
Chapter 6

It was the first week of May and not surprisingly, the students had turned over a new leaf and were now paying attention to the teachers. Well, most of them anyway. The rebellious delinquent Sudou refused to change his habits and kept sleeping through class.

Surprisingly none of the students attempted to talk him out of it. Maybe it was because the students detested his behaviour to the point that they wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

A bunch of hypocrites is what they were. They would insult him behind his back and ignore his stupid behaviour. Society really was the worst. I let out a sigh as I looked at Chabashira sensei going on about a Japanese history topic, then,


Ayanokoji screamed, startling the entire class. I looked at him waving his hand around. There was nothing visibly wrong with him. Maybe he got stung by a wasp or something.

Then I saw his sitting partner quickly hiding a shiny metal. It was a compass. I immediately figured out what had happened. I didnt take Horikita for the kind of girl who would play in class. Least of all when we were in a crisis. Was she all talk? Or maybe she had a reason for doing that? Anyhow it's already been done and it wasn't so interesting for me to care about it.

"What is it, Ayanokoji? You suddenly shouted. Is this your rebellious stage?"

Sensei asked

"N-no. Sorry, Chabashira-sensei. Some dust entered my eye...."

This guy with the pathetic lies. Every single day I spend in close proximity with him, my doubt that he was the greatest white room product increased. But still I wouldnt underestimate him.

I perked my ears and strangely enough, there were no whispers. Seems like the fear of not getting points at the end of this month had gotten to them. Its terrifying what money did to people.

Soon after, class ended and I stretched before resting my head on my desk. I wasnt used to this much sitting down during the day even though I had been doing it for one month now. At this rate I would be out of shape in no time.

Now I had to think of what to do. I was thinking of going to lunch with Airi,  but then Hirata went up to the podium and begun talking.

"The test that Chabashira-sensei mentioned is coming up soon. Everyone understands that they'll have to drop out of school if they receive failing Mark's. So, I think that it would be best if we form study groups."

Study groups. It was a nice idea Hirata-kun asked me about last night. I wanted absolutely no part in it so I tried to give an excuse, that I had no idea how to teach, but Hirata-kun wouldnt back down. He sure was persistent and in the end I settled on marking the practice tests given to the other students and correcting them. Why did he have to give me so much work!?

"If you neglect your studies, you'll immediately receive failing grades and drop out. I want to avoid that situation. Studying isnt solely for avoiding that situation, because there is also a possibility that out test scores are reflected on our points. If we get high grades, the assessment of our class would probably go up. I asked some of the people who got good grades to help out. So, I would like people who are worried about their grades to come participate in the study group. Of course everyone is welcome to join."

Throughout the entire speech, Hirata looked at Sudou and only Sudou. It seems like he was trying to make sure Sudou was listening to him.


Sudou clicked is tongue, crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

All in all he was just a big baby who still had the in capability to make the right choices. At this rate I was interested in how long it would take for him to get expelled from the school. Or will he change his lifestyle later down the road.

"From 5 o'clock today until the day of the test, I plan to study everyday for 2 hours in this classroom. If you gave any thoughts of participating, please come. Of course, it's fine if you have to leave halfway. That's all."

Great, so I didnt have to waste all my time here. As soon as he was done, most of the students with terrible scores swarmed him. The pain of popularity.

I noticed that the three idiots, Sudou, Ike and Yamauchi were the only ones who didnt follow suit. Were they too proud or too shy? Or were they afraid of going against Sudou?

Well, the end of this test was all that mattered anyway. I'd like to see who gets expelled first.


During lunchtime, I went alone because Airi said she wasnt feeling hungry today and the girls had swarmed Hirata to ask about the class. To be honest I felt kind of lonely until,

"I see you are alone. Quite the unusual sight."

I recognized that voice as Horikita's. That was one voice I did not want to hear. I sighed and looked at her, standing next to her was Ayanokoji. It seemed like both of them had decided to come to lunch together.

"Oh, it seems the two of you are having lunch together. Don't I'll just go look for another table."

