

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · 奇幻言情
26 Chs

Unhuman best friend II

Cathys breath hastened as she had finally reached her destination.her foot was already aching and all she wanted to do right now was to slump down on a chair.she placed a knock on the house entrance door but got no reply. Cathy frowned hoping they were at home and she had not come all the way here for nothing.

She knocked on the black door again and this time she heard Marie's voice grumple from the other end making her turn relieved.the door slowly opened to reveal Marie who's eyes widened upon seeing her best friend right outside her their front door."Cathy?"Marie exclaimed going to hug her while due to the force at which she had used they both fell on the floor with Cathy letting out a groan.

"Why are you so clumsy"Cathy said glaring at Marie who's face had lit up as her smile now reached her ears." My God! I thought you were dead by now"Marie said to have Cathy sharply glare at the girl who now stood up on the feet and she did the same.

"Isn't that Cathy?" Someone said from behind them to reveal a fair lady who seemed to be in her 30s.she wore a blue velvety flapper dress that fitted her just perfectly.it was undoubtedly Marie's mother.

"Look who decided to come back from the dead"Marie joked letting out a soft chuckle while Cathy could only glare at her. "Good morning Mrs Shawn"Cathy greeted with a slight bow.

"Morning to you Cathy but I was told by Marie that…..you know…"Ms Shawn said baffled to see Cathy still alive and in one piece when Marie had came home that day to tell her how the king had dragged her out of her house to the palace and how she had stolen a painting from the palace.

"It was due to some unresolved issue Mrs Shawn but everything was taken care of"Cathy explained not wanting to give out the whole details and Mrs Shawn could only nod with a doubt in her mind.

"Please come in"the lady invited Cathy in and she smiled at the woman before getting in along with Marie who held Cathy's hand as if she would run away.

"Where are you going? To the pool now!"Cathy demanded seeing as Marie was about taking her to her room but that wasn't why she had come here was it?

"You are just not over it are you?"Marie rolled her eyes knowing how obsessed Cathy was at seeing her transform into a completely different person.

"Shhhhh just lead the way"Cathy simply smiled as Marie now walked them to the house backyard to reveal a large pool that was enough for a whole amusement park full of children to dive into.marie then left Cathy's arm as she removed the necklace that was around her neck giving it to Cathy who clasped it in the palm of her hands her eyes subtly looking at Marie who now went near the pool as she jumped inside.

Cathy watched as her best friends legs turned to a tail in the blink of an eye.the clothes in which the girl wore was gone and only a silver tail and a silver bra could be seen.cathy watched in mesmerization as her eyes twinkled at the sight.

Marie flapped her tails as she went deeper into the water swimming all around the pool while Cathy now went to sit at the edge.

"I wish I was a mermaid like you Hailey"Cathy said as Marie now swam over to her side resting her arms on the walls of the pool just where Cathy sat.

"You should be happy that you don't have to worry if humanity found out about your existence.we don't know whether we will be accepted or not"Marie said a frown coming to form up on her face her pupils starting to dilate.

It was a thing to worry about honestly.humans were cruel beings and would do anything to protect their race.they would do anything to make sure their race wasn't threatened even if it meant destroying anything or anyone that proved to be inhuman.

"Isn't it just awesome how you can transform to something so incredible!" Cathy said ignoring Marie's earlier words as she went ahead to touch her tail deeping her hand inside the water.

"You haven't told me about what happened in the palace"Marie said to have Cathy's earlier smile turn to a frown as she saw her shrug. "He continued lieing that he has feelings for me and can you even believe he talked about marriage?"Cathy said with a rather dramatic tone and she saw Marie's eyes widen.

"Th…the king wants to marry you?"Marie asked in disbelief as she blinked her eyes continuously. "You don't have to act surprised he was probably just playing me"Cathy said nodding her head at her own words.

"Probably? Why do you think the king would joke about something like that?"Marie stated looking into Cathy's eyes who looked unbothered and indifferent. Cathy pursed her lips raising her head up to stare at the sky.she wondered why everyone was making a big deal about this whole thing.did they really think the king had fallen in love with her? Now,that was an height of madness! Why would anyone think that? He was just using her for some whatever reasons.cathy was sure of it.

"You don't believe him do you?"Cathy now bent her face down to look at Marie who's eyes wandered off a little."I don't even know what to believe again.i mean he is the king and there is no logical reason for him to lie about such a thing.if he wanted something there was no one that could stop him from having it but then if he really had such plans in mind why did he let you go?"

"Now you know what am talking about.he's a confused human being.first he was deadpanned on not letting me near anywhere that was outside the palace but and then all of a sudden he asked his butler to put us in carriage to take us back home"Cathy said with a sigh, tired of talking about him or palace. Now that she had learnt her lesson,she would never step foot in that palace again less alone think of stealing any goddammed painting. After all that was what got her into this mess anyways.

"Whatever the reason might be,I am just glad Dylan is back"Marie squeaked to have Cathy look down at her with an irritated look as she acted like someone who was about to throw up in the pool.

Far away from madiville village,in the town of paloma where it seemed to be the residences of the witches as everyone who lived there were either witches or the people who were tired of life and wanted to die.

Ronald broke into the house of the famous witch marina using the window as his entrance to have the fragile glass beak.

"He had to make an entrance"marina grumbled under her breath as she quickly scurried up to her feet from where she had sat bowing her head to the king.

"Your highness!"the witch greeted the king with a smile even though there was a really great urge within her that just wanted to burn this vampire.

"Glasses these days are too easy to break into don't you think?"Ronald remarked returning her smile with a wicked one while the witch could only make sure her smile was still intact.

"What brings you here your highness"marina went ahead to ask wanting to be done with him as quickly as she could.

"Something that requires a little magic"Ronald said clicking his tongue before his gaze turned serious. "Erase my memories"