
The Correct Way for Uchiha's Rise

A college student unexpectedly reincarnates into the world of Naruto, finding himself as a member of the fated-to-be-exterminated Uchiha clan. In this brutal ninja world, where endless wars rage and the village ostracizes his clan, what will Uchiha Kiyoshi do? As an Uchiha, how will he rise to power? PS: In the later part of the book, the protagonist will develop a cultivation system. Have you ever seen cultivation in the ninja world?

RoB1TzZzU · 漫画同人
14 Chs

Chapter 5: Chakra Extraction

Early the next morning, Uchiha Kiyoshi rinsed the dishes and chopsticks from last night and began a new day.

And so, a week's time passed just like that.

During that week, Uchiha Kiyoshi felt as if he was living in a challenging and intense environment. If he didn't feel progress every morning, he wouldn't have been able to persevere.

Indeed, excellence doesn't come without reason. Every Uchiha clan member in the ninja school is among the most outstanding, and there is no exception.

In this one week, not a single one of the fifteen children gave up. There were a few moments when some of them considered quitting, but Uchiha Ryo delivered a speech that moved them deeply, making them feel ashamed of their thoughts. They vowed not to tarnish the glory of the Uchiha and promised to persevere...

Uchiha Kiyoshi felt his blood boil with passion as he witnessed it... Nah, who cares? Uchiha Kiyoshi had no energy to concern himself with that. He himself was being trained to the point of exhaustion, so he had no mood to worry about others.

However, every time he thought about it, Uchiha Kiyoshi couldn't help but marvel at the strength of the Uchiha clan. This training wasn't just about their individual improvement; it was also a form of family education. No wonder the Uchiha in the original work cared so much about the honor of their clan.

A week of training had already passed, and Uchiha Kiyoshi remembered that today was the day Uchiha Ryo mentioned when they would officially start refining their chakra.

After completing a series of preparations early, Uchiha Kiyoshi arrived at the training ground.

As expected, the "kids" today were very enthusiastic. They arrived early and didn't even engage in any playful activities. They sat there, waiting for the arrival of Uchiha Ryo.

Everyone eagerly anticipated, and finally, they caught a glimpse of Uchiha Ryo's figure in the distance.

Uchiha Ryo also noticed them and felt satisfied.

"Today, everyone is in good spirits! Alright, let's follow what I said before.

You have already undergone a week of physical training, which satisfies the basic requirements for refining chakra. Today, we will officially begin the practice of chakra cultivation."

Uchiha Ryo observed the expressions of everyone, looking at their eager eyes, and he was pleased. This kind of desire indicated that they had a great interest in training. Even if they might give up after a long time, their talent and the initial training were enough for them to at least become chuunin. If they could awaken their Sharingan, becoming elite chuunin was not out of the question.

In the Uchiha clan, whether one becomes a ninja or not doesn't solely depend on having the aptitude to refine chakra. It also depends on their talent. Generally, they need to have at least the aptitude of a chuunin for the clan to recommend them to become a ninja. Otherwise, if they're just a genin, they would inevitably end up as cannon fodder. It's better for them to live comfortably, enjoying good food and drinks within the clan and pass their life peacefully.

Of course, even if someone has poor aptitude but persists in wanting to cultivate, the clan wouldn't oppose it. Sometimes, they even support such children because they tend to be very determined and have a strong mentality. There is a high probability that they will awaken the Sharingan after experiencing stimulation.

Fortunately, the Uchiha clan has a powerful bloodline, and generally, clan members have the aptitude for cultivation. Even among those with at least the potential of a chuunin, they account for one-third of the clan.

This is just one generation, and there are already over ten individuals with the potential of an elite chuunin. Even if there are some losses in the future, there will still be four or five chuunin. The probability of producing an elite chuunin is not small.

In each generation, the Uchiha clan produces four to five new Chunin. Considering that the peak period of a ninja's career is considered to be twenty years, it means that the Uchiha clan alone has at least eighty Chunin in a normal state, not counting those who were promoted unexpectedly. It's evident how profound the Uchiha clan's heritage is.

However, Uchiha Kiyoshi, a mere insignificant individual, didn't have the luxury to contemplate such significant matters concerning the clan. He briefly pondered these thoughts in his mind and then stopped thinking about them.

Uchiha Ryo reiterated the precautions for refining chakra, and after a short time, he announced that they could begin attempting to refine their chakra.

Uchiha Kiyoshi adjusted his state, sat down cross-legged on the ground, and closed his eyes, preparing to refine his chakra. It was his first attempt, as it was for everyone else present, including Kiyoshi.

Perhaps due to the strength of his soul, Uchiha Kiyoshi quickly sensed his own spiritual energy. He couldn't describe it in detail, but he knew it was his own spiritual energy. It wasn't a tangible concept; it was a vague sensation.

Benefiting from his strong soul, Uchiha Kiyoshi could easily control his spiritual energy, even though he couldn't fully sense or see it. It remained a fuzzy concept.

After a while, Uchiha Kiyoshi stopped focusing on his spiritual energy and began sensing his physical energy.

Half an hour later, Uchiha Kiyoshi felt the energy contained within his body. Unlike spiritual energy, physical energy could be clearly perceived. It was a white energy, or rather, a light green energy. However, the term "light" was an understatement...

Feeling his physical energy, Uchiha Kiyoshi breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are no issues. I have sensed both my physical and spiritual energy. My previous feelings during the week of training were accurate. Ignoring factors like aptitude, my body itself has decent potential."

Being able to sense both types of energy within half an hour was not just decent, but rather very impressive, even considering the week of training.

