
The Curse Book

"In order to know the importance of light, we first need to experience the darkness" Hey, I'm Serena Hamsler. Things took a big turn in my life three years back when my uncle Benjamin suddenly dissapeared, no one knew what happened to him. But now suddenly I recieved a letter from my missing uncle leading me and my group of friends and enemies to a path which no one could have imagined where friend become foes and foes turned into friends, where supernatural meets the terror of horror, where they follow only one law that is to either sacrifice people or get sacrificed yourself. What to do you think how did Serena get the letter from a person who went missing three years? is her uncle still alive or ...? will a 18 year old girl will be able to do what's directed in the letter or get lost forever in a world where humanity doesn't exist and mainly will our girl be able to find her true love or again experience betrayal like her past. To know more read "The cursed book" , A story of mystery, fantasy, true friendship and unconditional love. A tale which has no bound for love wherever it might be family or romantic. A tale full of horror and suspense. if you are looking forward fr a tale full of suspense and thrillers having elements of horror and supernatural, this book is definitely for you. Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction and doesn't promote any rituals or believe mentioned in the story. It doesn't even intend to hurt any community believe. The characters are totally fictional and doesn't claim that any people like whole existed within the past or the present or even doesn't claim that this happen will happen in future. This is my first ever book to be written. Thanks for giving time to read this means alot. would highly appreciated if you all review it and comment it.

Serena_Adrian · 奇幻言情
80 Chs

The speed chase

The car's entry was so fast, that the whole organization was in panic.

"Wait right where you all are" The man shouted but as if anyone would have listened to him.

Jared with his whole speed got his car infront of us.

"GET IN" He shouted, Aaron was cold and was like totally froozed up, I holded him and put him in the car in less than a mili seconds and I rushed into the Mercedes within the same time. Jared locked the car. Just then the organization man started Shooting bullets on us.

"Holy shit" I shouted closing my ears with my hand. I wanted to go and hide in backseat. I was sitting on the passenger seat next to the driving seat where Jared was seating and poor Aaron was alone on the backseat.

"Don't worry I got this, the bulldozers windows and this car window is Bullet proof."

And within few seconds Jared and Jason raced their vehicles for their lives and rushed out of there as fast as possible.

"You idiots get out cars and follow them. Also target on the vehicles tyre and not the glass windows which are Bullet proof." The red head lady warned the guards in full rage.

We were in the car, Jason and Jared were moving as fast as they could, I was shaking at that moment. Jason called Jared which got connected to the carkit.

"They are following us. We need to move fast as we could. You take left and I will take right." Jason said

"But- can't we go in the same direction." I askedbeing totally concerned about Jason.

"You know what to do buddy, go for it." Jared said.

"But-" I objected as the call ended.

"This isn't the time." Jared said to stop me but Aaron wasn't in a mood of listening....

"How could you leave Jason just liked... you know..." He blabbered continuously.

"Shut up, For God sake shut up." Jared shouted losing up his Patience. "They will follow is, as I have a Mercedes... I will be trick them away anyways... Jason doesn't... you all fucking don't speak if you all don't know."

Jared Rosed his car in anger, pressing the accelerator as much as he can, from behind some cars voices getting louder and louder every second could be hear.

"Damnn" my heart was literally pounding. I was totally shaking in fear, Jared saw it and touched my thighs. It was nothing sexual or un appropriate, It was just way of him to relax me up and he looked at me, though he clearly didn't speak anything but he looks clearly said that, 'Don't be scared we got this' and turned away to the stering.

Behind us were ten different car following us and Shooting us from behind.

"Damn they are not the targeting us but the tyre of the car- Holy shit...." Jared freaked out.

I covered my face with my hand again, The Serena who was a wild tigress like ten minutes ago has turned into a small kitten who could just mew.

"Serena, Serena " Jared kept on shouting my name and instructing something. I was totally overcome by fear and despair that I had completed lost my senses.

"SERENA" A huge screame from Jared and I was back to my senses.

"Yes - yes" I said coming back to my senses.

"Call Jason on the carkit as soon as possible." Jared shouted, with my shaking hands I did what was instructed. The cars were still following us and we were on the maximum speed that the car could go through.

"Jason Change of the plan" Jared shouted

"But how?" He replied back

"I don't know...just do it" Jared said in complete panic

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