
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · 奇幻
23 Chs

The Masked Man

In a World of ruin, and Gods. A being of celestial blood, arrives and he would change, the Destiny of this world.

??? : la la la. la la laaa....

In a Dark place. Underneath, the world Above.

A large being resides, one surrounded by masks, illuminated by living light.

in his work, to make more. of the few things, that can give focus, to all the creatures of this world.

* I am the Mask maker, only few know of our great calling, to give faces to does how's faceless. *

but in his work, interrupted by he knows of not.

Startled by the anomaly, he's black long arms paused, there tireless work.

Mask Maker : hmm...what could this mean? I wonder.

The mask maker left his table of tools and masks.

to go and confront the unconscious anomaly, that rudely interrupted his work, the creature infront of was mystery.

It has delicate reddish pale skin, uncovered by anything. And a head with a lock of long with hair, and a face uncovered, showing the delicate features of a young cute boy.

Mask Maker : what? is this. whatever it is. it's not doing well...

The mask maker, held the humanoid body of the boy, with one hand. and carried him in a bed carved out of the caverns walls.

he...the child was pale nearing death, when seen by others of its kin. he's breaths shallow, and he's body's nearing its limit bony and malnourished.

but. the Mask Maker, knew of the creatures dwindling vitality, so it did something only the few of this world can do.

Mask maker : I...don't know you creature. but as a mask maker, I'll give you the thing I give to all others, but know this don't let me, regret my choice.

The Mask maker, held out one of his hand, and took a mask from the many that litters his home.

without it's intricate wood like patterns, the mask would look simple, with it's smooth white surface only having two holes, that enables the wearer too see through it.

but In the hands of the Mask maker, the mask's intricately lined designs appeared glowing with a white brilliant light.

then he placed the mask, over the dying child's face, Channeling a white power in his body towards the child.

And for every second, the Mask maker did this action, the boys breath became normal and his body replenished, by the strange power the Mask maker used.

Mask maker : That...that should be enough.

the Mask maker, tossed a large gray blanket, at the unconscious anomaly, and went back to he's tireless work.


* weeks? days? or hours? passed you could never know in a world where the concept of time doesn't really matter.


( ??? )

??? : " Where am I? what is this thing on my face? "

I tried to take of the mask, but I was stopped.

Mask maker : I wouldn't take off that mask if I where you.

I heard a voice, it was ancient in tone, but understandable in word.

I looked around, I saw a cavern lighten up by white lanterns, and decorated by mask's, some big, some well design, and some uncomplete.

then I saw what I was laying in, a bed of stone cushioned by silken and cloth, carved into a wall then I saw the person how spoke.

he was terrifying, to say the least, he was large with long uneven arms, busily working on a rather large mask.

he's face hidden, covered by a long white mask, with black paint eyes.

At first I thought I was gonna die, eaten by this monster, but I was brave unflinching.

??? : haaaaa( yell ) p-please d-don't eat me!

* the boy said stuttering while trembling in fear crying.

But my stoic act was broken, when it spoke again.

Mask maker : ha ha ha. calm down child, if I wanted to eat you, I would have done it long ago.

with his old reassuring amused voice, I stopped my awful crying, but while he spoke, he moved towards a hearth, where meat was cooking.

I didn't noticed it but, it was there the smell was all around the spacious cavern.

he plated the chunk of meat, on a stone carved tablet, and used it as a plate, and then he moved towards me, I didn't even flinch.

??? : * the boy's cowering while using the gray blanket to cover himself.

Then my stomach grumbled which I thought was embarrassing, later on.

Mask maker : ( Grumble ) ha ha ha. I see you're hungry here, eat. you'll need you're strength.

then the Mask maker, left the tray of food infront of me, and went back on working on particularly large mask.


( Present )

then after a week? or what I think was a week. inside the Mask maker's den, I started to know the man, or creature? I'm still not sure.

I started too, gain back my memories, atleast some of it like that I was a....I'm still not sure.

MM told me it was normal to lose you're mind in the abyss, he never did tell me more of that place after he mentioned it.

And then I kept remembering.

I remembered the conversation I had with the old man that I kept calling God.

I asked MM about him, but he didn't answer he only told me that, the being I had a conversation with must have been my father.

And then I asked what a father was, he laughed and explained it to me.

after he told me that a father was a person how created you, and took care of you when you where young.

I asked if he's a father he laughed again and said something weird that I didn't understand.

MM : Oh wished that I was father, young one but...

he spoke in a tone filled with regret.

I kept asking him questions, and he answered, then he told me something that I didn't understand again.

MM : it's been awhile since I had descent company...

after that I ask him why?, then he started too explain it to me.

He said that most of the creature here was unlike him, and would kill anything on sight.

I nodded, and then another question. I asked what's a God?

he started again. he's voice ancient

MM : Gods...there are many...they have power beyond any other, they are the ones worshipped, by other creatures.

others call them Gods, but the ones with wisdom, called them higher beings.

this creatures they where born stronger, than any other creatures, and even in there ranks there where those how's stronger.

and I believe you're one them...A pale a being...but that's enough for now, rest you're still weak young one.


then after another week, I was strong enough to stand and walk, and my mind recovered I became a lot calmer and less child like.

but I still, don't have all my memory.

then one day, I asked that was it normal to hide you're face with a mask.

he laughed again.

MM : Of course not young one, but many creature are born faceless, and it is my job to give them one.

??? : Alright, so was I faceless? because you gave me a mask.

MM : That's...it's different you're an uncommon creature, and you where dying when I found you, that's why I gave you a mask and used it and my " soul " to give you a chance.

??? : soul? you said that once before, what is it?

MM : I...think, it's better to show you.

I stood Infront of him, while MM took another mask from his collection, and held it infront of me.

It looked normal, like many of the other mask that decorated the room.

And then without even moment, he's hand glowed white and then that light transferred into the mask, leaving intricate tree core designs on it before the light faded.

MM : That....That's Soul a power that only few creatures could use.

( thud )

then he fainted, I rushed neared him, and when I saw him he's alive but weak.

I took him in my shoulder and carried him to the bed, almost dragging, at times but when I reached and laid him he spoke.

MM : White...you're not safe in my home anymore, I have grown weak.

by that point I started to cry...

MM : ha ha ha don't worry young one, I would live but it'll take time...but you I'm afraid that, I can't protect you anymore.

the creatures here wouldn't there enter my home out of fear, but that wouldn't last forever, I'm safe they wouldn't attack me.

but you however they would hunt and kill. you're still, too weak....go Journey to the west there you'll find the weaver's they'll take care of you, just give this to them.

He handed me, a trinket it felt sturdy and appeared like the head of a multi eyed white shelled creature.

MM : take you're time you have atleast a little time, prepare and take that sack over there.

he pointed too sack near the burning hearth.

MM : It contains essentials, you'll need in you're travels.

then after those last word's, it became silent only crackling of fire can be heard...


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. leave some suggestive comments and rate the chapter please.

oh reminder not all the chapters would be short or long for those that would ask.