
The curious Play

Laughter's and Tears Joy and Pain Hopes and Broken dreams Lies and Betrayal Revenge and Forgiveness And love that stands the test of time. . for death is eternal but true love is forever! How Princess Ye'er defy her fate and stand against the test of time. Would she be able to prorect the people she love and avoid her own death? pls note; that the illustrated picture is not mine I just pick in up randomly in google. credit to original owner! ©all rights reserved this an original story.

XiaoXinYue · 历史言情
66 Chs

Haunting games! [1]

Everyone gathered in the palace hall on that day after the court session as they were about to set out for the haunting games that his Majesty arranged for the guests and envoys.

Ye'er Gōngzhǔ, Xin'er, Xiang Gōngzhǔ and Ah'nuh diànxià dressed in over all black with a cape, and disguised themselves as gōngzǐ.

It was Ye'er suggestion to confused who ever had an intention of harming Ah'nuh, the things that give them up is that Wu was with them.

She doesn't really know what's going on to the two of them but she had sense that even though they appeared to be more polite than usuall cat and dog manner. .there was more into their gazed.

"Guess what?" Xiang chuckles."Silence means ascent, isn't it?"

"You. !" Ye'er giggles."You always runs your imagination!"

"Humm.! I just can't help it,Im excited as hell. .what about you Xin'er, how are you with Yu'er?" Xiang asked bluntly.

Xin'er stunned as her face flushed in red, she looked shyly on Ye'er asking for help but Ye'er just gazed on her, waiting for her answer.

Ye'ers gazed was also questioning her.

She shook her head. "I don't want to think about it, as I knew it was impossible!"

Xin'er said bitterly before mounting her mare. Ye'er felt a pain for certain but there was no words that come in her mouth, why?

"Its not impossible!" Xiang said as she also Mount her mare. "Yu'er may seems to be irresponsible but when he decided on something. .he'll surely make it till, the last!"

"If you're worried Im going to forbid you, Xin'er. .then you're wrong!" Ye'er said smiling at her. "You were always been a sister to me. .

She was so shocked in Ye'ers words that almost made her fell down from her mare. .luckily Yu diànxià who happened to passed by catch her on time.

"Put me down you idiot?" 

Xin'er hissed as she felt that everyone is looking at them.

"Falling down in your mare, even with out starting the journey is not a good omen!"

"I was. .I was just preoccupied!" 

"With me?" Yu diànxià teased her that made her blushed. He then help her mount back into her mare."Be careful!"

"You have nothing to be worried about Yu diànxià!" Yan Jing said sourly."I will be with the ladies.!"

Xiang and Ye'er smiled sweetly while looking in each other, they giggles like a child.

"Its unfair. .

He was about to protest when Tàizǐ diànxià dragged him away from them that made all of them bark in laughters.

The journey were two hour and half, by the time they arrived the ladies felt their butt sore as they choose to ride in the horse rather than in the carriage.

The haunting ground was so big, it also has a palace that served as the resting quarter for his Majesty, his highness and other concubines who had been chosen to come along.

As for the others, they just built a tent outside to served as their sleeping quarters. 

"So long. .Ye Gōngzhǔ.!"

She jerked when she heard someone called her name, she frowned and smile to cover up her embarrassment.

"It's nice to see you. .Ye diànxià!"

She said giving him a proper courtesy, indicating that she's a lady and that, he has to observed a proper etiquette.

"Its nice to see you too!" He smiled, "I thought you don't like this kind of place?"

"I grew up in this kind of place!" She said in matter of fact, that makes Ye diànxià starred at her."I used to run in the grassland with my pony when I was a little kid!"

"Thats good.!" He paused. "Our place has a nicest part where grass grew taller than human. .it was surely the coldest in winter but our land is surprisingly abundant in springs!"

"I never been in the north!" 

She muttered that made Ye diànxià smiled.

"You will surely like it there.!" He said with a meaningful remarked.

"Probably.!" She paused when she realized that he had drowned her into a conversation. "But I hate too much cold. .as you see, I could not stay long in the water. .

She looked at him stunned and surprised by her own words, She gasped as she remembered the kissed he had given to her. 

Ye diànxià stepped closer to her, she was taken aback unable to react as her brain froze. she was thinking of running away but it was too late.

"I could never forget you!" 

He said nudging her chin with his finger, she starred at him blankly. She felt the heat runs through her checks, as his gazed was locked on her.

"Le. .let go of me!" 

she whispered softly. Her heart beats fast, as she was scared as hell,she remembered that Ye diànxià was the one who killed Tàizǐ in the future.

What if Tàizǐ diànxià will saw them. .what if he miss interpret everything?

This is probably the reason why Ye diànxià will going to kill Tàizǐ in the future. .it was all because of her!

It was all. .because of me! A panicked was started to form in her brain, She swatted his hand and run away in haste.

Now she finally understood! 

When she run away a satisfied smiled had form into Ye diànxià's lips. Her reaction was hinted him that she was somehow affected by his present.

Slowly. .slowly! Step by step Im going to do whatever it takes to make you mine! He thought.

