
Cap. 6

"I see Mr. Zenit got on well with General Brise."

--He's the only sane one besides you, why are the nobles so foolish?

--They grew up in times of relative peace, and most are newly appointed, only a few years ago a disease wiped out all the heads of families and what you see now are only the giddy firstborn or second children.

--Upstarts... high priest please tell me that the marriageable young women are not twelve and fifteen year old girls, if they are I will run away, I like you and the climate in the duchy is starting to like me so please.

"You don't have to worry, although it's not unusual for girls that age to be hanging around the ballroom, there's not a huge number this year."

-- Fiuuu ~... high priest, I respect their customs but I hope you at least understand my position, I can crush all the guards and escape but I'm giving you and the dukedom in general face, don't coin me a girl as a wife.

--Don't worry, there are several people from your world who come to this with relative frequency we call them Line Travelers or Walkers, so we are somewhat aware of the moral values of that side.

--Travelers of Lines?... [That's interesting, if there are more earthlings here there must be a way to return although I don't mind returning much, I can go to another world, applause Multiverse]

The high priest and I after dealing with the issues of the audience, we started to discuss some details regarding the debutante party so to speak.

--Ah... [I'll have to change my clothes]

I have been wearing the same clothes that I was transported in, i.e. a pair of black jeans, a pair of assault boots, a gray t-shirt and a dark blue leather jacket, although they are quite clean it is not clothing to go to a party.

--I see that you are concerned about your clothing, don't worry, we have prepared some clothing for you, since we don't know your preferences, prepare a fairly varied group.

--You are certainly a quite knowledgeable high priest...

--I'll take that as a compliment…

--You're a pretty smart old man, you knew that...

--I can't keep myself as high priest if I become senile.

--You're far from that old man...

We both laughed and moved into the locker room.

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I ended up taking a simple outfit, which gave the impression of "I am a viscount, but I have no money", a long-sleeved shirt of dull white linen, matte black dress pants, a black lizard skin vest and shoes, and a dark gray trench coat with silver embroidery…during the audience the high priest, who is also apparently something of a prime minister or vice president asked me to make a crest or logo for my house as a noble, which ended up being just the first thing I came to mind.

A spider web, with a rose in the middle, the future emblem of the Zenit house.

And that is precisely what is embroidered in avocado on the back of the raincoat.

--Surprisingly it turned out better than I expected...

--A spider web and a rose, a rather peculiar taste... Mr. Zenit.

"High priest, is there a problem?"

--None, just that most of the nobles have weapons or animals on their coats of arms, not many have plants, much less a spider's web, since it would lend itself to interpretation.

--What interpretations?

--The demi-human tribes in the southern islands and the demon army.

--Are there demi-humans?! [Decided as soon as I find the demon army I'm going with them]

--They are slaves, and few in numbers... some nobles treat them inhumanely, I am trying to enact some laws against their over exploitation and conservation of those races but the nobles are quite stubborn.

--...[I thought the human church looked down on demi-humans...] Isn't there a problem with religion?

--No, not none at least in ours... the empire and the principality follow a somewhat ridiculous ideology of racial supremacy, the Kingdom of Veritas and we the free Duchy are more lax on those issues, I am primarily a protector of the history, the semi-human tribes and races live longer than humans they have a greater understanding of history it would be a real disaster to see so many stories disappear by the mere whim of some noble fools.

--... You have my respect old man, well you convinced me, you have my support, if any nobleman gets out of line tell me and I'll go and hit him.

--Oh! I see that what they say is true...


--That people from other worlds have a lot of appreciation for demi-humans... that's good...

--Well, I can't speak for everyone but I think most of us think that way, now tell me high priest, what kind of demi-humans are we talking about?

--In the terms of the Travelers of the line would be "Elves, Demi beasts, Fur Tribes and dwarves"

"High priest, do you want to abolish their slavery or just establish a margin of care?"

--We cannot abolish slavery, if we do, the prisons would be filled in seconds, I only seek an adequate standard of living for the slaves.

--I understand, the nobles, the economy, the security and the government are based on slave labor… well I agree [it is easier to deal with a slave than with a free one … [I want my lizard girl's kind]

--Mr. Zenit has a good look, let me tell you that the skin of the "Elves" is unmatched soft, it makes the skin of an infant look like sandpaper and the thighs of the bestial Demi and skin tribes are very good... hahahahahaha.

--You're a knowledgeable old man... but tell me, what about the rabbit girls?



--jajajajajaja… as I thought the hero is one of mine.

"Of course, old man, who wouldn't like a beautiful woman with a touch of extra flavor?"

As we got lost in an argument full of dirty jokes, which made the two priests and the "Sisters" blush, the high priest and I became closer friends.

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--Well Mr. Zenit, it's time for you to go to the party.

--Don't forget, you will take me to "that" market...

--No problem, I will recommend a good product.

--You're a good guy, High Priest...

--Just call me Patrick Mr. Zenit, we're already in the same boat.

-- Seeep , I'll call you Old Patrick, you can call me Ed, or Zenit just… nobody ever calls me Edward.

--So Mr. Ed, I wish you luck at the party, remember to at least play with some of the girls, if you like it just go with the flow.

--Just to make sure, your daughter isn't at the party right... [I don't want to end up like a certain eighth son of a rural gentleman]

--My daughter is already very old and my granddaughters are not yet of age, but if there are some nieces at the party, although they are already engaged, but they are small details, go ahead and enjoy...

--That last one does not inspire confidence to me, old man.

--There are always that pair of "Sisters"...

--I pass without seeing, that pair are too carnivorous for my taste [If I want prostitutes I will pay for them myself]

"Then I can only wish you good luck."


I left the guest room and was escorted into the party room.

A huge room about a hundred meters long by forty wide, several tables scattered here and there, tables full of food, a band playing some music and about a hundred to a hundred and fifty people chatting, eating, dancing...

After waiting a moment the doors opened… the music stopped and…

--With you the Summoned Hero Edward D. Zenit, Viscount...

With a quick introduction a round of applause started and I had to use all my strength to keep a PokerFace, in order not to run, you can only enter the room and solemnly walk towards one of the tables, specifically towards the table full of alcohol, without alcohol I couldn't deal with so many children, the age ratio here makes me feel old, the women ranged from the youngest with about 13 or 14 years to the oldest with apparently about 30, on the male side I was the oldest.

--Pubescent children, a flock of teenagers and just two or three mature women... old man you cheated on me...