
Kurotsuchi's Revenge

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The Following 11 Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 65 (Preliminary Rounds Ends), Chapter 66 (Samui's Pleasure), Chapter 67 (Jiraiya's Consequences), Chapter 68 (A Night to Remember), Chapter 69 (Shukaku Vs Naruto), Chapter 70 (Gaara's Freedom), Chapter 71 (The Hero of Suna), Chapter 72 (A Date with Fuu), Chapter 73 (Hang Out), Chapter 74 (A Night of Pleasure), and Chapter 75 (Final Rounds of Chunin Exams Begin!) are already available for Patrons.

Match 12

Naruto Uzumaki vs Kurotsuchi

Seeing names on the screen, Kurotsuchi smiled in satisfaction, slapping her hands on the rails. Her teammates grinned, knowing it had happened better than expected, they had been praying to counter Naruto in the Forbidden Forest, but their target had escaped from their clutches, but now he was right in front of them and couldn't run away.

The Jonin of the Iwa team, on the other hand, looked at the blonde warily. He didn't look bothered, hell, not even scared, he knew it could be just him being cocky and thinking this was an easy fight, but he knew better than to underestimate a Shinobi of Konoha. He had been there when the Yellow Flash completely obliterated two thousand Shinobi of Iwa before warning them that if they didn't leave their territory, he would personally kill even more until there were no Iwa Shinobi left.

"Leave my home. Leave the territory of the Fire Land. Otherwise, I will show you True Horror. Not even a thousand years will be enough for Iwa to return back to normal." Minato promised.

Jonin felt a shiver down his spine at the memory. He looked at Naruto Uzumaki. He held no doubts the brat was Minato's son; just the way he handled himself was enough for Tahyro to see the Yellow Flash on him. What made him a little terrified was the ruthlessness behind his eyes, the kind of eye that wouldn't even blink even if a massacre was right in front of him. Tahyro had noticed that Naruto wouldn't really care if the Konoha Shinobi had died.

He turned to look at Kurotsuchi. While she was a Chunin disguised as a Genin, just because she was of higher rank didn't mean she was stronger.

Kurotsuchi looked ready to jump over the railing and straight to the arena when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. She turned at her former sensei with fury.

"What?" She demanded to know. Not understanding why he stopped her. Whatever he wanted to say could wait until she killed the brat.

Her sensei's eyes hardened, and his grip around her shoulder tightened a little, just enough to make her wince, before forcing her to lean closer to him.

"Do not underestimate him. Are we clear?" Her sensei commanded, looking her straight in the eyes.

Kurotsuchi scoffed before moving his hand away. "I'm a Chunin. He's a Genin. He's nothing compared to me." She boasted with a hushed tone. Her jonin wanted to point out that Ranks weren't a sign of how powerful someone was. The Forever Genin of Konoha was as strong as a High-Rank Jonin, but before he could tell her...

"Hey, are you coming to fight, or will you give up like how Iwa Shinobi usually do?" Naruto shouted with a smirk from where he stood. This made Kurotsuchi glare at him before jumping down right away, completely ignoring her sensei.

Kurotsuchi constantly glared at the blonde brat for daring to insult her village, and the way he was smirking was really annoying.

Back at the Konoha teams, Asuma raised an eyebrow at Naruto's choice of words before looking at both Ino and Shikamaru, who were looking at the Arena without care.

"Shikamaru, what's up with Naruto? He's not usually like this?" Asuma questioned him, inhaling his cigarette, he knew his student was powerful, but Naruto wasn't someone to insult the enemy unless they genuinely deserved it. He could think of a few occasions, but the Iwa chick wasn't someone Naruto knew as far as Asuma knew.

"What's one of the first mistakes a Shinobi can make whenever they are in any fight?" Shikamaru asked him instead, making Asuma exhale a puff of smoke; rubbing his temples, he suddenly realized what Naruto was doing, but that begged the question. Why?

Fuu looked down on her friend with concern; despite her team being nearby, she preferred staying with Ino and Shikamaru and the rest of the Konoha teams.

"Do you think Naruto is angry?" Fuu asked, which surprised almost everyone except Ino and Shika, who knew Naruto better than anyone else.

