
Gaara's Freedom

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The Following 11 Chapters are already Available for Patrons.

Chapter 71 (The Hero of Suna), Chapter 72 (A Date with Fuu), Chapter 73 (Hang Out), Chapter 74 (A Night of Pleasure), Chapter 75 (Final Rounds of Chunin Exams Begin!), Chapter 76 (Rock Lee Vs Neji Part 1), Chapter 77 (Rock Lee Vs Neji Part 2), Chapter 78 (Destiny is Just a Word), Chapter 79 (Checkmate), Chapter 80 (A Burned Flower), and Chapter 81 (Hinata's Despair) are already available for Patrons.

Gaara couldn't help but notice how his body felt weightless and as if he was just floating in space, his mind drifting into a peaceful state of mind. He felt like he was on a cloud, his muscles completely relaxed, and his mind free from all worries and stress. It was a rare feeling for him, one that he couldn't remember experiencing for a long time. All the tension and exhaustion seemed to have melted away, leaving him with a sense of tranquility that he had never felt before. He closed his eyes and let himself drift away into a dreamless sleep, feeling as if he could sleep forever in this state of pure bliss.

Sleep? Gaara thought. The word sounded strange to him. He knew what it meant, yet, he had never experienced it. As long as he could remember himself, he had not once slept. Many doctors had been quick to point out that Gaara shouldn't even be alive.

Gaara knew why he was still sucking air. His mother protected him. She would always tell him when someone was dangerous and that he needed to kill them to prove his existence. Gaara always listened. Everyone was afraid of him, everyone except his mother. Why wouldn't he listen to her?

Feeling relaxed, Gaara tried to recall where he was, but as he tried to remember, all he could remember was the blonde Uzumaki doing something; and his mother screaming. Gaara couldn't remember the last time his mother had been so mad. She was often angry, but he remembered her screaming more than ever before; Gaara remembered the blonde smashing his Rasengan on his shoulder. After that point, everything went dark, he heard screams, but Gaara remembered something.

Gaara always thought of his mother as fearless and all mighty powerful. Still, Gaara remembered that after everything had gone dark, he had felt his mother's emotions, she was angry, furious, frustrated, but most importantly, she was afraid. Soon after feeling that, Gaara had felt a sharp pain across his chest that quickly went away.

Now, here he was, floating in endless space. Gaara knew his eyes were closed, but he felt so rested. 

As Gaara lay on his back, his eyes closed in peaceful slumber, he suddenly felt a cold, wet sensation seeping through his clothes, jolting him awake. Confused and disoriented, he struggled to comprehend his surroundings, only to find himself floating on a vast sea that seemed to stretch out infinitely in all directions. The water was eerily calm and still, yet its depths were as dark and mysterious as a bottomless pit. As he gazed upwards, he realized that the sky was a deep shade of midnight blue, dotted with tiny, shimmering stars that twinkled like diamonds in the distance. 

The water barely reached past his toes. Looking around him, Gaara couldn't see anything else but the endless sea. It felt as if it went on forever. 

As he looked up, Gaara could see the vast expanse of the clear blue sky above him, stretching out as far as his eyes could see. Despite the endless sky above, he couldn't feel any wind around him, not even the slightest breeze brushing against his skin. It was as if he was in a vacuum devoid of any natural elements. Even the salty aroma of the water that surrounded him couldn't be felt, despite the fact that he could see the vast ocean stretching out in front of him.

"Mother," Gaara called out with a hint of anxiety, but there was no answer. As Gaara stood there gazing out into the vast expanse of blue that stretched out before him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over him. The sound of the gentle waves lapping against his toes as he slowly made his way further into the water, the coolness of the water contrasting with the warmth of the sun on his skin, all made for a truly serene experience. Despite the beauty of his surroundings, however, Gaara couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that crept up on him as he realized that he was but a small speck in this vast ocean.

