
Cap. 3

The Vineyard that was granted to me by the high priest, is in fact, as the old priest said, a small mansion with 5 rooms, a luxurious bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a study and a hall... in addition to a large front garden and an equal patio, the construction as such is about 50x30 meters and the entire vineyard is around 200x500 meters.

--It's a pretty cozy house... [If we don't count the 10 armed guards who are obviously here to keep an eye on me]

"Oh, I'm glad you like it, this was an old nobleman's mansion with no heirs that ended up in the hands of the church, so no one was occupying it, since you're our guest you might as well use it.

--I'll be living in this place for a while, so I'll take it as a down payment, I suggest you start thinking about my payments.

"Those little details are being worked out now, sir." Zenit, these girls are her maids, the one on the right is Lira and the one on the left is Mirra, both are orphans from an orphanage affiliated with the Eclipse church.

The High Priest introduced the two girls, barely eighteen years old, both were clearly twins, both wore a monochromatic black and white maid dress, the only difference being the barrettes in their hair Lira had a flower, while Mirra had a star, for everything else they were almost indistinguishable.

--We salute the teacher and the high priest.

The two girls bowed deeply, spoke at the same time and moved at the same time, it was like seeing double, a bit creepy...

--Are they...something...individuals? Truth?

They are good girls, sir. Zenit.

I'll have to get used to seeing double.

--Ha hahahaha… just wait a week, and it won't bother you, since you're tired I'll retire for now, we'll call you tomorrow for a small banquet.

--I suppose that they are small details for the nobility and the military high commands?

Q: Indeed, you have an excellent political eye.

--No more than a person with some study.

--Well, well… humility is a good quality, I say goodbye sir. Zenit.

--Good evening High Priest.

The old man left the vineyard and left alone with the twin maids Lira and Mirra.

--Well, since we're… Girls can you prepare me something to eat, I'm hungry.

--Right away Master...

Again they both talked, they both took us to the dining room and they both went to the kitchen, returning with a small plate of stale bread, cheese, some dried meat and a glass of wine, basically war provisions with decent booze.

Well, it's better than nothing...

I quickly ate my pseudo-dinner, which aside from the stale bread, cheese, and meat were undoubtedly delicious. The cheese was smooth and creamy, the meat was soft and salty meanwhile the wine was not rancid or sour it was fragrant and sweet, a good drink.

--Thanks for the food…

I got up and the girls quietly cleared the table, these girls are not very talkative which is better for me, I don't like noise much.

--I'm going to sleep good night.

Saying goodbye to the two maids, I went up to the second floor and entered the main bedroom, a huge room with a dresser, furniture, ornaments and other things that belonged to the previous owner, but mainly a king-size bed with brocades and wooden and silver railings, a beautifully finished work of art.

-- Seeeep ... a bed for a noble.

I stripped off my shirt and pants, stripping down to my underwear, and lay down on the over-decorated bed.

--It's soft…Wahhhh, it makes my mattress look like a plain wooden board…this is good for my back….Wahhhh.

I squirmed, enjoying the softness of the fabric and the bed. Then I just stayed resting without falling asleep. A squeak, the creak of a door opening, the faint sound of footsteps, the movement of fabric, I pretended to be still asleep, opening one of my eyes to find one of the twin maids sneaking into my room.

Let's think a little, quasi-Renaissance Middle Ages… night services? Murder? Surveillance?...the first wouldn't bother me, but the second would be a real pain, although I'm an advocate for gender equality I don't like beating up women.

Sorry, I'm not in the mood, come back another day...

I spoke roughly as I covered my body with the sheets again, the unidentified twin stopped and quickly left the room with a perfect PokerFace, well it's not my fault, I was in that damn limbo for god knows how long, and then I got jumped on by a couple of old men yelling Hero this! Hero the other! It's a real headache...

--Okay, let's go to sleep, tomorrow…we'll see what I can do in this place.

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--Good morning Master…

I woke up to the call of two sweet voices, soft and feminine although strangely devoid of almost mechanical emotion. The stations? The twin maids, last night one of them tried to sneak into the room but, I stopped her, like I don't know which one is the culprit, so let's just forget it.

--Good morning… girls, is there a place where I can exercise?

--The back garden has a small training field...

--We'll get him right away.

Completing each other's sentence these sisters continued their mirror game, which was a bit disturbing.

--Okay, let's see.

After a short 5-minute walk we arrived at the training ground, although it is just an empty space on the property, a circle of sand outlined with chalk, basically a Greco-Roman wrestling ring.