"What do you mean, Fuu? Why would Naruto be angry?" Kakashi asked, looking away from his book, he didn't know her, but he heard her name was Fuu, and apparently a good friend of Naruto.

"I don't know. The Kurotsuchi girl stands no chance, so what is Naruto gaining by making her angry and careless," Fuu explained with a shrug. This made everyone, including Iwa, Suna, and Kumo team look at Naruto with confusion and curiosity.

Gaara narrowed his eyes. He hated to admit that the blonde genin was interesting. His siblings were paying close attention to the fight.

"Who do you think will win?" Karui asked curiously, looking at her friends.

"Naruto, undoubtedly," Omio answered right away, his hands clutched together behind his head. This earned looks from the other Kumo Shinobi and even Konoha Shinobi.

"What makes you say that?" Darui asked, his eyes not moving away from the Blonde.

"Is the feeling you have when you are in the presence of a hunter, and you're the prey," Omio answered. This made Yugito pay even more attention to the fight.

"I will defeat you for what your father did to my village?" Kurotsuchi loudly proclaimed before the fight could even start. The third Hokage shuddered, knowing that Iwa apparently knew of Naruto's parents.

How could they know? Sarutobi asked himself; perhaps he had underestimated just how much Naruto looked like his old man.

Naruto arched an eyebrow in response with a confused look. "My father, I don't even know who he is?" Naruto replied carelessly, yawning a little at the end.

Kurotsuchi clenched her teeth in anger at the brat for not taking her seriously. "As if you don't know, the Fourth Hokage killed thousands of us. I will take revenge for what he did." She declared with fire in her eyes.

This made everyone else except those who already knew look shocked upon hearing that. All of them quickly turned to Kakashi and Asuma for answers.

"Is that true, Kakashi-sensei?"

"Asuma, tell me?" The students and Kurenai asked the two Jonins, who were rubbing their heads nervously. Guy didn't ask. One look at his rival, and he knew that what the Iwa chick said was true. Neji acted as if he didn't care whether that was true or not.

Asuma and Kakashi couldn't exactly tell them the truth since that was an S-Tier Secret, but it did worry them, knowing that Iwa knew the truth. Kakashi wondered if any other Village knew.

"Holy shit, he's Yondaime's son?!!" Kankuro exclaimed, looking closely at Naruto's features. Temari turned to their Jonin, who was sweating slightly.

"What do we do?"

The Jonin didn't answer right away. Instead, he looked at Gaara, who had a murderous look directed at Naruto as usual.

"Nothing right now. It changes absolutely nothing." He stuttered at his Genins, who looked conflicted. The Jonin knew the brat could become a problem, but it didn't matter; Gaara could easily kill him.

"Jeez! No wonder Raikage wanted us to measure his strength," Karui commented, looking somehow angry about the new information.

Samui and Yugito nodded along, but Omio had a skeptical look on his face. "I think there's more to this than meets the eye," he said with a low tone, only heard by his friends, who turned to look at him.

"What do you mean, Omoi?" Samui asked curiously, her eyes going from Naruto to her teammate.

"I'm not sure, but I think there's more to this. Just because your father was someone powerful, that doesn't mean you will be just as strong, and this goes double for someone like The Fourth Hokage, who didn't have any Kekkei Genkai as far as we know." Omio said with a thoughtful look, paying attention to the fight.

Back at the arena, Naruto did not react to Kurotsuchi's words. He simply arched an eyebrow. "What makes you think my father is the Fourth Hokage?"

"You are blonde, and you're just like him." Kurotsuchi pointed out as if it was obvious.

Naruto raised an eyebrow before snorting. "Because of my hair, jeez, being born with blonde hair in Iwa must be a death sentence," Naruto commented, rubbing the top of his head carelessly. His words earned chuckles from the audience.

"What?!" Kurotsuchi shouted, her face going red. She hated that he wasn't taking her seriously.

"Tell me, do Iwa Shinobi go around killing every single blonde they come across?" Naruto asked humorously. Many laughed at his question, except the Iwa Shinobi, who looked insulted.

"Shut up," Kurotsuchi shouted with fury in her eyes, making everyone go silent, looking at Naruto, who stood unfazed by her shout.