"T-Temari," Gaara called out, yet, no answer was heard, looking more around, yet, there was nothing around. Gaara's heart was racing as he swallowed the lump in his throat, desperately trying to make sense of what was happening. He looked around, confused and disoriented, and rubbed his eyes to clear his vision. "Am I dreaming?" he asked himself, hoping against hope that he was. He rubbed his eyes so hard that they began to burn, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wake up from the nightmare that had become his reality. The surroundings were all too familiar, and he realized with a sinking feeling that he was in the same place he had been before. 

"Kankuro," Gaara shouted for his brother, but again, no answer. Am I all alone? Gaara thought, his fear increasing with each passing second. His palms were sweating, yet, despite being alone, he wasn't happy all his life. 

As Gaara stood there, hugging himself tight, he realized that all he had ever wanted was to inflict pain on others and for them to leave him alone. But now that he was truly alone, with nobody around to hurt or push away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness in his heart that was difficult to bear. As he closed his eyes, he could feel his lower jaw trembling with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. For years, he had been feared and hated by those around him, yet he had never felt as lonely as he did at this moment. As he stood there, lost in thought, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to life than pain and solitude and if there was any hope for him to find happiness

"Y-Y-Yashamaru. Please, don't leave me," he murmured, his eyes welling up with tears that slowly trickled down his cheek, their salty droplets falling to the water below at that moment. Suddenly he felt the water level started rising, now above his knees, and it kept increasing.

"No!" Gaara shouted. His sand was useless in water. He tried to use it, but it was useless. There was no sand anywhere.

"Mother!!" Gaara shouted in fear to the sky above as the water reached his neck. Reaching out his hand, the water came to his head. Eventually, his hand was below the water, and the sea's surface was going away as he sank into the darkness below. 

As he struggled to break free from the water's merciless grip, suffocating and thrashing about, everything became a blur, and he felt himself slipping away into the abyss. But just as his consciousness began to fade, a glimmer of light caught his eye, and he suddenly realized that he wasn't drowning after all. Gasping for air, he opened his eyes to find himself submerged in a world of wonder and enchantment. The endless sea below the surface was teeming with life, illuminated by a mesmerizing blue glow that seemed to emanate from every living creature within its depths. Above the water's surface, the sun shone brightly, casting a warm and welcoming light. 

Suddenly, Gaara saw the blonde Uzumaki appearing before him like a ghost. The young warrior's body was enveloped in a shimmering aura of blue lights, giving him an otherworldly appearance that left Gaara momentarily stunned. "I know how you feel. I'm a Jinchuuriki too, and we help each other."

Naruto had told him; Gaara remembered as the water's level started decreasing. With a swift movement, he pulled his head out of the water and gazed around him in confusion. The water continued to lower rapidly until not even his toes were submerged.

Gaara looked around. Instead of an endless sea, the place he was in was strange. As he gazed around himself, trying to make sense of his surroundings, it began to dawn on him that he was standing in the middle of a colossal, pitch-black chamber devoid of any discernible features or objects, and not even the faintest glimmer could be perceived, leaving him in a state of utter darkness and uncertainty.

Gaara's eyes were immediately drawn to the glossy black-red metal floor. But what truly captured his attention was the massive cage that loomed before him, its towering bars casting intricate shadows on the floor. As he approached, his heart racing with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, he noticed a small piece of paper pinned to the center of the cage. Upon closer inspection, he read the word "Seal," scrawled in bold letters.

As Gaara stood before the colossal prison bars, his heart racing with anticipation, a sudden movement caught his eye. Slowly but surely, a pair of massive yellow eyes materialized in the darkness beyond the bars. Their fiery gaze fixated solely on him. He felt his blood run cold as the outline of Shukaku, the one-tailed beast, began to take shape, its immense form casting an ominous shadow over the entire area. The beast's hatred was palpable, emanating from its every fiber and filling the air with an oppressive aura. 





