The only people that Elizabeth allowed to touch her were her father and Bernard, but even then, she hated physical contact and that was simply because it caused a weird sensation in her body that made her feel uncomfortable.
It caused her a weird tingling sensation all over her body that made her feel extremely uncomfortable, but in the situation they were in, Bernard had no choice but to carry her.
At that time, it was still really early in the morning, but some stalls were starting to open and as the Gobe Country was quite densely populated, it was usually very crowded during the day.
Bernard knew that it was only a matter of time before the assassins caught up to them and couldn't run for much longer, so needed to find another way to get to the royal district without being found by the assassins.
He suddenly stopped and after seeing a rundown carriage that was driven by a farmer, headed towards it with Elizabeth in his arms.