"Your Hokage killed thousands of us. You think you can joke about it." Kurotsuchi shouted, looking at him with a mix of anger and sadness. This earned looks of sorrow from a few, but many wore blank faces.

"Are you trying to earn pity from me, little girl?" Naruto questioned with a cold gaze, his voice sounding more profound as the moon symbol on his palm suddenly appeared. Kurotsuchi suddenly couldn't move a muscle from his cold stare. His eyes looked icy, and he was looking at her with disgust as if looking at someone far beneath him.

"This is the world we live in, little girl. We are trained from a young age to do our job, whatever that is. Your village attacked Konoha with the desire to conquer its land for profit. You say The Fourth Hokage killed thousands of you. Well, this is what War is like. It is not a playground. Just as you thought you had the right to conquer Konoha, so did the Fourth to fight back. The only mistake he made was that he did not go all the way through." Naruto spoke with an emotionless face. His words made some nod, knowing War was like that. Some shuddered at how easily Naruto was talking about killing thousands of people.

Samui smiled upon hearing that. It seemed to her that Naruto understood how the World works.

Gaara narrowed his eyes slightly and, for the first time, wasn't looking at the blonde with a murderous glare.

"Now, shall we fight, or are we going to keep talking?" Naruto questioned as he stopped using his KI. Kurotsuchi regained her composure before taking a stance.

So she knows Martial Arts. She uses her fists, Naruto thought, slightly intrigued.

"Begin," Hayate shouted for the fight to begin.

And nothing happened. All the spectators were waiting for the fight to start, yet, none of them made a move.

Seeing that Naruto would not attack, Kurotsuchi was the first to make her move.

She attacked fiercely and swiftly with a face-level punch that Naruto dodged by stepping to the side and performing a tummy-level spinning kick that Kurotsuchi avoided just in time by taking a step back, but it didn't end there. Naruto lashed out again with a vertical kick that nearly hit Kurotsuchi in the jaw if it weren't for her recoiling again, but she didn't count on Naruto bringing his foot back brutally on an ax kick and hitting her with his heel. Kurotsuchi reached for cover just in time with her forearm, but the blow caused her to wince.

She shook her arm with the intention of easing the pain a bit and attacked again with a series of jabs at head level that Naruto dodged by twisting his body from side to side. Kurotsuchi tried to perform a knee to the abdomen, but Naruto blocked it with his hands.

Feeling increasingly frustrated by her failed or blocked attacks, Kurotsuchi once again lashed out with a series of kicks and punches, both of which were evaded or blocked by Naruto, causing her frustration to escalate further.

Kurotsuchi side-kicked at the level of Naruto's thigh, who raised his knee to protect himself. Without giving up the rhythm of the attack, she tried to kick again, but Naruto turned his back to her and kicked Kurotsuchi hard with the sole of his foot in the abdomen like a mule. The blow caused Kurotsuchi to take a step back due to the intense pain, but Naruto didn't end there. He hit Kurotsuchi again with a roundhouse kick at the level of the side of the abdomen, then at the level of the shoulder, and finally at the level of the head, all with the same leg, causing Kurotsuchi to fall to the floor due to the last blow that slightly stunned her.

"Damn..." Kurotsuchi growled from the floor.

"Do you know what is the most important thing in a fight, Kurotsuchi?" Asked Naruto.

"Search an opening in your opponent and attack it mercilessly?" She asked as she rose from the floor.

"Many would say that, but that's not the most important part." Naruto laughed.

"And which one is it?"

Naruto waved his fingers for Kurotsuchi to come closer, prompting her to attack again.

"Maybe if you land a hit, I'll tell you."

Frowning in irritation, Kurotsuchi growled and struck again with a series of jabs to the face, which Naruto dodged by stepping aside again and again or deflecting blows with his hands. Kurotsuchi reached out and grabbed Naruto by the nape with both hands and hit him with her right knee and then her left knee at the level of the abdomen, but Naruto stopped them with his arms and then pushed Kurotsuchi in the chest, causing her to recoil.

Naruto did not waste that moment when he struck again with a roundhouse kick to the abdomen. Kurotsuchi dodged the blow by twisting her body back, but what she did not count on was that Naruto turned 360 degrees and returned to kick at head level with the same leg. Even though Kurotsuchi managed to take cover just in time, the force behind the kick shattered her defense and caused her to stagger backward and nearly fall to the ground.

