
The Conqueror part 1 The beginning

The Conqueror was born with tremendous power that he couldn't control he accidentally killed his parents destroyed a planet and was exiled to an uninhabited planet he later finds himself rescued back to civilization his story begins what secrets are being kept? Who is Marry? Will he be able to protect her or will he fail to protect her?

Goke_black · 奇幻
10 Chs

Chapter 8 Monster vs the Conqueror

Monster says "You don't stand a chance against me Conqueror give up and I will let you live I could use a sparing partner with your power or you can continue the fight and die what is your decision?" The Conqueror says "I will kick your ass!" Monster says "WRONG ANSWER YOUR LIFE ENDS NOW!" The Conqueror is grabbed by the neck by Monster and lifted up off the ground. Monster says "SEE YOU IN THE NEXT LIFE!" Monster prepares to kill the Conqueror. Monster is than badly hurt when Lucy slashes him in his free arm with one of the Conqueror's swords. Monster lets go of the Conqueror and turns his attention to Lucy he says "That will cost you your life little girl" Lucy goes to for another attack with the sword. Monster ducks underneath the sword slash and kicks Lucy after the swordslash is finished. Lucy saves herself by using the sword as a sheild. The sword takes most of the impact. Lucy is sent flying. Monster throws a ball of lightning at Lucy and smiles. The attack is slapped out of the way by the Conqueror. The Conqueror is using Mastered hyperactive mode and catches Lucy he says "Are you okay?" Lucy says "I am now" The Conqueror says "Great I don't know what I would do without you around Lucy" Lucy begins to blush she says "Do you mean that? You need me!" The Conqueror says "Yes I do need you after all you are my teacher" Lucy says "Oh yeah" The Conqueror says "What did you think I meant?" Lucy says "Nothing!" The Conqueror says "Run you don't want to watch the rest of this fight the end will be cruel" Lucy says "Take this" Lucy hands the Conqueror his sword he takes it and says "Thank you Lucy" The Conqueror attacks Monster. Monster is no longer winning but is now evenly matched. However as the fight continues Evil throws a ball of darkness at Monster. Monster destroys it with a ball of lightning however due to this destriction The Conqueror is able to land an attack with his sword to Monster's already injured arm making this arm useless in battle. Monster doesn't cry out in pain he says through clenched teeth "You will pay for that" The Conqueror continues to attack Monster who is trying to finish the Conqueror. However due to his arm he can't hold his own anymore no matter how hard he fights. Just when it seems that the Conqueror is winning Monster's power increases dramatically. Earth three's surface begins to shake violently. Monster's energy changed to lightning his body is engulfed in Lightning energy. Monster looks at the Conqueror and says "This is me when I am serious you are a dead man CONQUEROR!" The Conqueror goes for an attack. Monster evades while smiling and says "FIGHT ME AT YOUR BEST DON'T HOLD ANYTHING BACK!" The Conqueror fights Monster with his best. Monster is faster evading all attacks than lands a ten Lightning punch two balls of lightning and a lightning cannon combo on the Conqueror. The Conqueror's armor is completely destroyed and he nearly dies. Monster says "That was faster than I hoped our fight would be but it's over so I will end your life now goodbye see you in the next life" Monster creates a ball of lightning and aims it at the Conqueror about to end his life. Monster is than attacked by Evil. Evil doesn't even inflict any damage in his attack. Monster hits Evil with the ball of lightning he was about to use to kill the Conqueror. Evil almost dies. Monster strikes his badly damaged arm with lightning energy allowing him to use it again. Monster creates a ball of lightning in each hand and aims one at the Conqueror and the other one at Evil. Monster looks over at Marry and says "Marry choose" Marry says "Choose what?" Monster says "Let them die by lightning and I take you to jail by force or you come with me willingly and they live oh and I'll kill them both in a way that not even you will be able to bring them back to life so don't think that's an option" Marry says "Your crazy I can't choose between those two things!" Monster says "You better think you I will give you thirty seconds to decide" Marry takes twenty seconds to decide and then says "I choose to go willingly but you have to promise that you won't kill Evil or take him to jail" Monster gets rid of the ball of lightning aimed at Evil and says "It's a deal I won't kill Evil but the same can't be said about the Conqueror" Marry says "Kill him I don't care" Lucy yells out "DON'T DO IT PLEASE SPARE HIM!" Monster says "Not going to happen" Monster throws the ball of lightning at the Conqueror as Lucy screams out "NO!" The Conqueror's energy forcefield covers him and takes the attack head on before getting destroyed. The last of the ball of lightning is about to kill the Conqueror. However before it can hit him the Conqueror subconsciously grabs his sword and uses it as a sheild. The sword is nearly destroyed but the Conqueror survives. Monster says "Marry it's time to go!" Marry begins to walk over to Monster. She doesn't have any plans of attacking as she knows that nothing she does will work. Evil sees Marry going over to Monster and says "No Marry don't go with him!" Marry says "Take care of Carnage and Insanity Evil make sure they have a good childhood and better life than we did I love you and I love them with all my heart that's why I have chosen to go with Monster so you and them can stay alive and have a life without the police always being after you see you soon"