I take my tray up and try to leave, but Horikita grabbed my arm with her free right hand.

"What is it?"

I say with a smile.

"I simply wish to talk."

I look at Ayanokoji and he looked about as confused as I was.

".... Fine."

I shrug and settle down again.




We sat in silence, looking at one another. Was she actually trying to annoy me? If so she was getting there.

"What did you want to talk about?"

I asked her.

"... Oh dont worry about it, just start eating. I'll explain while we're eating."

I shrug and begin digging into my pork. Ayanokoji on the other hand was cautious, almost as if the food was poisonous and he kept looking at Horikita.

"What's wrong, Ayanokoji-kun? Why arent you eating?"


He stumbled a bit, then bit into his croquette.

"Ok then, please listen to me, both of you."


"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Ayanokoji tried to get up but his hand was grabbed at lightning speed

"Ayanokoji-kun, I'll say it again. Wojt you listen to me?"


"Get on with it already. I have no interest in your bickering."

I barked. She sighed, then begun

"Ever since Chabashira-sensei's advice, the number if infractions during class has certainly decreased. It wouldnt be wrong to say that more than half the reason for our deducted points has been erased."

"Yea, that's true."


Both of us agreed with what she said.

"Now, the next thing we have to do is to improve the test scores for the midterm in two weeks. Earlier, Hirata-kun also started to take some action."

"The study groups?"

I asked, and she nodded in reply

"Well..... I guess it would help. However-"

Ayanokoji was cut of by Horikita

"However, what? Sounds like you're implying something. Do you have any problems with study groups?"

She could have at least let him finish what he was trying to say. You never know what you could pick up through a conversation.

"No, dont worry about it. It's strange to see you worried about other people, though."

"That's true."

I agreed wholeheartedly with Ayanokoji. This girl hadn't shown the slightest bit of affection towards anyone in the class. Even outside the class she wasnt well known.

"Originally, I couldn't even imagine getting a failing score. However, it is true that there are students in the world that inevitably fail their tests."

Horikita said bluntly

"You're talking about Sudou-kun and the others, right?"

I followed.

"Wow, you girls are really ruthless, arent you?"

I shrugged at his statement.

"I'm only saying the truth."

Horikita continued

"I'm somewhat relieved because Hirata-kun proactively started up a study group. However, Sudou-kun, Ike-kun, and Yamauchi-kun didnt join, right? I still feel uneasy."

"Oh, those guys. They're not on very good terms with Hirata. They wouldnt participate."

I had had enough. I could tell were this was going and I had no interest.

"Before you ask, my answer is no."

I said, then tried to get up. She grabbed my arm once again and I sat down. So frustrating.

"You dont even know what I was going to say."

Horikita said. I glared at her.

"So you werent going to suggest creating a study group with those three, because you feel like they would fail and get in your way to getting to Class A, and planning to teach them with my help?"

Ayanokoji choked on his food when he heard what I said.

Horikita cleared a throat, then begun speaking,

"Yes. It is as you say. Those guys will probably fail. And in order to get up to Class A, we have to avoid getting negative points and focus on staying positive, right? I also think theres a high possibility that good test scores are related to getting positive points. So for that, I want your help."

"So you actually want to teach them yourself?"

Ayanokoji asked.

"Yes. You probably think its surprising, huh?"

"Your whole attitude is surprising for me."

He tried to sound surprised, but his poker face said otherwise.

"Well, I got that you want to move up to Class A. However  I honestly never thought that you would use such an ordinary method as teaching them. After all, those kind of people hate studying. You also stayed away from the other students on the first day, right? Its commendable that someone like you who doesn't want friends would offer to teach them."

"That's why I'm talking to you, isnt it? Fortunately, they're people close to you, right?"

So that was Ayanokoji's purpose in her plan? Getting the idiots together for a study session. I highly doubted the success ratio.

"Ha?..... Hey, are you really-"

"Itll be faster if you talk to them. There is no problem since they're your friends, right? Here, just bring them to the library. I can help them study."

