriously be that blind, or are you?" he ask sarcastically as I don't know what he means, I have no earthly idea. "You can't be that clueless can you?" he says as I ponder."The bullying, the constant taunting? I should have told you years ago" he says as a sigh escapes him and it finally clicks for me.

"Your lying! Don't toy with me Nathaniel, I'm not something you can toy with! I'm not like the rest of the girls your used to, if I break their is no fixing me, so be honest" I beg him as he smiles and closes in the space between us as I find it hard to breathe.

"I'm serious Francesca, I'm infatuated with you. The way you zone out, talk and even the simplest thing you do like yawning, I'm being completely honest." he says as I try to look away in a attempt to save myself the tears, to find it easier to question him. As I try to turn away from his gaze and he holds my chin in his hand and leads my face back to his gaze.

"You can't love someone like me, I'm boring, plain. I'm every mans worst nightmare, and you want to lie to me! You can't love someone like me, be honest with yourself......be honest to me" I beg him as I see no change in his eyes.

"I love you Francesca Sanchez" he whispers as he pulls away from me and walks to his horse and he jumps on his horse, "And I'll do anything by the end of this week to prove it to you" he says as he and his horse gallop off and I swallow the lies I was just served with and walk back to my horse. Conflicted, did I want what he told me to be the truth? Or did I want what I'd thought to be the truth?

Later that Day

"Don't worry Mary, I'll have the prince wrapped around my finger by the end of the evening. Daniella stand no chance, and if she gets to close the whole royal family will know what she is" Eliza says as she turns around to me standing behind her as we walk into the palace, "Right sissy?" she ask tauntingly as I roll my eyes at her.

"Hello my guest" Nathaniel says as he welcomes us and shakes my mothers hand and I revert my eyes to the floor. "And you mil' lady" Nathaniel says so close to me as I look up to see his eyes as green as the summers grass staring back at me, not just with care but with love, I just wasn't sure who it was for.

"As to you your highness" I says as I curtsy and we follow him to the dining room.

"Stay in your place Daniella, or I'll sure as hell remind you" Eliza warns as we continue to walk to the table and I sit across from Nathaniel and next to Mary as she stares daggers at me.

"It's a pleasure to accompany such guest, hasn't been this full of a house in a while" The queen jokes as I nervously chuckle as Mary looks angrily at Eliza.

"So who is the one my son is interesting courting" The king ask bluntly as the room turns quiet and I glance at Nathaniel and back to my empty plate.

"That would be the fairest of them, Daniella" Nathaniel says as he winks at me and I feel a flutter in my stomach and feel like a love sick doll.

"But I would like to do something better than goes above and beyond to show my love for this person." Nathaniel says as he stands up from his chair and my heart skips a beat, "Daniella Roberts, will you marry me?" he ask me as I fall silent.

For me the silence is what feels like is not enough but to my family and Nathaniel, by the look on their faces it dragged on to long for them.

"Um..." I say as I try to gain control of my mouth to form words as I'm still shocked at the surprise.

"DON'T!!!!" Eliza screams as she stands up from her chair dramatically, "You, Prince William, should know what your marrying before you make the biggest mistake of your life!" Eliza says as I already know what's to come.

"Eliza! Cut out the nonsense and be happy for your sisters sucess" My mother says as Eliza laughs.

"Yes! She's one successful bastard" Eliza says as I hear nothing but the breath knocked out of everyone in shock. "You heard me, she's a bastard! Fathered by a stable man himself" Eliza continues as I feel all eyes fall on me and I can't help but feel horrible at her words, only to be the truth.

As she turns to me and smiles at my sadness, "How does it feel? Hope you remember this and your place?" Eliza taunts as the feeling of being suffocated becomes to much and I finally resort to the one thing I've been good at all my life......I run.

"DANIELLA" I hear being yelled after me as I run and finally find solace at a balcony as I stand there, letting the tears fall and the warm breeze caress my face.

"Francesca"I hear someone call from behind as I already know who it is by the sound. Their voice once used to make my knees give in fear but now make me feel like a shameful excuse of a human.

"RUN! Run while you can, you already know what I am. This sure hits close to home" I admit as I turn around to him and let him see my tear filled face. "I'll do the one thing I'm good at, which is running, and you be the socialite you were meant to be" I say as I try to walk past him but he grabs my waist and spins me closer back to him.

"A life without you is not worth living, I'll chase after you forever, as long as your feet can carry you while you run. But be mine" he begs as I smile as he wipes away my tears.

"I hate it when people chase me, but why is it with you I'd let you chase me over and over again?"