Many individuals struggled with sensing their spiritual energy, as it was extremely vague and difficult to understand. Uchiha Kiyoshi, thanks to his powerful soul, was able to directly sense his spiritual energy.

However, that doesn't mean they took advantage of it. Having a strong soul can also be considered Uchiha Kiyoshi's own talent, right?

Talking about transmigration, there must be some benefits, right? It's not excessive to say that having a slightly stronger soul is advantageous, even without any special abilities, right?

What? Is the soul too powerful? No, that's not true. Uchiha Kiyoshi was born with the soul of an adult in their twenties through rebirth, and that soul was quite intelligent in their previous life. Even without the nourishment of spiritual energy and such, it's still four or five times stronger than an ordinary child, isn't it? Moreover, during the process of physical growth, shouldn't the soul also benefit from it? In other words, Uchiha Kiyoshi's soul is originally an adult soul that grows along with the body, which is quite reasonable.

Um... I digressed. Let's get back on track.

After sensing the two types of energy, Uchiha Kiyoshi didn't rush to merge them. Instead, they continued to sense both energies while studying them.

According to what Uchiha Kiyoshi read in books, there are differences in the quality of a ninja's chakra, and the purer the chakra, the stronger the power when using ninjutsu.

Of course, as ninjas train, their chakra also becomes purer.

Based on the knowledge they've acquired and the previous sensations, Uchiha Kiyoshi speculated that the more pure the body's energy is during fusion, the purer the chakra will be.

This is not unreasonable since spiritual energy is more conceptual and ethereal, making it difficult to manipulate directly. Therefore, Uchiha Kiyoshi focused on the body's energy.

After all, it was clearly a light green energy, or rather... a light green body energy. It gave them the feeling that the deeper the green, the purer the energy!

Therefore, Uchiha Kiyoshi didn't rush to merge but decided to study the body energy, or rather, to focus on studying the body energy.

Not to mention that Uchiha Kiyoshi had some other plans as well. Just having purer chakra was enough reason to wait for some time.

Improving the purity of body energy is nothing more than training. Once the physical qualities improve, wouldn't the energy also become more advanced? So, Uchiha Kiyoshi decisively abandoned the idea of immediately merging and instead chose to devote time to studying the body energy.

What else would Uchiha Kiyoshi do during the morning training session dedicated to chakra cultivation? They couldn't just pretend, right? It would be a waste of time.

Of course, they would study the body energy. It was the only time Uchiha Kiyoshi had to dedicate to research, and besides, their outward appearance would remain the same. They weren't afraid of being exposed by Uchiha Ryo.

During the previous week, Uchiha Ryo had already covered the basic theory of shurikenjutsu, so the training time for shuriken throwing was reduced. Now, out of the five hours each morning, three were devoted to chakra cultivation, and the remaining two were for shuriken throwing training.

After three hours had passed and no one had successfully extracted chakra, Uchiha Ryo was disappointed but quickly recovered. This was normal. According to previous years' experience, many ninjas only managed to extract chakra in the last week of the month. That is, there were about ten days left.

Uchiha Kiyoshi continued to study body energy during the training, sensing it with their consciousness.

After all, for the whole week, Uchiha Kiyoshi had been relying on the knowledge from their previous life. Even if they hadn't touched chakra before, they were familiar with it.

On the seventh day of the training, Uchiha Kiyoshi felt that their body energy had changed slightly.

Originally, Uchiha Kiyoshi's body energy was light green, but now, it was a bit deeper, like a deep green.

Uchiha Kiyoshi was delighted. It seemed that the body energy was indeed improving with physical qualities!

In the following two weeks, Uchiha Kiyoshi continued to study the body energy.

They not only understood the general nature of the body energy but also confirmed their previous speculation.

With the improvement of physical qualities, the quality of body energy had indeed increased. At least now Uchiha Kiyoshi could proudly say that their body energy was clearly light green!

Since everything that needed to be studied had been researched, and the quality of chakra could still be improved later, Uchiha Kiyoshi no longer hesitated and began the fusion of chakra.

The chakra extraction method taught by the ninja clan was more or less the same. The efficiency was high because they had specialized guidance, and although the proportions varied for each person, the clan had figured out the approximate ratio of body energy to spiritual energy fusion. Other people might not know if it was accurate, but at least their fellow clan members followed the same method.

Originally, Uchiha Kiyoshi was hoping for some advanced method, but was this all there was to it?

Well, if there were any special methods, there wouldn't be so few ninjas, and the village leaders wouldn't disallow the teachings in the ninja school. Otherwise, there would be a huge gap between civilian and clan ninjas. The only difference could be these subtle variations.

However, Uchiha Kiyoshi was prepared. After all, they had already delayed the fusion for two weeks. If it took another two weeks to merge, they would be a fool and a waste.

Uchiha Kiyoshi, who had received higher education, had mastered many advanced scientific methods.

Have you heard of the controlled variable method?

Based on their feelings, Uchiha Kiyoshi roughly controlled the amount of spiritual energy used each time and gradually increased the body energy, increasing the proportion of body energy.

In just two hours, Uchiha Kiyoshi successfully fused their own chakra.

Uchiha Kiyoshi felt a blue light emitting from their lower abdomen. They knew it was their chakra.

Uchiha Ryo also noticed Uchiha Kiyoshi's situation, nodded, and continued to pay attention to others.

Five people had already successfully extracted chakra before, and Uchiha Kiyoshi's success came at a "normal" time, not making Uchiha Ryo too excited.

Feeling the chakra within their body, Uchiha Kiyoshi felt relieved.

"So, this is chakra? Although the amount is still small, I believe that one day I will have tremendous strength through chakra."