"You say some unreasonable things. Do you even think that someone like me, who is leading a harmless and inoffensive life, could do that?"

"Its not a matter of 'can do' or 'cant do'. Just do it."

They were nagging like a mistress and her slave now. Did I really have to be here for this?

While they were nagging I thought about it. Horikita and Sudou are like Oil and Water. Oh my, a study session with those two will certainly be a failure. Maybe I can spare a few minutes watching over. I would just ask Hirata-kun if I could be absent for a few minutes.

"Horikita-san, I think i could spare a few minutes at the beginning but I'll have to leave halfway through. That good with you?"

Both of them looked surprised, then Horkita regained her composure.

"I would greatly appreciate that. I will compensate you later."

"Dont worry about it."

I picked up my tray and left.


After school Airi and i decided to go back to the dorms. She said she was too shy to participate in the study groups, so I decided to offer her private tutoring sessions. I had been waiting for her to ask me for quite a while now. It felt like it would have sounded cocky if I went all 'Hey Airi, your test scores are pretty bad. Want me to privately teach?'

So I spent an hour helping her with Calculus, then gave her some practice questions, then left to get prepared for the study session with Hirata-kun and the rest of the class.

I wanted to wear some casual clothes but the school forbade entry on school campus without the school uniform so I suckered up and wore it. By the time i was done it was around 4:30, walking to the school grounds would take me about 10 minutes, meaning i would have 10 minutes to spare. So i would spend some time in the library. I texted Hirata-kun for permission to do this.

[Me] : Hey, Hirata-kun, I'm done preparing so I'm heading for the school library before I come to class. Is that ok?

Surprisingly enough, the response came quickly. I figured he would be at club pratice and wouldn't have time to text.

[Hirata-kun] : Oh. Sure, just make sure to be there on time.

[Me] : You're feee right now?

I just had to ask. Curioustiy got the better of me.

[Hirata-kun] : Not really. I'm on break right now.

[Me] : I figured you didnt go for clubs today because of how quickly you responded to my text.

[Hirata-kun] : I'm afraid I can't afford to miss a day of club pratice right now. I'm still trying to make it into the team so if I dont go everyday I might not make it.

[Me] : The team, huh? How ambitious.

[Hirata-kun] : Well yeah. I believe everyone has a goal that they'd want to complete and should complete. Mine for now is to make it into the soccer team and to help Class D out of our situation.

[Me] : How admirable. LOL, as expected from Class D's prince charming.

[Hirata-kun] : Hahaha, anyway I've got to go. Please remember to make it on time.

[Me] : Sure.

I stood up and begun walking towards school. In my hands, was the Isaac Asimov book Shiina gave to me originally. I had finished it two weeks and was planning on giving it to her, but I forgot. I was fairly certain she would be in the library, so that was one of my reasons for going there.

As soon as I got to the library I saw various students in there. I don't remember the library ever being this packed before. Where they here to read stories? No, I highly doubted that. They were probably only here to learn for the upcoming midterms.

I could feel some people's gazes on me, but I ignored them, looking for Shiina. I couldn't find her in the library, so I guess I would have to text her then, I saw a girl with shoulder length bright coloured hair that was tied into pigtails on two sides.

I recognised this girl as a member of Class C. Maybe she could help me, so I approach her.


I tapped on her shoulders to gain her attention.


She looked at me with a quizzical expression.

"You're in Class C, right?"

I asked.

"Y-yeah. What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you knew where Shiina was. I haven't been able to get in touch with her."

I had been trying to call her but she never picked up, and she didnt respond to my messages over the last 2 days, and whenever I went to her room she wasn't around.

"Hiyori-chan? Oh yeah, she came down with a bad fever so she's been sent to a hospital."

"Eh!? A FEVER!?"

I accidentally screamed and glares proceeded to stab me. So I crouched to this girl's eye level.

"Do you know what happened?"

I whispered.

"Naaa, she just didnt come to class two days ago and our homeroom teacher told us."

"Oh. Thank you."

I sighed, I was about to walk away, then she called out to me.

"Hey, you. What's your name?"