He doesn't care about her past what she wants is her.

By getting himself closer to her it means that Tàizǐ diànxià will also vulnerable, by that time it will be easy for him to take him down in one single sure move. 

"Let me see how. .formidable you are when the one Im targeting is your weakness!"

While in the distance, Tàizǐ saw everything. He was clenching his hand tightly to control his anger, he silently prayed that the northern prince will never think of kissing her.

if that happened. . that damn prince would not be standing by now!

"Just trust her!" Yan Jing pat his shoulder. 

"She is the bravest sister I've known. .she might be crazy sometimes but trust me, she will never betray you!"

"That I knew!"

He sigh, but he was still jealous.

"But I just dont want to see her with another man!"

"No one does, you fool!" Yan Jing said sourly."I just don't have a choice!"

They were heading into the deep forest when they stumbled into unexpected guest. The man wears an over all, black cape with a hood that hides his face.

The two of them stood in their ground waiting for the man to attacked them first.

"Greetings Zhǔrén.!"

The man said while kneeling one of his kness and putting his fist in his chest, it was a northerner's customs.

Tàizǐ dianxia and Yan Jing looked in each other, confused. But when the man took off his hood and revealed his face Tàizǐ diànxià gasped in surprised.

"Ma Qin?" 

"That was me. . before. !" He paused. "Im known as Qin Mo, now.!"

"Stand up!" Taizi commanded him."What happened to you?"

"I failed in my last mission!" He said bitterly. 

He disappeared more than fifteen years ago, Ma Qin is Ma Chun'lis older brother. The two sibling was with him, except that Ma Qin disappeared with out a trace while Ma Chunli is still with him, sticking with him like his real brother. 

Who would have thought that he's actually alive.

"Im sorry to hear that!"

"It was fine. .atleast, I found another purposed!" He said while studying Tàizǐ diànxià's face.

"I was nearly in my death when someone accidentally found me, I was beaten badly and lost my memory in the process!"

"Who is he?"

"Northern Prince, Ye diànxià!" Qin Mo heard him groaned. " Tàizǐ diànxià. .I know that this is against your principles but I need your help!"

Tàizǐ snorts. "You know its against my principles, why bother asked something you know the answer!"

He was about to moved forward when Yan Jing blocked him, he understand that Tàizǐ diànxià was still in his verge of anger, and it is understandable that anything about that darn prince is the least he wants to hear.

"Lets hear him first. .we could probably find something very useful!"

"Forgive me for my bluntness.!" Qin Mo said while looking at Yan Jing uncertainly.

"But may I know the name of this gentle man?"

"Call me whatever you want.!" Yan Jing said in his authoritative voice, like the one when he was commanding in his troop.

"Yan Jing, Duke Yan's first son!"

Qin Mo gasped, he could not believed himself. He actually saw him in person, he never had a chance to meet him before when he was still with Tàizǐ diànxià.

Its really true that the two of them were close as Tàizǐ diànxià listened to him with out question.

"Lets not waste our time. .for old time sake. ." Tàizǐ snapped impatiently. "As you've  said the Ma Qin I've known was already dead. .I guess there is no master and apprentice that's left between us!"

"I understand. .but even so, I still regarded you as my master and mentor!" He said with a trace of apology. "The very reason why Ye diànxià comes here, is to save her sister that was being captives in the border!"

"Border?" Yan Jing frowned. "Xu prefecture?"

Qin Mo nodded. "Yes! If she's alive or not we don't know!"

"Haven't you had spies everywhere?"

Tàizǐ asked Qin Mo in disbelief.

The issue in the border was not that easy!

 Tàizǐ thought. someone had actually doing some nasty things in there to cost ruckus!

"Our spies had been blocked!" Qin Mo sighed. "The princess was in great danger and she was the part of bargaining terms which our Crown Prince had given to Ye diànxià."

"It has nothing to do with. .

"It has!" Qin Mo's voiced becomes a pleading. "Your wife. .Tàizǐ fēi's life will be in danger as she was the other part of the terms.!"

Tàizǐ diànxià was about to stepped towards him to beat the hell out of him when Yan Jing blocked him.

"Whats really going on?"

Yan Jing asked imperiously, he himself was controlling his anger.

"For old time sake Tàizǐ diànxià. .You know the ought I swear before, I don't mean to betray Ye diànxià but this is for the sake of everyone, telling you the truth is like helping him!" He pleaded.

"He has to bring Tàizǐ fēi with us into the kingdom in exchanged of his sister life.!"


Yan Jing bloods boils upon hearing it but he remained calm except that his expression become dangerous.

"And what do you vouch for it?" Tàizǐ diànxià asked grimly.

"My head.! You can execute me, as im already good as dead by betraying him but atleast, there's no regret!"

"Hao.!" Tàizǐ diànxià said in approval. "Don't worry, just keep an eye on your master! Make sure he won't fall into someone else trap. We will do the rest!"

Now, the haunting game was already started. They're going to play a cat and mouse except that they were a cat, haunting a big mouse, who's big as a cat.