Gaara opened his eyes with a loud gasp, moving away the sheet covering him as he did, sitting right up from his bed, quickly moving his legs beyond the bed's frame, feeling the cool wooden floor beneath his feet.

As he sat there, his body tense with anxiety, he took a deep breath in, feeling the cool air fill his lungs, and then exhaled slowly, feeling the warmth escape from his lips. He repeated this breathing pattern, in and out, out and in, as he tried to calm himself down, feeling his heart beating fast and hard in his chest, like a drum that threatened to burst. He closed his eyes and put his hand on his forehead, feeling the dampness of the cold sweat against his palm, and he tried to focus on the rhythm of his breath, hoping that it would slow down his heart rate and ease the tension that coiled inside him.

Closing his eyes, Gaara couldn't hear her talking to him. He had heard her talking since he could remember himself, always saying words about how he should kill someone or prove their existence.

Suddenly he felt something on his stomach. Rolling up the white shirt he was wearing, he saw a Strange Seal on his belly. It looked like a series of chains coming from six directions around his belly and chest, coming together to the center of his belly, gripping what looked like a whirlpool symbol. As if chaining it.

As Gaara felt himself calm down, the seal soon disappeared from his belly; Gaara looked around and could see that he was in a normal room. As the gentle breeze swept through the lush green trees outside, the open window of the cozy cottage welcomed the fresh air inside, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers that filled the room with a pleasant aroma. The translucent drapery draped over the window swayed gracefully against the wind, adding an ethereal touch to the already serene atmosphere of the room. The rustling sound of the drapery added a soothing background melody to the rustling of leaves outside, as if they were dancing together in unison, creating a peaceful symphony of nature.

Gaara inhaled a breath of fresh air, his eyes turning to the door. He wondered where he was. He knew he wasn't in his hotel. This room wasn't his room. He wondered if he could even leave this place. The blonde Uzumaki probably had done something to him while he was sleeping.

Gaara sat in his room, lost in thought and staring out the window. He wondered if he could just jump through the glass and escape the place, leaving behind all his problems and worries. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the footsteps approaching his door. Suddenly, he heard a sound that made him jump - the doorknob turning. As if on cue, the door cracked open, and a patch of vibrant green hair peeked inside, revealing the source of the sound - the annoying, silly girl, Fuu...

As the door creaked open, revealing Fuu on the other side, Gaara's anger boiled over, causing him to raise his voice and point a finger accusingly at her. "You!" he shouted, his tone laced with frustration. Fuu, taken aback by his sudden outburst, looked at him quizzically, her head tilting to the side as she pointed a finger at herself in confusion.

"Me?" she asked, her voice soft and innocent, her eyes wide with bewilderment. Despite the tension in the air, Fuu's cuteness and innocence seemed to momentarily disarm Gaara.

Gaara felt his blood boiling at the silly girl, his thoughts immediately going to his sand, hoping to wrap the sand around her and force her to talk, but much to his shock, his sand wasn't moving. Nothing was happening.

Feeling dread filling his stomach, his most powerful weapon was gone. He glared furiously at Fuu, who seemed unbothered by his nasty glare.

"What did you do to me?" Gaara demanded, his voice echoing through the walls.

"Me. God forbid. I would never harm you, Gaara-kun. We are friends, and friends never hurt each other." Fuu exclaimed with a cute smile as a set of green wings spread from her back; Gaara's eyebrow twitched. He wanted to crush the silly girl, but before he could ask her a second time...

"No need for threats, Gaara. We all are friends here, after all." Naruto spoke as he walked inside Gaara's room, followed behind by a woman with green hair that she tied in a bun on top of her head with a hair needle running through it and one short and long strand of hair with orange tips framing each side of her face.

Gaara's eyes widened before he glared furiously at Naruto. He prepared to march towards him and demand answers. If his sand was useless right now, he would use his fists.

Gaara marched towards Naruto, but the silly girl simply stepped back, whatever she didn't care what would happen to Naruto, or if she thought that Naruto could handle the angry auburn-haired boy, Gaara didn't know and didn't care enough to ask.