"Hmmm? Tatsumaki Shiro, you?"

"Manabe Shiho. What class are you in?"

"Class D."

Manabe looked shocked by what she heard

"Is there something wrong? Is that all you wanted to ask me?"

She immediately shook her head.

"N-no. You just didnt seem like a Class D student."

Before I had anytime to ask what she meant by that, she changed the subject

"A-anyway I wanted to know why you were looking for Hiyori-chan."

Ah, she just reminded me of my purpose here.

"Oh, I just wanted to return this book she had given me earlier."

I raised the book to my chest, for her to see.

"Oh.... Then why not give it to me, I'll give it to her later."

She suggested with a nice smile. I had a bad feeling about this so I tried to refuse her,

"I'm sorry but she gave it to me, so I can't possibly give it to you to return it to her. It may seem rude and I wouldn't want any harm to come to this book."

When I immediately realised the mistake I made, it was too late. I had given her the advantage in this conversation. Especially since people were now looking at us.

"Are you saying that I'll damage the book?"

"No. But one can't be too sure."

"Don't worry, I'm in her class. It'll be faster for me to give it to her, don't you think?"

I let out a sigh. Whatever,  I thought as I gave it to her.

"Can I get your number?"

I asked her. She shrugged and gave it to me and so did I. After that, I realised I had wasted time talking to her and it was almost time for the study sessions.

I hurriedly walked back to the class. Luckily, only a few people were present. Those few people being Hirata-kun, Yukimura-kun, Kushida-chan and others. I looked at the time and it was 5:03, then I sighed.

I then walked up to them,

"Hey guys,"

I waved at them, with a tired smile.

"Tatsumaki-chan, you made it."

Kushida was the first to welcome me, then followed by the others. I took a seat, next to Hirata-kun, trying to ask what had happened so far.

"So.... is this it, or are other coming?"

Hirata, simply smiled and said,

"I think the rest are now finishing up with club and will come later. The others, I'm not so sure."

"Oh, ok. So are we waiting for them?"

"No, we were just about to start without them."

"Hehehe, I guess it's good I made it on time."

"Yeah, I'm glad you did. Thank you."

I could feel Hirata-kun's fangirls glaring at me. Seriously most of these girls were only here because Hirata-kun was here.

Hirata-kun, then stood up and went to the front, clapping his hands to grab everyone's attention.

"Ok, you guys. Settle down. We are going to have our first study session together. So before we start, we wanted to find out the subjects you guys have most problems with and how to help you out. For that, I had Yukimura-kun bring some practice sheets. Please answer those to the best of your abilities. Tatsumaki-san will be monitoring you guys and correcting you."

Immediately, Yukimura pulled out a bunch of sheets from his bag and distributed them all around.

"Hey hey! Yukimura-kun what is this?!"

A girl screamed. Yukimura-kun sighed at her question.

"Its a bunch of test questions. Just answer them to the best if your abilities, please."

I asked for one sheet because I wanted to take a look at the questions to see why the girls were complaining. They were a random collection of various subjects and topics all placed onto the sheet, with one hundred questions. What was this?! A test? Yukimura-kun really needed to learn to hold back. At this rate I doubted people would be able to answer them.

"Yo, Yukimura-kun, a word?"

I whispered to him, pointing at the door with my chin. He nodded and we both went outside.

"What is it?"

"Don't you think these 'practice questions' are a bit too tough for them?"

I asked, showing him the questions.

"I do not see the problem with it. Surely you didnt expect me to go easy on them, did you?"

"Maybe a little bit? This is basically a manslaughter if they couldn't answer the test."

"Tatsumaki-san, my goal here is to find out their strengths and weaknesses, not to make it easy for them and give them false hope. If they pass, they pass and if they fail, we know that they aren't good enough and then we'll have to help  them."

I nodded at his statement. It was very true and reasonable.

"True enough."

"Ok, shall we head back in there?"

He suggested and we went back. I then proceeded to make my rounds, helping the students with questions that they were having problems with and finding them out. Basically it was my job to list all the students and the subjects they were terrible at. Such a pain.

