
The cook's adventure


lazy_door · 漫画同人
4 Chs


Location: close to restaurants

- Where would you like to go next? Senshiro asked himself as he walked down the street filled with lights.

"Well, you can choose between Italy and China."

- Then let's go to the nearest one! Senshiro said.


Senshiro was already on a flight from Paris to Italy. He was back in first class. During his trips to Italy, he did nothing but sleep, as he had nothing to do.


Pass time-1 hour

Location: Italy

It had been an hour since he had arrived in Italy. Senshiro descended from the plane, picked up his bag, and then he was on the road looking around. Suddenly, a plump young man approaches him. He has dark hair, small eyes, and is about the same age as Senshiro.

"Are you lost?" The guy said, smiling.

- To be honest, you can say that, you see, this is my first time in this country! Senshiro replied with a smile.

"So can I take you somewhere?"

- Do you know where there are restaurants in the vicinity? My name is Senshiro Nakakuma by the way! Senshiro asked the boy.

- Senshiro nice to meet you my name is Isami Aldini. About your question, I work at a family restaurant, so you can come with me, I'm just going back there.

"Isami, nice to meet you, lead me well!"

After a few minutes of conversation, we did not notice how we reached the restaurant.

Two boys of the same age entered the restaurant. As soon as they entered, one of them spoke. - Go sit in any available seat I'll be right there.

"What do you want to order?" Isami asked with interest.

- Isami, prepare what you like best!

"Okay, wait a bit.

Watching his new friend and his brother start cooking together. Senshiro enjoyed watching Takumi and Isami. They looked so organic together.

"Here you go, Senshiro. Hot, hard, take your time. Isami said, placing a huge pizza in front of him.

"What is this Isami?" Senshiro asked, because he had never seen such food before.

- This is a pizza, made with seafood. The boy replied with a smile. He began to taste it, taking a couple of bites, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"I also cook such delicious food, do you want to try it?"- he said, because the dish inspired.

"I'll be waiting, I'll definitely try your dishes," Aldini Jr. said, and Takumi just smiled.

- By the way, this is my older brother Takumi Aldini. Isami said, pointing to a skinny blond man in a chef's uniform.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Senshiro Nakakuma."

"It's nice to meet you, too, and I'm glad you enjoyed our cooking."

After receiving the answer, Senshiro sighed and decided to say goodbye and go to the hotel to rest.


"I have 5 years until the Tootsuki Academy exams, ha, all this time I will continue to practice to hone my skills, so that my abilities will reach the old level, and possibly reach a new level.

Then he looked out the window and saw that sunset meant the time of evening, then he raised his right hand, then clenched it into a fist. – I am Senshiro Nakakuma, who will become the greatest chef and defeat the greatest chefs of this time. Shiro said firmly with a calm tone and face.


5 years after the teenager, or now known as Senshiro Nakakuma, went on a journey through this world. Right now, Kuroko is preparing, because today is the exam for the Tootsuki Academy. During this time, he did nothing but improve his culinary skills, sometimes taking a break to travel.

He is currently wearing a special men's jacket, a white shirt with a red tie, dark green trousers and black shoes.

After making sure of his appearance, he left his apartment and hired a taxi to go to Tootsuki Academy. After arriving at the destination, I got out of the taxi, not forgetting to pay for the taxi. He then walked towards the gate of Tootsuki Academy, while walking around, he saw many people who were standing with sad and disappointed faces.

"Ah, I couldn't get through.

"My career is over.

And he saw a fat old man pleading with people who were wearing bodyguard uniforms.

"Please, I will give you as much money as you ask for, provided that you can take my child to this academy. The fat old man said.

Not paying attention to others, Senshiro continued walking until he finally reached the gates of the Academy. He could see a mountain rising up into the sky.

"No wonder it's called the best culinary academy in the world, because it's so big. Senshiro said in surprise. He then started entering the academy to find the room for the Academy entrance exams.

- A few minutes later-

"Damn it! Where is this room?! All this time I've been looking here and there, but I haven't found her! Senshiro thought irritably.

When he turned his head to the right, he was shocked by a group of people who were running in fear, as if they had seen a ghost. Out of curiosity, he caught one by the arm.

- Hey! Why is everyone running away? What happened? Senshiro asked with a flat face.

"I ran because the one who is the examiner is Nakiri Erina-the owner of the God's Tongue!" The man replied, startled. Hearing this, Kuroko was overjoyed because he finally found this examination room.

"I want to know where this room is?" Senshiro asked curiously.

"The room is over there, not far from here, so please let me go now!" the man with the pleading look replied. Kuroko then let go of the man's hand, and saw him run away at a breakneck pace.

Then he went to the stolona where the man was pointing. Then he came to a large open door, and as he entered, he heard shouts coming from the right side.

Then he went to where the screams were coming from and saw that three people were standing in the middle of it all, arguing about something. He knows that they are Yukihira Souma, Nakiri Erina, and Arato Hisako.

Yukihira Souma is a young teenage boy with yellow eyes and a vertical scar on his left eyebrow. He has spiky dark red hair with short bangs.

Nakiri Erina has purplish-pinkish eyes and long blonde hair. The strands that frame the face are stylized as elven ears. Wears the uniform of the academy.

Arato Hisako has pink chin-length hair and bangs. She is dressed in the standard uniform of Tootsuki students.

Seeing them, Senshiro immediately decided to approach them, who didn't seem to know that he was in front of them.

- hello! Senshiro said with an expressionless face. Hearing Senshiro's voice, all three of them started in surprise, and then looked at Kuroko, whose face was still impassive.

When Erina saw him, she opened her mouth and exclaimed angrily. - What?!