"What did you do?" Gaara's voice boomed like thunder as his clenched fist was raised high in the air, ready to strike Naruto with a devastating blow. However, before Gaara could unleash his rage on Naruto, the woman behind Naruto was now standing between the two of them. With a swift movement, she grabbed Gaara's wrist, her grip so tight that it made him wince in pain. Her eyes were narrowed towards Gaara as if she was challenging him to try and make a move, but he couldn't help but feel a burning heat building around his wrist, around the area the woman had grabbed with her hand.

How did she move so fast? Gaara thought he hadn't seen her move, and the way she was glaring at him, he wondered if he could take on her, but without his sand, he was pretty much powerless.

The woman's voice was low and menacing as she threatened Gaara, "Try that again, and you will be a hand short." Her words hung in the air like a dark cloud, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that she truly meant it. Gaara could feel her grip around his wrist tighten, and he winced in pain, feeling the pressure increase to a point where he thought his bones might snap. The woman's eyes were cold and unfeeling, her face an expressionless mask, as if she had no qualms about carrying out her threat, and the heat around his wrist increased, making it even more unbearable.

"There's no need for that, Pakura. Take Fuu, and we all will meet you outside." Naruto spoke, but his voice wasn't what Gaara had heard during the Chunin Exams. His voice now was more mature and firm. He was talking as if he was giving an order; Pakura let go of his wrist right away before motioning for Fuu to follow her.

The silly girl pouted loudly as she flew past Naruto. "Gaara-kun, don't worry. We all are friends here." She said with an encouraging smile as Pakura closed the door.

Naruto motioned for Gaara to sit down, and he did without much complaint. Right now, he couldn't use his sand, and he lost against Naruto even with his sand, so now, he knew it would be better to play along.

"What did you do to me?" Gaara demanded, his voice laced with suspicion and anger, as soon as he sat down heavily on the plush couch. Naruto, his mischievous expression unchanged, didn't even flinch at the hostility in Gaara's voice. Instead, he casually turned towards the ornate table and reached for a beautiful vase filled with crystal-clear water. The sunlight streaming through the window illuminated the vase, casting multiple different colors across the room. Naruto deftly poured the water into two glasses, the gentle sound of the water splashing against the glass filling the tense silence. The glasses themselves seemed to glow with ethereal light as if the water inside held some kind of magical power.

As Gaara's anger simmered inside him, he found himself unexpectedly parched. His throat felt like sandpaper, a dryness that was almost unbearable. Without a second thought, he snatched the glass of water that was sitting in front of him and took a quick gulp. The cool liquid rushed down his throat, quenching his thirst and providing much-needed relief. As he set the glass back down, he couldn't help but feel a sense of clarity wash over him. The anger that had been consuming him just moments before was now starting to dissipate. With each passing second, he could feel his mind becoming clearer and his emotions become more stable. It was as if the water had not only quenched his thirst but also his anger, leaving him feeling refreshed and renewed.

Naruto placed down his now empty glass on the wooden table nearby. "After I defeated Shukaku, I put you in a Sealed Room. There I put a temporary second seal on you. I removed your old seal; Shukaku couldn't escape because of the second seal I put." Naruto explained as he clenched his hands together, forming a bridge for his chin to rest on.

"Sealed Room?" Gaara questioned, not understanding what that meant. What the blonde described made sense, he couldn't use his sand anymore, and he couldn't hear his mother talking to him.

"Yes. If something would go wrong, Shukaku would be stuck inside instead of destroying Konoha." Naruto explained he didn't need to tell him that the room could only keep the Bijuus that had five tails or less. The difference in power between five tails and six tails was larger than the difference in power between three and five.

Due to Naruto's studies, and experience, he learned that while The Bijuus from one to five tails were strong and had one unique ability, six to nine was where their strength would increase far more.