Gritting her teeth in annoyance and frustration, Kurotsuchi attacked, but Naruto turned slightly and kicked Kurotsuchi in the abdomen with the sole of his foot, causing her to hunch over and gasp in pain. Naruto flexed his still-raised leg and gave Kurotsuchi a sidekick straight to the face, knocking her to the ground.

All the genins winced as they saw the blow that knocked Kurotsuchi to the ground. The kick was so strong that it caused his nose to start bleeding, as did his mouth.

"Damn, that had to hurt," Ino commented, wincing at the last blow. "Naruto is not holding back."

"Kurotsuchi..." The Iwa Jonin whispered with concern for his former student.

Naruto studied Kurotsuchi for a few seconds as she made an effort to try to get up and orient herself due to the last blow she received.

"The most important thing in a fight, Kurotsuchi, knows how to stay calm," Naruto said, earning Kurotsuchi's attention. "Keep a cool head at all times. Even if your opponent makes fun of you like I did. Even if anger and frustration flood your body, you must keep a cool mind. Because if you don't, if you let anger dictate your actions, your movements will become erratic and predictable. What just happened in a clear example."

Kurotsuchi stood up, ready to keep fighting.

"If you can keep a cool mind, no matter what the situation, you will be an outstanding soldier. After all, you already have the physical qualities to be."

The Iwa girl didn't say anything; instead, she decided to stop using martial arts, instead her final card.

"You fell into my Trap. Earth Style: The Pit." She did the hand signs and slammed her hands on the floor; Naruto didn't bother stopping her as two big pillars formed from the floor, trying to crush him between them. Naruto jumped away, but as soon as he touched the ground, his feet sank in as if the floor was liquid.

I see. Good play, Naruto, though, as ten spikes made of solid ground rushed toward him from every direction.

"Naruto. Get Out of There!" Ino screamed when every spike pierced Naruto in every part of his body.

Kurotsuchi grinned in satisfaction, but her smile disappeared when the blonde puffed out of existence.

"Good try," Naruto whispered behind her. Before she could even process it, Naruto punched her abdomen, sending her crashing to the wall and sending debris everywhere.

"Kurotsuchi!!" Iwa team shouted in shock to see one of their best Chunin lose like this. The smoke cleared, revealing an unconscious Kurotsuchi.

"Winner is Naruto Uzumaki," Hayate shouted as Kurotsuchi was taken away by the medical team. Naruto jumped to his friends, who quickly congratulated him for the win.

"You're Amazing, Naruto-Kun," Fuu shouted, jumping to his chest and hugging him tightly.

"Hey, Naruto, are you really Fourth Hokage's son?" Kurenai asked what everyone else was thinking, this earned the attention of everyone, but the blonde shook his head.

"Who knows? It would be best if you asked the Hokage for that information," Naruto answered, pointing at the elderly Hokage, who rolled his eyes.

Gaara grimaced that Naruto didn't kill the stupid girl.

Kumo's team looked surprised at how fast Naruto defeated the Iwa girl, except Samui and Omoi. The latter was looking at Naruto with a calculating look.

"Who do you think is next?" Karui asked her friends, but she got her answer when the screen started going through the names.

"We will now move on to the next match."

After Hayate had announced the continuation of the preliminary, the large screen on the wall began to randomly shuffle through the remaining candidates' names once more until two were selected.

Round 13

Neji Hyuga vs. Karui

The second Neji saw who his opponent was, his cold, pale eyes immediately narrowed when he saw which village she represented. It was the same village that was responsible for attacking the Hyuga clan.

Hiruzen and Guy were afraid that this could happen, as they are fully aware of the Hyuga clan's massive grudge against Kumo, as many years ago, they had dared to steal their clan's heiress and the secrets of their precious Kekkei Genkai.

This was definitely not going to be a pleasant fight, and they could only curse the damn screen that randomly picked the combatants.

Yugito then noticed the cold look on Neji's face and was starting to feel worried for her enthusiastic teammate, who couldn't wait to fight in her match.

"Hey..." Yugito stopped Karui as she was about to make her way down to the arena floor "....Be careful. I don't like the way that Hyuga kid is looking at you. If I didn't know any better, I say he wants to kill you." Yugito warned.

