
Old fashioned man- Part 3

When Vladimir offered his charming smile, he noticed the vein on Helena's forehead pop up in annoyance. He could tell that she was trying to control her anger from saying or doing something to him. But the way her eyes blazed, he couldn't help but poke her. 

"Let's move to the dining room," proposed Vladimir and the woman quietly glared before following his lead. 

Watching the back of Vladimir's head, Helena gritted her teeth. If she could, she would have shot him dead for annoying her and for unnecessarily wasting her time. But this was no ordinary mortal. If she did something, who knew what the consequences would be? The sooner she would finish the meal, the faster she could get him out of her hair. 

"I took the liberty to prepare some of your favourites after having Odin ask the people who know you closely," said Vladimir, his head turning to look at her with that evil smile that represented him.