Saiken(Six Tails) alone was stronger than Kokuo(Five Tails), Son Goku(Four Tails), and Isobu(Three Tails) combined, and he had unique abilities that only he could use, same for Chomei, Gyuki, and Kurama.

But Naruto kept his mouth shut on that one as he decided to continue his explanation. "After I removed your first seal. I used a seal that I created myself. I sealed Shukaku in it and removed the temporary second seal. That's why Shukaku can't talk to you anymore and can't influence you. From now on, you can sleep as much as you want." Naruto explains with a gentle smile, but his eagle eyes watch Gaara closely.

Gaara felt as if a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders, not having headaches anymore, not hearing the voice in his head. He felt as if he weighed nothing. His head looked down at his lap, his hands gripping his knees, he swallowed hard, but there was one question he wanted to ask.

"Did you block the control that I had on sand?" Gaara asked sternly, looking up at Naruto, who shook his head.

"No. The seal I used allows you to still use Shukaku's abilities, even without his help. I only locked them away for now since you would most likely destroy the house the moment you woke up." Naruto explained before he made a hand seal. The moment he did, Gaara felt his strength returning, feeling as he usually did.

Just by thinking the sand moved around his fingertips, Gaara knew his power had returned. Looking back at Naruto, the redhead wasn't sure what to think, grateful, angry, furious.

Opening and closing his mouth, his teeth clenched, he wanted to shout at him, why was he doing this? The last time someone had acted as if he loved him hadn't ended well.

Yashamaru had never loved Gaara. He only wanted revenge for Gaara killing his sister by being born.

Gaara's emotions were boiling inside him, and with a sudden burst of anger, his face turned red. He couldn't fathom why Naruto was helping him, and his curiosity turned into suspicion. "Why are you helping me? What is in for you?" he demanded, his voice reverberating throughout the room. His frustration was so intense that he suddenly stood up from the chair, causing it to fall behind him, but he didn't care about it. Naruto, on the other hand, remained calm and collected, unruffled by Gaara's outburst. His demeanor was serene, and his eyes were fixed on Gaara's face, trying to understand the deep-seated emotions that were pulsating through him.

"Nothing. I helped simply because I wanted to; Fuu already told you we are friends, and whether you want to be friends or not is up to you." Naruto said casually as if the answer was obvious. Gaara gripped his hair tightly as if trying to keep himself together. The world around him began to spin, and before he knew it, his legs gave out beneath him, sending him crashing to his knees. He remembered the many times the silly girl had told him they were friends.

It was ridiculous. Gaara wasn't a friend to anyone. Even his own brother and sister were afraid of him. Why would anyone ever want to be his friend? He was a monster. The Demon of the Sand. That's all he was... Right?

"F-Friends," Gaara murmured the word. As a flash passed through his eyes like lightning, In that split second, memories of the one person he had once considered to be the closest to him came flooding back, overwhelming him with a sense of longing and regret. Blood coming out of his mouth. He remembered Yashamaru's last words before death had taken him.

After ten minutes of silence between them, Gaara finally looked up at Naruto. He said the only thing he could right now. One and only thing he could do. He hadn't said it for years now, but perhaps Naruto deserved it after everything.

"N-Naruto. Thank You." Gaara spoke, his voice lighter and more cheerful. Naruto smiled before hugging the redhead. Gaara tensed up for a moment. For a moment, he wanted to push him away but soon realized that Naruto didn't wish him any harm. Relaxing against him, Gaara accepted the hug with a small smile.

Maybe I can have a friend.


As Gaara gradually began to feel better, Naruto accompanied him outside the room, both of them making their way through a lengthy corridor that was entirely constructed out of polished wood. As they walked, the sound of their footfalls reverberated throughout the corridor, adding to the peaceful yet eerie atmosphere. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to come to life as the sunlight filtered through the windows, casting intricate patterns on the wooden floor. Looking around, only now Gaara noticed that the house was entirely made of wood, and looking outside, he could see they weren't in the center of Konoha anymore. He recognized the place. It was one of Konoha's many forests since he could see The Hokage Faces on the Mountain.

