

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · 奇幻言情
26 Chs

Forgotten chalks

Two weeks had passed since cathy came home and since then no one seemed to hear of the king and no rumours had spread around to which Cathy was grateful for. It was all as if it had never taken place as they had all seemed to have forgotten about it and no one spoke anything concerning the king to her and she hoped it would continue that way.

She dressed up for work like any normal day as she was now waiting for Marie in the living room sitting on a chair there picking on her nails.

"Cathy, did you comb your hair?''it was Hailey's voice. who now walked to where Cathy sat going to touch her rough hair.

"I couldn't find the hair brush"Cathy muttered knowing her sister was about to complain about her uncombed hair.

"And you plan on going out like this?"Hailey asked with a baffled voice as she blinked at her sister. This lady just didn't care about what people say or better still if she continued being so nonchalant about herself,she doubted any man would want to court her if she continued acting this way.

"What is wrong with it"Cathy said with a nonchalant tone as she simply just used her hand to brush her hair well, not even bothering to see if the hair looked worth seeing. "You are turning 20 in about two weeks time now and you are still acting like this?" Hailey clicked her tongue staring down at her sister who gave her a bored look.

Hailey went ahead to touch her silky black hair as she brought the length to her face to look at it.she looked between her hair and Cathy's honey blonde hair. She had always wished to have the type of Cathy's hair but once hair doesn't just magically changes over night does it?

She had silky honey blonde hair which brought out the color of her eyes well enough but her sister here wasn't grateful for what she had and was misusing it however she wanted.

Cathy wanted to retort back at what Hailey had said but she heard the door open as Marie walked in with a leather bag in her hand as she looked like someone who was in haste. "Come on Cathy,let's go"Marie didn't bother with greetings as her eyes kept going back and forth like someone who was impatient.

"Good morning Marie"Hailey was the one who greeted but Marie only hummed in response as Cathy got up to her feet following her best friend out of the house leaving for work.the two were learning how to sew and so far, they had learned a lot Since the last two weeks now,it was only a matter of time they would turn to seamstresses themselves.

"Slow down,you are walking as if you are being chased by someone"Cathy chuckled as her best friend kept walking like a hawk.they still had enough time on their hands so what was the rush?

"I forgot to give aunt Luna the chalk yesterday"Marie said as she took a deep breath in and out trying not to panic. They were supposed to deliver a whole box of clothes today and she was supposed to give their teacher the chalk that was in her care which she would have used to cut down the dresses at night but she had forgotten to hand it over to her and took it home instead. 

Aunt Luna would be very displeased with her as she knew there was no way she would be able to get hold of a chalk at such an hour which meant they would have a whole lot of work to look on to today.

Cathy looked at her best friend then at the distance they still had left to reach the bus stop where they would climb onto the local carriage as she abruptly took her arm.

"What are you doing?'' Marie asked with a furrowed eyebrow wondering what her crazy friend wanted to do. "The only thing we can do''Cathy said reasoning with the fact that they could still catch on to the first early morning ride and get to work early.if they wanted to finish the dresses today they would have to be there in time and hand over the chalk to her so she would start cutting.although it might not be a guaranteed success they still had to try.

"I don't understand wh...."Marie had not even finished constructing her sentence when Cathy suddenly started running her legs to have her run along too as she had grabbed her arm.marie blinked as she could only run along with Cathy her eyes randomly looking around her and it was no surprise to her to see the way people kept staring at them.

She Internally shook her head, her ears turning pink feeling slightly embarrassed, making her wonder how Cathy could just not care about what people thought which was a trait she so desperately wanted to possess and even after many years of friendship that they had spent together she still didn't have such courage to emulate her best friend.

They got to the bus stop in less than five minutes and Cathy was right as the carriage immediately pulled up in front of them to have the two enter,both panting like someone who ran a hundred Meters race.

"Never try that with me again"Marie said trying to catch her breathe as she held onto the seat In Front of her.


They got to their work place within an hour as they both rushed inside the shop to see their teacher already sewing the dresses.


"Why are you two standing there like that, come and help me with the rest?"their teacher said with her head still bent, focusing on the dress she was currently sewing. "Aunt Luna, did you not sleep at night?" Cathy couldn't help but ask as she saw the way the ladies short bob hair stood above her hair with it pointing at the ceiling.

The lady finally looked up glaring at the two with a heated gaze and the two sensing the current danger quickly squirreled away to start their work.

Somewhere in the western part of the city in the town of Markmeair where everywhere was often crowded as if there was a carnival of some sort going on but that was just the normal daily life of everyone there. Nick and Ronald walked through the streets and with each step they took, the number of people whose head was turned to look at them continued increasing while the two didn't care in the slightest about the attention they were receiving but why would they after all it was a normal thing for them.

Their eyes roamed around searching for anything suspicious and even as much as they tried to keep a low profile they had still managed to garner attention from all eyes. "So far how many wraiths has Nicholas been able to kill?''Ronald asked, his eyes holding a calmness no one could be able to possess. At some point you wouldn't think he was capable of killing even a fly.

"They are surprisingly much more than we had guessed,"Nick said, pausing, his eyes abruptly turning red but returning to his normal state at once. "So far since yesterday he has managed to get rid of twenty five of them"

Ronald only nodded as they took a turn leading to an isolated corner as everywhere suddenly turned quite.a lady who happened to be passing by at that time crossed path with the two and as her eyes met with one of them,she quickly dropped them to the floor attempting to quickly pass them by and go on her own way but just as she was about walking past their side she heard the cold voice stop her. "Stop!"

Her body shivered at the voice that had resonated in her ears while she could just stand there not knowing why she had even listened to him in the first place. She should run out of here right? as fast as she could! The lady thought within herself but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She wondered if it was because she was scared of the men or because she somehow knew they would catch up to her if they wanted to. She slowly turned to the man who had called her as she put on a smile but her eyes wandered around instead, not ready to meet with his gaze.

"You called me,"the lady said, still putting a smile on her face.

Nick walked over to where she stood, his hand pushing her hair to fall on her back while the woman's legs stiffened wondering what the man wanted to do.he held her chin up bringing her face to look at him while the two locked eyes together and there! he found his charm.

"Don't scream or move an inch"his voice was commanding even though he was compelling her. the lady only nodded and this time she found herself willfully agreeing to what this man had said in which she asked herself why.

Nick lowered himself now sinking his fangs into her skin and the lady couldn't even let out a single gasp as she was still under his compulsion.she could only let him have his way with her.he satisfied himself with her blood and when he was done with her he let her go his eyes looking around him to find out that Ronald was gone.