But Karui simply shrugged it off.

"You're being paranoid, Yugito. Besides, don't worry about it. Every Hyuga is a Taijutsu user, right? So I'll just keep my distance and use my sword if he comes near me." Karui ensured with a cocky grin.

"Confidence is good, but make sure you don't underestimate him, Karui..." Omoi tries to lessen her ego until a terrified thought enters his mind "...But what if she ignores us? What if that Neji kid will somehow beat her in the most horrible way imaginable? I will have no choice but to avenge her because she is my teammate. But what if I accidentally kill him? The Hyuga clan will seek retaliation! WAR WILL BROKE OUT, and it is all because I am too skilled! And after so many deaths, Lord Raikage has no choice but to propose a peace treaty with Konoha through political marriage! I will have to marry a beautiful Konoha heiress or princess! And then-OWW!" Omoi finally stopped his rambling when Karui hit him on his head with fury in her eyes.

"STOP OVERTHINKING, YOU BAKA!" Karui yelled out.

"Yeah, Omoi, you need to learn to calm down once in a while...Besides, if anyone is gonna be put in any political marriage with Konoha, it's gonna be ME! And I got my eye on the Purr-fect candidate." Yugito claimed cheekily, as her gaze was firmly locked on Naruto, who was talking with Fu and Shikamaru on the opposite balcony.

But then she smirked with amusement when she saw the angry glare that she was receiving from Ino, who noticed the cat-kunoichi's constant stares towards her boyfriend.

The two blonde kunoichis glared at one another as if they were screaming at the other to 'back-off' or suffer the consequences. But knowing their personality and stubbornness, it was very unlikely.

Despite not paying too much attention to his student's silly antics, the Sensei of Team Kumo 1, Darui, was also concerned about his fiery red-headed student's angry-looking opponent.

"I'm sorry to say this, Karui, but you need to treat this match like it's the finals, so that means no holding back your techniques. Genin or not, fighting a Hyuga in close-quarter combat is suicide. And you don't have any long-range Jutsus, which makes this a problem." Darui said with a lazy tone, but Karui and the others could tell he was serious.

"Don't worry, Darui Sensei. I'll ensure that I'll be the third Kumo candidate to pass the preliminary. Can't have Yugito have all the fun." Karui said with a confident smirk.

"I hope so too. Good luck, Red." Darui said as Karui made her down to the arena floor.

When Neji was about to make his way down as well, Guy took this opportunity to advise his student.

"Neji..." Guy said firmly, making Neji stop in his tracks without looking at his Sensei "...Remember, this is a tournament, not a chance for personal vendetta." Guy reminded with a serious tone.

Neji narrowed his eyes and clutched his fist tightly in anger when he heard this. He knew it would be foolish to defy his surprisingly powerful Sensei, but he will not hear a word of it. Fate has delivered him a chance of retribution, and he will not waste it!

".....It is also the Chunin Exam, Guy Sensei. Anything could happen..." Neji said with a stoic expression, but inside he was containing his anger "....And if you're worried, don't. After all....we all signed the consent form. What happens next is in Fate's hands." Neji said coldly as he made his way to the arena floor, ignoring the surprised look from Guy and Lee.

When Neji and Karui stood face-to-face on the arena floor, Karui now realized that Yugito wasn't being paranoid after all, as she could literally see the hatred in his pale eyes.

"Are both fighters ready?" Hayate asked the two Genins before him.

"...Yes," Neji said coldly.

"Let's get this over with," Karui said as she gripped the handle of her sword.

"Then let the Thirteenth Match of the preliminary....begin!"

Karui immediately jumped back to get some distance like she originally planned, but Neji remained where he was without moving a muscle.

While it took EVERY fiber of his being not to dash forward and palm-strike the red-headed girl in the heart, he decided to keep his cool and heed his Sensei's words.

"Just one thing before we square off against each other, Karui of Kumo. I advise you to surrender. Fate has declared that you would lose the second I've been chosen to be your opponent." Neji said with a stoic tone.

'What the fuck? Is he serious?' Yugito thought with a raised eyebrow.