They reached a double wooden door that Naruto opened, dirt falling off as it opened. He and Gaara walked outside.

As Gaara stepped outside, he squinted a little from the sun's brightness. After a few moments, he fully opened his eyes and was greeted by a breathtaking sight that left him awestruck. Before him lay a vast forest, with tall trees that seemed to touch the sky and rich greenery that extended as far as the eye could see. The forest was alive with the sound of animals and the chirping of birds, which filled the air with a symphony of nature's music. Gaara's senses were heightened as he took in the beauty of his surroundings, and a smile crept across his face. In the distance, he saw a squirrel being chased by another squirrel, and further up, he noticed a bird offering food to her little ones in a birdhouse.

"Gaara-kun, It's good to see you." A voice he remembered very well reached him; Gaara cursed as she enveloped him in a tight hug, much to his annoyance.

"Let go of me, Silly girl." Gaara roared, but it seemed Fuu wasn't bothered by his nasty voice. Thankfully, Naruto motioned for Fuu to let go of him, and she reluctantly flew away; Gaara glared at her as she landed on her feet but wondered why she was using wings all the time. He understood she was a Jinchuuriki just like him and that Nanabi had six wings and a tail, but using any kind of ability from the bijuu should exhaust the holder eventually, yet, Fuu was using them as if they weren't tiring her down.

"What will you do now, Gaara?" The one he remembered as Pakura asked, standing near Naruto. Gaara could tell she was still wary of him and was keeping an eye on him; he wondered what exactly her deal was with Naruto.

Gaara furrowed his brow as he repeated the name "Pakura" in his head, the syllables feeling like a fleeting memory he couldn't quite grasp. Though the name sounded familiar, he couldn't remember exactly where or when he had heard it before. Perhaps it was during his training as a young ninja, or maybe it was during one of his missions.

Deciding to think about it later, he turned to face Naruto. "How long has it been since the fight?" Gaara asked. He had completely lost track of time. For all he knew, it could have been one day or even an entire month.

"One week. To complete the seal, it took an entire day of work. After it was done, you fell asleep, and I left you to sleep until you woke up." Naruto answered with a little shrug.

"One week! Temari and Kankuro are probably looking for me. I will need to go back." Gaara spoke as he walked. He felt the gentle breeze brush against his face, causing the strands of his hair to sway in the wind. The sound of rustling tree branches and fluttering leaves accompanied him on his journey, reminding him of the beauty and serenity of nature.

"Tomorrow, I would like to meet you again, Uzumaki Naruto. There's something I wish to tell you and take the silly girl with you." Gaara spoke before walking away. He couldn't stop a smile from forming on his face as he heard Fuu cheering behind him. Friends, huh? Perhaps I can get used to it, the redhead thought before walking away.

Back at Naruto, once Gaara left, Pakura turned to face the blonde, clearing her throat as she did.

"Naruto-Sama, are you sure it is smart to let him go? He might inform the others of what you did." Pakura questioned respectfully towards the blonde, who turned to face her.

"Tell me, Pakura. How high are the chances of someone suddenly deciding they don't want to breath air anymore?"

Pakura looked puzzled for a moment before her eyes widened slightly. "Never." She answered with a sly smile.



Reaching the hotel, the moment he walked inside, he saw the shocked face of his siblings. Both of their faces were white with concern. Kankuro's face was even more white than usual.

"GAARA!" and saw both Temari and Kankuro running towards him. Gaara was taken aback by their sudden outburst as Temari ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. Kankuro, aware of Gaara's anger, approached him more cautiously and patted his shoulder gently. As Gaara looked at his sister's face, he saw tears welling up in her eyes, and he felt her tears wetting his clothes.

