
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · 奇幻
23 Chs

The Silken Archives

Pov ( Widow )

Time line ( 1-4 Season )

Ahh . . . it's always quite and dark here in the Archives, its always rare to see anyone come here. . .

I'm widow a simple bug representing the spider Tribe in the Weaver's den.

That's been given the job of Archavian. . . I miss those days when I hunted for my tribe, and feel the white warm blood of my prey dripping off my claws. . .

( sigh ). . . nothing I could do about it now. . . . but then, one day a young Pale bug went inside my restful lair. . .

he looked small and weak. . . a prey that I had almost pounced at. . . but my instincts warned me not too, so I didn't. . . even though it seems so easy at the time. . .

but at the end I was glad I trusted my instincts, because it seemed like that this young bug is another guess of the Weavers and apparently a under that old monsters protection. . .

Hunter. . . ( sigh ). . . I still remember how that Monster of a bug killed an entire horde of black Dirtcarvers. . . they where thousands of them, and yet he wiped them all out alone. . .

But after hes leave he kept coming back here. . . over and over at first I tried to scare him off but when planned to do it. . .

Hunter appeared, and told me that the little scitter. . . posses both the weavers Mark and an elders blessing. . . a privilege given to few. . . that meant that hes an official member of the Wavers tribe.

And it that meant I can't even antagonize him. . . unless I wanted to be branded an enemy of this close-nit Tribe. . .

So I played along with his niceties, as he came here every so often, and great me suggesting that he sees me as an equal, and he even give offerings of food which he called " snacks ". . . I knew from hes actions, that hes planning something. . .


Pov ( White )

Timeline ( 5th season )

White : " Ahh.. . . Finally my sanctuary, hm. . . I should say hello to sweet widow, she always did give me a helpful claw whenever I require or looked for certain books, shame I didn't brought her anything today~ "

I now stood infront of the open entrance, that I have entered countless times, during the seasons I spent in the Weavers silky care. . .

they really do love there craft. . . the thought came to mind while seeing the weaved signs, all around this silk covered halls. . .

While I finally entered the redundantly named Silken Archive, one of the many ancestral libraries the weaver had built to store there ever expanding recorded knowledge.

this one in particular houses the common knowledge of this world, mainly things they teach to young children. . .

that's why I always visited this place whenever I had time to spare, because within each binded silken page lays knowledge, that I would need on the journey I would tread alone. . .

So I went inside not even slightly annoyed by the fact, they called this place the Silken Archive, even though everything they own, where covered in the same soft lovely silk. . .

it's just so redundant calling it as is. . . or is it just my understanding? is that why I can't appreciate there titles, art and the places they held sacred. . .

is it my ability to understand everything in simple English. . . is it that only elders can read the signs that I could now see by exerting my Soul. . .

is it that everything is actually written in some ancient language that only Weavers can read. . . is that the reason why Cecilia never wanted to join me too study here?. . .

Or is it that they just like naming there things in simple word's. . .

I really don't know. . . I should try asking Uncle Hunter when I have time, but no I shouldn't be distracted.

I should atleast say hello to widow before I look for * Fang's Guide too Insect biology * I remember that I skimmed over, something about pheromone glands on that Tome. . . lets start there.

I walked around inside the silk covered three floored archive, that uses round velvet podiums as places to read you're Tomes, books or scrolls. . .

I walked while pushing through long wraps of hanging silk that reaches the stone floor, it usually act's as a decorative ladder. . .

After a few short minutes of walking I finally reached where Widow was resting. . . she's a sleep laying on one of the bed like reading podiums. . .

White : " Haaa( sigh ). . . she's probably tired . . Here. "

I quickly weaved together, a simple Blanket using Soul Silk, and then I used it to cover her up. . .

She doesn't really wear clothes, I can visibly see her. . . everything if she lays like this, her ass expose, and her body vulnerable. . .

White : " ( Sigh ). . . Good thing that the females are the perverts in the weaver tribe. . .

Is that why she's always like this? haa. . . atleast she's not much of a distraction all covered up like this. . .

I should start looking for that Tome now. . . "

Good thing I'm used too tucking in reckless women like her. . .

It took only half an hour before I found the Tome that I was looking for, it was dust free like most of the things in this tribe. . .

It's probably because a lot of bugs in the tribe sheds more like snakes, rather than mammals, the dead cells simple turns into paper like sheets, that are then used as kindling.

I took it with me, and then rested at one of the podiums. . . I sat there paging through the thick Tome, skimming over the unimportant text that I already read a few times. . .

Here we go. . . hm. . . so it tells here that bugs like me that has a stronger pheromone than other probably has the capacity to control it. . .

it says that traits like those are mainly found on Charmer bugs or Members of butterfly race. . . or Higher beings. . . hmm. . not the first time I read about them. . .

There suppose to be creatures that are worshiped by lesser creatures that have gained or developed higher thought. . .

They're basically the rulers of this world. . . I learned from Widow that Herald the last ruler of Deepnest isn't a higher being, but actually killed one. . . he killed the former creator and higher being of Deepnest. .

she described the former creator of deepnest as a large black centipede, that bled black blood that if left alone would create a smaller version of the higher being. . .

Even so she said that he did killed one I'm still vague at how. . . she said that he formed an army of weavers, spider tribes men, and Bee folk. . .

And ambushed the creator in his slumber. . . and that's it. . . even she, doesn't know how the real fight went. . .

Hmm. . . but this is bad, the book only said that I might be either of part of three different races. . . and bug group. . .

hmm. . . I don't have beautiful enchanting wings, so the butter fly clan is out. . . so I could be either a higher being or charmer bug. . .

Well I can't also be a charmer bug, they say that there born with a unquenchable thirst to mate. . . they even partake in incest, if the only available partner is there family. . .

And it also said that because of the constant mating they do, its rare to see a mature Charmer bug that didn't die because of exhaustion. . .

So that can't be me. . . because I atleast can control my D*ck and not a perverted deviant. . .

White : " ( Sigh ). . . well it seems like I'm a higher being. . . that can probably explain the odd way I use Soul, well I'll go search for( yell ) .. . . ahhhh "

I yelled. . . but it wasn't girly mind you, but it did have a high pitch volume. . . right now something very large and heavy is on top of me. . .

Widow : " He he he he my prey my prey my prey my prey. . .. "

She said over and over in a psychotic manner.

White : " Widow? what are you. . . ( sniff ) is. . . is that Mushroom wine?! have you been drinking again Widow!. . .

get off me! you'll crush me at this point. . . thank you now. . . ( pound ) urkkkk. . . "

She slowly lifted her large ass, making me breathed in relief. . . it actually made me thank her but then. . . she quickly smashed her ass on my chest, knocking me out. . .