Karui also shared her teammate's thoughts, but to her, what he said was a sly insult to her and her skills. Who does he think he is? She asked herself in anger.

"Hah, do you think when I see your eyes, I tremble in fear? Just because you're a Hyuga, that doesn't mean I'm gonna back down, you know. So how about you shut up and give me a good fight." Karui said as she pulled out her sword, its steel shimmering in the air.

"Mmph, you people are all the same," Neji said with venom in his voice.

"HEY! What do you mean, you people?!" Karui yelled out, with a tick mark on her head.

"Kumo ninjas. All you do is fight, lie, cheat and steal. If you think the Hyuga has forgotten what your village had tried to pull, you are sadly mistaken. Sooner or later, you and your village will meet your JUST Fate." Neji said with more venom in his voice.

"You arrogant son of a bitch, YOU DON'T GET TO TALK ABOUT MY HOME LIKE THAT! Hyuga Clan is nothing but a bunch of Cocky bastards who Think their Byakugan is supreme to everything else."

"...WHAT.DID.YOU.SAY?" Neji asked slowly, as his voice was seething with rage.

But apparently, Karui has no idea what trouble she got herself into, as she only sees Neji as an unbalanced opponent, and due to her lack of judgment, she decides to make it worst.

"Tsk, you have the ultimate 'all-seeing eye' and yet can't hear me speak plainly? Your whole clan is a joke!" Karui mocked with a smirk, as her ignorance knows no bounds.

And just like that, Neji snapped, as he immediately activated his Byakugan and rushed towards Karui at a blinding speed that could rival both Lee and Naruto.

Karui eye's widened with panic when she saw how Neji was quickly closing the distance between them. She then immediately readied her sword and met him head-on.

"Cloud Style: Front Beheading!"

As Neji was reaching her, Karui swung her sword in a single yet powerful cutting motion toward Neji's neck.

But at the last minute, Neji immediately ducked under the slash, grabbed her wrist firmly, and landed a swift Gentle Fist strike on her sword-wielding arm, causing her to flinch in pain, as Karui's right arm had gone completely numb due to him shutting down her chakra point, making the red-headed girl drop her sword, as Neji continues his relentless strikes on her body.

Karui desperately tried to defend herself, as Neji began to strike her chest-area several times, causing her to cough up some blood from her mouth.

Karui tried to punch him with her only functioning arm, but Neji immediately disabled that one, too, as soon as she tried, leaving her completely defenseless.

But Neji wasn't done yet.

He continued his brutal strikes all over her body, carefully not to strike any of her vital organs, as he wanted Karui to suffer before he defeated her.

Most of her chakra points has been shut down, and her internal organs felt like they were on fire.

Even though his attacks were fuelled by rage, his strikes were surprisingly graceful, and his movements were incredibly fast and fluid, especially to the untrained eye.

Neji eventually stopped his Gentle Fist strikes when he noticed Karui was barely moving, and her breathing was burdened, and yet she was still standing like a statue, as blood was dripping from her mouth, while her eyes looked semi-lifeless.

Karui eventually collapsed when the strength of her legs had finally run out, and she fell unconscious.

"KARUI!" Yugito and Omoi yelled out, worried when they saw their usually hot-tempered teammate defeated so brutally by the Hyuga boy.

The match was over before it even started. Neji merely used his basic taijutsu skills on Karui. He didn't even need to use any of his clan's secret techniques.

Hayate then approached the unconscious Kumo girl, confirming that she was indeed out as a light. But he knew she probably suffered several internal damages and required medical attention immediately, or else she will die.

"By knock out, the winner of the thirteenth preliminary round, and advancing to the finals, is Neji Hyuga," Hayate announced.

The medical team immediately rushed toward Karui and placed her on a stretcher. The Kumo kunoichi was in a very critical state, so they didn't waste any time as they dragged her away to the infirmary.

The arena was dead silent, as no one dared to cheer for the Hyuga winner since it wouldn't be appropriate after what they had just witnessed.

Neji was clearly troubled after what Karui had just told him, so when he returned to the balcony, even Guy and Lee decided to give him some space as he barely spoke a word to them.

Naruto was actually surprised that he hadn't killed the girl. He has more self-control than I thought.

Round 13

Ino Yamanaka vs Kankuro