As soon as Temari pulled away from him, her expression was filled with concern as she asked, "Where were you?" Gaara couldn't help but wonder why she even cared. After all, the relationship between the two siblings had been strained for years. They only ever spoke to him when they were on missions, and it was time to unleash his deadly powers upon their enemies.

Gaara's piercing, cold stare sent shivers down Temari's spine as she stood frozen in front of him, hoping to help her younger brother. "That's none of your business," Gaara's voice was low and menacing, with an underlying hint of anger. Kankuro, who was standing next to Gaara, clenched his teeth in frustration. He knew that his sister only had good intentions, but Gaara was always quick to shut down any attempts at help. His grip around Gaara's shoulder tightened.

"Listen to me," Kankuro said sternly, his voice echoing through the empty hallway. "You can't just go around and do whatever you want. You have duties to us, to Suna. To-"

"That's where you are wrong, Kankuro." Gaara interrupted with a glare aimed at his big brother. His piercing blue eyes bore into Kankuro's, and his voice was low and dangerous.

"I have always followed orders. But that doesn't mean I will blindly follow orders. And it certainly doesn't mean I will allow anyone to dictate my every move, especially not you."

Kankuro's face contorted with anger, and he stepped forward menacingly. "You forget who you're talking to, Gaara. I am your older brother, and as such, I am responsible for-"

"I know exactly who I am talking to, Kankuro," Gaara said, still holding his brother's gaze.

"But being older doesn't automatically make you right, nor does it give you the authority to tell me how to live my life. I am Gaara, and I will make my own decisions, and I Don't care what you think."

"I have no duties to any of you, especially to a place like my village. Now, get your hands off me, or you will regret it." Gaara threatened Kankuro and the latter, his teeth even more in anger, to the point that he was sure they would break from the pressure, but he did not attempt to move away his hand from his brother's shoulder. Gaara narrowed his eyes as sand started forming around his fingertips. Perhaps a more serious threat was needed-

With a loud thud, Baki barged into the room, his eyes piercing through the dimly lit space as he demanded in a growling voice, "What's the meaning of this?" The abruptness of his entry caused Gaara to spin around, his sand swirling around him in a protective manner, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Despite the defensive stance, Gaara knew that Baki was not here to be a true sensei but rather to keep him under control. Baki's presence was a constant reminder of the fear and isolation that Gaara had been forced to endure. His so-called sensei was more like a warden, always watching, always waiting for Gaara to slip up or show any signs of weakness.

As Baki approached Gaara, his footsteps echoed ominously against the floor. His face twisted into a snarl, his eyes narrowed to slits, and his hands balled into tight fists. Gaara couldn't help but roll his eyes at the over-the-top display of aggression. "Where were you for a week? Do you have any idea how much you're needed for the plan?" Baki demanded, almost shouting for everyone to hear while glaring down at Gaara, who scoffed.

"I don't need to tell you anything now. I need to rest." Gaara answered with his own glare before turning on his heels, and heading toward his room, ignoring his siblings and sensei.

"Before I leave." Gaara suddenly spoke, stopping in his tracks and looking at his sensei over his shoulder.

"Does the name Pakura ring any bells?" The sudden question caught Temari and Kankuro off guard as they exchanged confused glances, trying to recall if they had ever heard the name before. Meanwhile, Baki's normally composed demeanor was shattered, his face turning as white as freshly fallen snow, and cold sweat beginning to roll down his forehead. It was clear that the name held some sort of significant meaning to him, and the tension in the room was palpable as they all waited for an explanation from Gaara.

"S-she was a t-traitor of Suna. Why?" Baki answered, wondering why someone like Gaara was interested in her.

He could sense that his sensei was lying, and it was almost insulting to his intelligence that Baki thought he could fool him. Even a child would be able to tell that something wasn't right.

"Never mind then, Dead men tell no Tales." He said before entering his room. Now that he was inside, he actually couldn't wait to meet his friend Naruto again, even the silly girl.

If you want to read the following 11 Chapters, Check Out the LINK Above