Well, it wasnt so much of a pain considering I only agreed because i didnt want to see some of the new friends i made get expelled.

By 6 pm, the last of the students were done and I had to mark their sheets. Even with my help, the students still couldn't get satisfactory marks. This was going to be really difficult. I finished marking my 6:30 and shared the scripts with Hirata-kun and Yukimura-kun, we then decided on how we were going to tutor the students and by 7, we were done. I then told Hirata-kun that I wouldnt make it on time tomorrow.

All in all, it was a very exhausting day and I was not in the mood to do anything after that. I just wanted to sleep. And so sleep I did.


Next day, I received a text from Ayanokoji saying that the trio agreed to attend due to Kushida-chan's intervention. So as compensation she wanted to join the study group.

But why would she want to join the study group? Wasn't she supposed to be helping out with Hirata-kun's study sessions? Maybe I'll find out today.

After school, I went straight to the library, alone. I had prepared a set if practice questions for Airi ahead of time and took those I had already given her. I would check them out during Horikita-San's study session.

I got there a bit late, seeing that they were all seated behind a long table at the edge of the library. There was someone else. A boy. I shrugged and walked over. Extra editions meant nothing as long as there werent too many and they weren't too difficult.

"Sorry I'm late. I was busy with something. Did I miss anything?"

I asked, i bowed to everyone as greeting before taking a seat next to Horikita-san.

"No not really, just Sudou-kun being incompetent. "

Horkita-san said, to be honest I knew this would happen but still.... This girl's sharp tongue.

Sudou slammed down on the table and stood up, attracting the attention of everybody in the library.


He dared her, no more like he was threatening her.

"Well, if you dont know how to solve some simultaneous equations I shudder to think of where you'll end up in the future."

"So what. Thus has nothing to do with you?"

"It has nothing to do with me. No matter how much you suffer, it doesn't affect me. It's just that I feel pity for you. I guess I've been running away from painful things all my life."

"Say what you want to say clearly. Studying's useless in the future anyway."

"Studying is useless in the future? An interesting argument. What makes you say that?"

"Even if I don't know how to solve this kind of problems I wont have any trouble. Studying is unnecessary. Rather than sticking to a textbook, aiming to become a basketball pro is much more useful for the future."

"That's wrong. If you learn how to solve that problem, your whole life will be changed. In other words, if you study, you'll have less trouble. It's the same thing for basketball. I wonder if you've been playing basketball to your own convenient rules. Do you run way from difficult things just like you do whole studying? From the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you practice seriously.  That's the kind of personality you have. If I was the advisor of the clubs, I wouldnt let you be a regular."


Sudou grabbed Horikita by the collar. I was a bit surprised. It would seem that I would need to reevaluate Sudou Ken. In a fit of rage he really wouldn't hesitate to get violent. This will cause a storm of problems down the road for Class D. I could come to only one solution. He must be expelled or if possible, should he reform I won't take any actions. I'll give it to the end of the term, I guess.

For now, I just needed to play the role of a concerned classmate.


Kushida grabbed his arm and I tried to push he two of them apart.

"I have no interest in you, but I can understand what kind of person you are-"

"Horikita could you just shut up for a moment."

I scowled at her. It seems I also underestimated her bullish behaviour. I would need to reevaluate everybody I know. What a bore.

"What? I'm only saying the truth. He wants to become a basketball pro? Did he think that kind of childish wish can simply become true in this society? A half-hearted person like him who gives up can never become a pro. Furthermore, in the slimmest possibility that he actually becomes a pro, I dont think he would receive enough annual income. He's a fool."


She was fanning the flames. What a stupid girl. I might have to knock Sudou out cold if he tries anything else.

"Can you just give up on studying, no, school? And then you can give up on your dreams to become a basketball pro and live a pathetic life working a part time job."

"Ha.... that's just fine. I'm giving up. It's not because its top difficult for me. I took a day off from my club activities, but it was a waste of time. Bye!"

"You're saying some strange things. Studying is difficult."

