
The Order

"We will find and take over all the mythical beast's and take over the world" says the rainbow blade "Agreed" says the white, brown, black and  purple blade "Hail the blades" they shout. Anthony lays down in bed thinking about all that has happened he looks at his fingers and sees their turning to ice he then remembers the words ice will be your doom and figures out what it meant. He looks at the ice sythe and picks it up. "I may as well do some good with these new powers." He sneaks out the window and runs to a closed tech factory and sneaks in, and designs a white and gold suit. The suit finally finished right as the factory opened, and workers walked in. He grabbed the suit and ran out. He sneaks back in his window where his sister is waiting, worried sick. "Where have you been?" she said. "Out with friends, that's all now. Get out, I'm going to bed.