
Cap. 19

After dispatching the messenger, washing and changing, I left for the castle, although I have a rough idea of what that garbage "King" wants, I will not deliver the holy sword, nor will I sleep with his daughter, that princess is somewhat crazy, if I offered his wife another rooster would sing but that will not happen, unfortunately.

Being escorted by the ever-ready palace guards and priests I quickly reached the throne room, where as usual the Viceroy stood with a frown and greedy eyes at the sword strapped to my back.

--Earl Zenit, the people are pleased for your exemplary service to the Free Dukedom of Mills but...

The viceroy scowled even deeper and shook his arm in anger, slamming his fist against the throne.

--Yes, the empire wants his sword back tell them to send someone to negotiate with me, this thing is mine now~ if there is nothing else I withdraw?

Mocking the Viceroy I prepared to leave but a female voice stopped my flight.

--Edward, it's been a while~

--Yes, Your Majesty Third Princess...

The Third Princess Teresa Amatas Bloom, appeared from one of the side doors of the room, as always her appearance was impeccable, her golden blonde hair and her emerald eyes shine with a dangerous light, wrapped in a white dress fitted to the moderately curvy body if we ignore the fact that she is a little crazy would be a beauty.

--Please, call me Teresa. Father, tell the Empire's envoys Count Zenit's words.

Before the cold gaze of his daughter, the Viceroy nodded reluctantly.

"Yes, dear, but... How can we trust this guy?"

The viceroy roared in anger as he pointed his chubby fingers at me.

"Father , I'm sure Count Zenit will extort or swindle them in some way, or am I wrong, Edward?"

I smiled and extended my arms theatrically.

--Correct, I will swindle and extort the people of the Empire, I may ask for money, I may ask for land, I may ask for women, I may also ask for Peace, in the end it all depends on my mood.

--Count, I don't think your attitude is in accordance with your demands.

I speak with a pompous tone the prime minister, normally I avoid bothering them too much by keeping a little face for old Patrick but he's not here so… I'm free.

"For all I care, Prime Minister…I went and fought the Hero of the Empire on the front lines, defeated him, killed his mount, and stole his sword, which is now hanging from my back. I can exchange it for an amnesty in the Kingdom or in the demon army, I have money and power, the people sing my name...

I untied the magic sword from my back and slowly walked towards the prime minister, placing the edge of the sword just a few millimeters from his neck as I spoke.

--I am the pillar of support of this Duchy, if I say that white is black and black is white, the people will accept it, if I kill you and the viceroy, and marry the third princess, the people will celebrate my accession to the throne, so shut up and keep your opinions to yourself, the sword is mine and I will decide its price, understood?

Some guards tried to stop me but I only hit them with the edge of my sword and they ended up slammed against the walls and beams of the throne room.

--Count, you can withdraw.

Seeing his guards in dust, the viceroy practically begged for my exit to which he accepted.

--Well, I count on you to communicate to the envoys of the empire or the kingdom, Teresa, see you~

"Sure, Edward…

Teresa forced a smile after experiencing firsthand what happens when I get upset. With a smiling face and a light spirit, I sped out of the castle and returned to my home.

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--Oh~ Delicious!

I unconditionally exclaimed for the delight that is before me now, a special cake of my favorite fruit "Pinas", apparently my good friend Calma sent as a thank you a considerable amount of products derived from said fruits which I accept with great gratitude, what can I say I love these things~


--Master, don't you think you're eating too many sweets?

Lira, come here...

I dragged Lira onto my lap and fed her small snacks, all the while blushing.

--Let's see di…Ah~



--Ah~... Delicious~

--See, they're delicious~ say Ah.


We continued with this ridiculous act until Mirra arrived and looked at us with dead eyes, although she also dragged her and we ended up eating the three of us together on the sofa in a quite cheeky and cheerful way.

--Master~ now you, Ah~


--Hahahaha~ the teacher is very cute~

--Not as much as you~

Enjoy my days of joy and debauchery, since the ambassadors of the Empire would soon arrive to retrieve your relic, which by the way is still tied to my body. After beating her with a hammer for half a day she stopped screeching and getting hot, now she is just being obedient, I am not a blacksmith, a samurai or a swordsman to understand what a sword says but I do know that for now "she" understands that I am your owner.

--(Barbarian Libertine, sexually depraved!)

--Shut up overrated ornament~

<<< Kling !>>>

--(It hurt!!!)

Domestic violence? He's just a prisoner of war, plus he's a sword, I can't apply human rights to an inanimate object. What kind of communist social ideology is that? Therefore that sword is tied to my person all the time. Although sometimes I can hear some broken sentences when I hold the handle, it's just complaints or insults, so I just hit it again with the hammer until it shuts up.

One month after the one-sided battle against the Gallic Empire outside the Red Fort, the Empire's delegation knocked on my door.

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A group of wizened old men with openly hostile eyes accompanied by a group of heavily armed soldiers all dressed in the banner of the empire, I certainly expected them to come with some hostility, but bringing a full platoon is a bit of a stretch. By the way, a few days ago the old dwarf came back with my personal weapon and it's perfect, a simple iron bar with a semi-triangular and curved edge, very similar to the great mace-sword of Utawaterumono , only the old man also made me bigger a light armor basically just a helmet and chain mail both are ridiculously heavy and dense according to the old man steel and iron absorbed so much blood they were all cursed materials but in my case the screaming and wailing is just good background music .

Back to the present, the old ambassadors are in front of my mansion yelling insults at me while pointing fingers at me, the soldiers are standing in formation ready to charge, I'm just sitting in the garden in front of them.

--Oh~ that cloud looks like a cat~?

--Are you listening to us, Barbaro?!

One of the elders shouted in anger, I honestly don't know why they're so upset, I just said to make their best offer while I'm enjoying the sun in my garden… is it because I'm using their holy relic as a clothes hanger? No~ it must be for something else~.

--I listen to you, but I don't hear offers~ Money, jewels, you come, territories, women, titles, the Empire has many things to offer to recover that treasure, if they are not going to offer, they can withdraw in a good way, but if they insist on make a fuss in my house...

"Do you Barbarian of the Duchy threaten us?!

--Threat? We're just talking old man~

--Soldiers Attack, recover the relic of our empire!

--Fine~ I warned you~

I got up from my chair and took my Sword-Mace, I simply swung it horizontally against the soldiers, be it the weight, the edge or both, the first line of soldiers was sliced and crushed cleanly, the smell of blood and visors permeated the air. something disgusting.


The old man screamed in fear while the rest of the delegation fell silent with pale faces, the soldiers stopped their march seeing their comrades killed in the blink of an eye.

--Demon~? I'm just a summoned hero just like that pretty boy on your side~ you're allowed to enter enemy territory to negotiate but you come with a small army and attack me in my own home~ Are you ashamed? You know what, forget it~ Soldiers of the empire, put away your weapons and leave the property, I won't kill you if you do, Delegation members, I guess that old man "Won't speak for all of you", if anyone wants to deal honestly with me, it's welcome to enter the mansion, everyone else can go, unless you want to accompany your friends to hell~

I lightly swung my weapon and let a line splash before me of blood and flesh. The soldiers retreated after receiving orders from the ambassadors, the old screamer was dragged by the guards out of the property, only two old men and two soldiers remained to negotiate.

--We deeply appreciate your mercy, Count Zenit.

--Don't worry, but they should better select their diplomatic personnel, they can talk to their people to recover the bodies.

--Thanks for your consideration.

--It's normal, I'm not a Barbarian~ Let's go inside it sucks in here.

Laughing at their pale faces, I led the ambassadors into the mansion.