I was millimetre close to letting go of Sudou just to see what would happen, but I decided against it. Violence wouldnt benefit me in the slightest.

Sudou packed his books and left.

"You know what? I'm out of here too. Horikita might be smart but I dont want help from someone so condescending. I'd rather fail than be treated like crap."

Ike said, also packing his items.

"Yeah, same here."

Yamauchi too. The trio then walked away

"Hey, is this ok?"

I asked her, as I looked at the students going away.

"E-everyone ... is this really ok?"

Kushida asked, the three of us. I sighed then begun looking through the test papers I had Airi take.

"Hmmm, ask Horikita-san. She's the one who wanted to start this study group."

".... Horikita-san, why didnt you stop anyone from leaving....?"

"I was mistaken. Even if I got these guys to barely pass, this situation would repeat. And then they'd give up again. I finally realised that this was a waste of time and effort."

I perked up when I heard what she was saying. It seemed we shared the same thoughts on the matter. However, her attitude was still too rude. If she had made a better effort, things might have gone much more smoothly. Then again I did anticipate this result.

"What do you mean by that...?"

Kushida asked.

"I'm saying it's good to throw away all unnecessary trash now."

"So that was it... H-hey, Ayanokoji-kun. Do you also think the same way?"

"If Horikita concluded on that, then isnt it fine?"

"Y-you really think that?"

"Well, I dont want them to quit, but since I'm not the one teaching them, I cant do anything about it. In the end, I have a similar opinion to Horikita."

"..... I see."

"Tatsumaki-chan, l-lets try to see what we can do."

Was this girl deaf?

"Sorry, I'm sort of busy right now. And the only reason why I even came here was because Horikita-san asked me. If they don't want to learn, it's their problem although if they did change their attitude I would gladly help. I will admit a certain somebody is also to blame."

Everyone looked at Horikita.

"What could you possibly be implying, Tatsumaki-san."

Horikita asked

"Nothing really."

I broadly respond, then ticked off Airi's answers.

"I'm going to do something about this. I dont want everyone to separate so quickly."

"Kushida-san. Are those your true intentions?"

Was she really going to start another fight?

".... Is that bad? I cant just abandon Sudou-kun, Ike-kun, and Yamauchi-kun."

"It doesn't matter whether or not you say those are your true intentions. I sont think that you truly want to help them."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at Ayanokoji. He simply shook his head, implying that he had no idea of what she was talking about.

"What are you talking about? I dont know what you mean. Why do you make enemies with your cold words without hesitation? That's.... that's sad."

Kushda hung her head

"..... See you tomorrow."

After she left, it was only the three of us in the library. I would leave as soon as I was done with Airi's papers and I was almost done.

"That was troubling. With that, the study group is over."

Ayanokoji said.

"Looks that way."

After a while Ayanokoji and Horikita exchanged a few words and Ayanokoji left, leaving only Horikita and I in the library.

"Aren't you going to learn?"

Horikita asked.

"I will, but first I've got to finish marking this script I made for Airi."


"Sakura Airi. She sits next to me. Pink hair? Glasses? Shy?"

I kept on pointing out her features but it didnt seem to ring a bell in Horikita's head.


"What was her score during the test?"

"33, she barely passed."

"That's very low."

"Yeah, but she's gotten better with a little tutoring."

I showed her the script I just finished marking and Airi scored 50 out of 70.

"She surely has improved. I'm sure it's because you were tutoring her and her diligent effort."

"Yeah, if I had given up at the beginning we would have ended up like Sudou-kun, Ike-kun and Yamauchi-kun."

"Not true. At least she tried to make it work. Those fools gave up."

"If I told you that I forced Airi to learn would you believe me?"

".... I see no reason why not to believe you, but I also did the same."

"No Horikita. You didn't."

"What do you mean?"

I stood up

"Sure you may have gathered them up to teach them, but you didn't try to understand them from their perspective. And you gave up too quickly. If you think of having another study session, give me a quick call."

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I cared about any of them. They just had their worth.

With that, I left.