--Well?... I think it will work?

Feeling a little uncomfortable with the circumstances, I start a light warm-up, squats, sit-ups, push-ups, twenty of each but I didn't even sweat a drop, I used to do this amount before but ended up kind of sweaty and tired, now I'm as cool as a cucumber …


The two maids watched my exercises without even flinching or commenting, although their eyes are clearly inquisitive. Good in the absence of weights and equipment.

--Girls, if you two, who is the heavier?

--She Master! x2

They both pointed at each other while keeping their expressionless looks.

--Ok?... then with your permission...

I crouched down slightly and wrapped my arms around both pairs of legs, lifting one in each arm and resting their oddly shapely butts on my shoulders.

hmm? Surprisingly there is quite a lot of meat under those skirts…

--Hmm? Each one weighs about 55 kilos, correct? [It's a good weight considering that they are only 1.65 meters tall]

--Yes Master…

--How did he know?

This pair, complete each other's sentences, they make me a little scared, calm down, calm down focus on the soft sensation on your shoulders... Yeah! Better.

--Practice... they should smile more, they are two young and beautiful women [It would also give me some peace of mind]

--We will try master… x2

--They could stop talking at the same time, it's kind of annoying.

--We will try master…x2

--Forget it, well I'm going to run a few laps with you on my shoulders, hold on tight...

I ran five laps of the mansion and barely broke a sweat, although the twins are shaking right now, they seemed to enjoy themselves during the first lap as I just jogged gently then hit the gas, and now you're lying on the floor.

--Hey? I'm sorry but thanks for helping me with the warm-up… I'm going to keep practicing, call me when breakfast is ready or someone comes to pick me up.


--Understood... master...

Both girls crawled into the mansion with pale faces.

--I think they got a little scared... now [Let's talk to those 10 guards hiding in the courtyard]

I jogged lightly towards the sand, and picked up a stone…

--Hey Guards I'm going to throw this stone with all my strength, if no one comes out to talk to me, I'll count to 10!





--5 […hmmm it seems they took it as a joke]



The stone that was the size of a baseball flew and impacted, went through and exploded several trees in the forest...

--Hmm? [I didn't expect it] The next one will be on the 5th… let's go out.

I took another stone and counted…





A soldier jumped out of the bushes near where the debris from the explosion is, the poor guy is covered in splinters and dirt, I think I aimed at him by mistake.

--You're out, now we're going to talk a bit… but first!

I moved forward and punched him in the pit of his stomach.

--Bhegggg ! _

The soldier ended up vomiting and fainting on the spot...

--Ah?... I thought that it would support it?... The one that follows!

Scream for a next victim, I say volunteer, I say security guard…

Several murmurs were heard among the bushes and trees, and nine soldiers came out of their hiding places...

--Mr. Zenit, how can we serve you?

--Combat practice... my body feels strange since I got here, I can't control the force well, so to avoid inconveniences they are going to help me with my practice... they can attack, they can escape, everything is valid.

--Ugh? We understand... guys, fighting positions...

The soldiers just nodded and quickly fell into formation, surrounding me with their swords and shields, seeking to immobilize me.

--Oh! A pot, how many memories!!! Ok let's dance...

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About fifteen minutes later I ate my breakfast on a pile of unconscious soldiers, the twins blinked several times and showed a bit of expression which made my day...

Come they have more expressions than just that blank face! Now I'm going to do weights with these useless!

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--The hero refused the night duty, did a series of strange exercises, ran carrying the maids on his shoulders at an absurd speed, destroyed several trees with just one stone, beat up the entire security body, only to later use them as dumbbells.

--That's it?...

--Flirted a bit with the maids but no more than he just wasted time in the study reading, until noon, now he's on his way to the castle.

--Good job, it seems that he is a troublesome subject, but at least he is strong...

Sir, can I give my opinion?

--I haven't asked you but, you can give it...

--Strong is not the word, Stupidly Strong would suit him better, plus he seems to be quite vicious and scheming...a bad combination of strength and intelligence, if I can suggest something they should chain him up and lock him up.

--I agree, he is very intelligent and a good negotiator, he remained very calm during the trade invocation with me and mocked his majesty without even blinking, he is a dangerous subject but we cannot just imprison him...

--My lord, I'm not saying literally tie him with chains and throw him in a dungeon, I thought to tie him with women and money, pervert that man and make him faithful or at least make him part of our kingdom.

--Oh! You have been my good spy and informant for so long that you are already more competent than me in these things, a good idea actually, we will use the chains of honey, women and gold to imprison that beast.
